Tea Party People want their money back


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Tea Partiers are boiling mad at what they call preferential treatment being given Occupy Wall Street and its spinoffs by municipalities, police and the media.

Tea Party leaders say that if they had flaunted city laws and regulations or had engaged in violence and property destruction, they'd have been shown no coddling. What's more, OWS, they complain, is getting a free ride: In Richmond, Tea Partiers miffed at what they call the mayor's favoritism toward Occupy have billed the city $10,000.

That's the amount of money the Tea Party has had to pay for permits and city services related to its rallies. By contrast, they point out, Occupy Richmond has paid not a dime. Nor has the city tried to collect from Occupy. So, says the Tea Party, it wants its money back.

Tea Party spokesperson Colleen Owens, asked if her group has yet been repaid, says: "No, we haven't received any money back. We showed up Monday at a City Council meeting, hoping to have some face time with the mayor, to ask him why he had been so lenient with Occupy and had allowed them to break the law. But just as our turn came to talk, he got up and left."

Tammy Hawley, a spokesman for the mayor, confirms the Tea Party has asked for a refund but rejects their assertion that Occupy was given a free ride. Occupy, she argues, didn't need a permit, since "there are no permits to allow 24 hour encampment on public property." As for repaying the Tea Party's fees: The city has received the Tea Party's request, which, she says, "is still presently under consideration."


You see how the left treats their people with favoritism? Why dont Republican cities get even and statt firing Judges who dont do their jobs? Like Judges should be fining OWS people big bucks to pay the police and the mess they cause.Like NYC Mayor Bloomberg is a republican he should fire a judge who didnt fine OWS protesters big bucks and sentence them in a long jail time. You see Tea Party people follow he rules when the left breaks the rules and they get away with it. Just like Nixon was forced to resign when he was caught in a scandal,,But Clinton was protected by the left when he was caught in a scandal. Trent Lott was forced to step down as senate majority leader when he made a racial remark. But Harry Reid was protected by the left when he made a racial remark comment about Obamas skin color. Its a double standard when the Left breaks the rules and doesnt pay the penalty but when conservitive right group breaks the rules they pay the penalty go figure!
pretty amusing here in Richmond. mayor gets embarrassed into bulldozing the Occs with the b ill the TEA Party sent council. the mayor gets embarrassed bby the Occs who are now camping out in the yard of some neighbor of the mayor.

so naturally the mayor has the TEA Party audited over his botched handling of this nonsense.

would have been so much easier to just do the right thing...