Tha pastor"s donkey.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
A protestant parish was having financial problems.
The minister heard so much about making money in
horse races ,he decided to buy a horse.
He went to an encan and since he didn"t have
enough money for a horse ,he bought a donkey.

He managed to enter the donkey in the races
and ,big surprise, the donkey finished second.

The local newspaper the day after on first page
"The Pastor"ass was in front place"

The week after the pastor"s donkey came first .
The newspaper again"The Pastor"ass in front of

The bishop understood they were mocking the
Pastor and told the Pastor to get rid of the
donkey. He gave the donkey to Nancy ,the
pianist .

The newspaper again:"Nancy the pianist has the
fastest ass in town. "

The bishop had a heart attack and told the
pastor to get rid completly of the donkey.

The pianist lady sold the donkey for 10$ to
a farmer.

The newspaper again:"Nancy sells ass for 10$"

The poor pastor told Nancy to buy back the
donkey and let it free in the countryside.

Again the nespaper:"Nancy"s ass free and wild".

The poor bishop died.