The Bible; The Unabridged-Version

Have you read this tome, which was written in Classical Greek, or are you just telling us about what someone else has said?
I guess you'd have to read it, yourself, before you'd dispute it....wouldn't you?

Set and Match.​
And the King of England therby started 450 years of religious conflict and warfare in Ireland, which continues, somewhat abated, even today.

Why do people even bother to pretend it has not been tampered with, and modifed, to suit political aims, over the centuries?

You make a most eloquent point. Wouldn't it be great if everyone could follow comedian Lewis Black's advice for people heavy into their religion.

It goes like this: OK you're really in love with your religion... good for you, enjoy... now shut up about it.:D

Man made religion is fine as far as deep rooted fables go. BUT... that deep rooted part carries a lot of both weight and baggage.

I believe that many of the actual teachings are good life rules to follow (weight).

I also believe that extreme nature of religion where ones particular sect has to be the real and only is terrible... so terrible it divides people even to the point of death & war (baggage).
Why do people even bother to pretend it has not been tampered with, and modifed, to suit political aims, over the centuries?
I've often thought-about some drunken-monk....pissed-off about his choice of occupation....calling to another:

"HEY!! Check-out what I made THIS one say!!"

Additionally, Once upon a time there was a "Consensus" that the world was flat... thirty years ago there was a "Consensus" that the globe was cooling.... Consensus has always been a poor substitution for scientific fact.
....And, any consideration for those (that come after you) should be considered a "sin", right?

You should work on Wall Street.

Being a self-centered pr!ck, there, is quit-profitable....and, a great-place to hide, from the people gettin' screwed.​
I thought AlGore said back in the 70s or 80s that we would already have melted the ice caps and flooded Florida and world wide destruction.

Was that someone else I am remembering?
Probably FAUX Noise....or, Porky Limbaugh.....​
some tend to be very large though as well, but seems not to many christians care to look into them, they just pick what they want and ingore the other parts...

When people pick and choose and ignore they are not being very careful but that is no reflection in the text.

If you think there are large differences then feel free to post them.
That's actually not true. The differences are insignificant by human design, not holy.

In fact the Catholic Church picked and chose from gospels all of the same time periods and all of equally credibility and kept the ones that most mirrored their wanted interpretation and simply threw out the rest. This is very common knowledge in biblical research groups. In fact there was a whole History Channel or The Learning Channel series on it. It was very interesting.

And then to get his way the King of England further picked an chose, added and and threw out starting the Protestant sect.

If you think there is a gospel or a codex that has a significant difference then show us why that gospel should be included or how that codex is significantly different.

Some so called gospels (like the gospel of judas) were thrown out for legitimate reasons and the codexes of the gospels that were kept are largely in agreement in every detail and certainly in all the majors.
I'm sure you can explain that....that some fairy-tales are more-dangerous than others.​

How can the gospel of Judas be dangerous? If it wasn't for Judas Jesus would not have been able to fulfill His mission here. Judas was absolutely essential to God's plan. Judas may have been one of the best people who ever lived in that he sacrificed himself to make Jesus' mission a success and he got only hatred and villification for his efforts. If God had asked you to play the part of Judas would you have had the courage?​
How can the gospel of Judas be dangerous? If it wasn't for Judas Jesus would not have been able to fulfill His mission here. Judas was absolutely essential to God's plan. Judas may have been one of the best people who ever lived in that he sacrificed himself to make Jesus' mission a success and he got only hatred and villification for his efforts. If God had asked you to play the part of Judas would you have had the courage?

I hadn't thought of that, but it makes sense.

Let's take it one step further: Is the devil a necessary part of the mission of Christ?

Where would we be if there were no evil to conquer?
I hadn't thought of that, but it makes sense.

Let's take it one step further: Is the devil a necessary part of the mission of Christ?

Where would we be if there were no evil to conquer?

Conquering our own ignorance and fear are quite enough, we've simply no need for a Devil.

Let's not go from the sublime to the ridiculous. There is not a shred of proof of the existence of a cosmic evil being. Look around, do you see any evil that is supernatural? I don't see anything that humans aren't quite capable of doing all by themselves--there's no Stephen King evil visible, never has been.

I was postulating within the framework of the Christian religion to make a point, but was in no way advocating or endorsing the Christian fable. Dr. Who was bad-mouthing Judas when in truth Judas' testament would be a good thing to have in the Bible--certainly better than the crap about God endorsing slavery and genocide.