Should politicians take a back seat to our oligarch owners?

Gnostic Christian Bishop

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
Should politicians take a back seat to our oligarch owners?

Which party will provide the American and Canadian leadership and stop de-civilization of our countries with redistribution of wealth?

Who has the older and wiser philosophy and heart to reverse current de-humanizing trends?

If we are all to be owned by oligarchs, should we not make them debate publicly so that we can know their real philosophy instead of listening to their bought and paid for politicians?

Should we ask our owners to take center stage and move their political talking heads right off the stage?

I don't understand your premise, but I will say that politicians should stay out of the free market's business, and let capitalism do its thing, which is to create wealth. Redistribution of wealth never helped anyone, and the government doesn't create wealth. I work for a major global retailer, and I don't feel like I'm owned by it at all. This company has created jobs almost all over the planet, and improved the standard of living for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people. Do I wish I made more money? Of course I do! Am I somehow entitled to take a bigger portion of my company's wealth just because I want it? Hell no!
I don't understand your premise, but I will say that politicians should stay out of the free market's business, and let capitalism do its thing, which is to create wealth. Redistribution of wealth never helped anyone, and the government doesn't create wealth. I work for a major global retailer, and I don't feel like I'm owned by it at all. This company has created jobs almost all over the planet, and improved the standard of living for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people. Do I wish I made more money? Of course I do! Am I somehow entitled to take a bigger portion of my company's wealth just because I want it? Hell no!

Many brand names create jobs for sure. They also use child labor and poverty wages in some areas so that some like you can make out as well as you do.

If you can look at the graph in the O.P. and not think it obscene and immoral, then you should question your morality and what you think do unto others is all about.

Many brand names create jobs for sure. They also use child labor and poverty wages in some areas so that some like you can make out as well as you do.

If you can look at the graph in the O.P. and not think it obscene and immoral, then you should question your morality and what you think do unto others is all about.

Take a leap down from your moral high horse, and tell me how well you think I do. I actually struggle every day to make ends meet, but that doesn't mean anybody owes me more than I earn through my labor! When America first became a nation, we clawed our way up, a lot of times using child labor, because the Democrats hadn't invented welfare and redistribution of wealth yet. Was it nice? No it wasn't, but it was what it was. We are not responsible for what other countries force their workers to do. It's only in socialist/communist countries that workers are forced to do anything, never in free societies. If our government would stop persecuting business in America, business might stop outsourcing jobs to third world countries. Our industry might return home if they weren't penalized for puffing some smoke into the air, or killing a snail darter! And please do not "preach" to me about the Golden Rule. You have no idea how much I try to do for others, and not because liberals tell me I should! I don't need community organizers or other rabble rousers to tell me what the words of Jesus mean.
Your bit of smoke is choking the planet and exported jobs are required for a balance of payments between countries.

Look at the stats to see just how little most countries import as compared to the home produced.

As I said, if you do not think that graph obscene and immoral then you are not a moral man.

I'm not convinced that any post who's biggest gripe is the government helping people who are about to starve to death or freeze to death, tries to help anyone but themselves. I would even go as far as to say that post is full of shit.

Either you care or you don't. And that post obviously doesn't.

Even wild animals that are only slightly smarter than republicans help each other when they need it.

I'm sorry, not to be insensitive, but some of the posts here really do make me wonder how certain posts could possibly sleep at night... Knowing that there are human beings and their children living in a card board box who haven't eaten in 3 days, while one of them is just a few days from death because their jobs got outsourced to Mexico and they can't afford to go to a doctor.

I can only pray that one day the posts are enlightened and can go back and see what kind of posts they are.
Lose your political slant in this religious section.

It made you say stupid things.

What is full of shit is your reply that speaks to nothing anyone said.
