The Gaza Strip

Why yes of course... Israel, the one area of the middle east containing no oil, only exists because we wanted oil. Never mind the fact that it was the UN under our leadership that give away the oil rich areas to groups hostile to the US.... at least by your theory.~ Andy

I said, as you well know, that Israel has a dual purpose: one of religious fixation on idolitry (relics and places) and of being a launching point for US Oil agendas in the Middle East.

Remember? Soundbites are fun, but don't forget the rest of what I said.

Both Idolitry and coveting the oil wealth of another nation are forbidden in the Old Testament. Here lets revisit ancient jewish law; excuse me, I mean Law with a capital "L".

I'll inject a litte humor here too:

Concerning the Ten Commandments in courthouses and legislatures: You cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery," and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians...It creates a hostile work environment..
[where the laws of man and God collide, only one will walk away the ultimate victor]

The Ten Commandments Of God (Yahweh)

ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'

TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'

FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'

SIX: 'You shall not murder.'

SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'

EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'

NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'

TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'

I guess his land and dwellings would be included in that. We can go back thousands or even millions of years as to who has a right to live in Palestine or the Gaza Strip. But the bottom line is that Israelis are murdering [#6], coveting [#10] and fixating on earthly things like land, relics and monuments instead of the unfathomable God Itself [#2]. Holy walls and ancient buildings and cleared spots are themselves "carved" from the earth...don't forget..

This just in:
JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israeli warplanes continued to pound Hamas targets in Gaza on Friday as the world waited to see whether Israel would launch a ground attack.

Oopsies...there goes #4 too!

According to their own jewish law, they will pay heavily for ignoring the Word of Yahweh, because the Ten Commandments are the very highest and most grave of all jewish laws to transgress..handed by Yahweh

As to US atrocities in their oil 11 of the 10 are being broken. In purely religious terms, the demons of Hell itself are running our country. what influence could possibly make the honorable jews of Israel tempted to defy the Laws of Yahweh.. *gears up for church lady impression*.... Could it beeeeeeee.......SATAN!!?

It just goes to show what happens when the faithful slack off and start making excuses for their behavior. It's that little influence, the "yes, but.."s of the little voice of temptation that pops into our heads. Once the first "yes, but" takes hold, the rest just works its ways in through the cracks.. And that is the reason for The Ten keep the "yes buts" and innumerable other "reasonable justifications" from stealing the very soul of men.

[Mare, it is perfectly fine and normal for you and I to differ completely on the other thread and agree completely here. It is possible and completely healthy.]
I said, as you well know, that Israel has a dual purpose: one of religious fixation on idolitry (relics and places) and of being a launching point for US Oil agendas in the Middle East.

Right, a launching point. You joke right? How many attacks have we launched from Tel Aviv?

Both Idolitry and coveting the oil wealth of another nation are forbidden in the Old Testament. Here lets revisit ancient jewish law; excuse me, I mean Law with a capital "L".

Great. Since you've proven neither, you are wasting your time pointing them out.
I guess his land and dwellings would be included in that. We can go back thousands or even millions of years as to who has a right to live in Palestine or the Gaza Strip. But the bottom line is that Israelis are murdering [#6], coveting [#10] and fixating on earthly things like land, relics and monuments instead of the unfathomable God Itself [#2]. Holy walls and ancient buildings and cleared spots are themselves "carved" from the earth...don't forget..

You haven't made the case they are going after oil yet. Further, since there's none in the Gaza Strip, this is a little like saying the US went to Iraq for oil, when we didn't capture any, or conficated any wells.

As for the Relics or whatever, I'm amazed you find it your business how they worship their god.

According to their own jewish law, they will pay heavily for ignoring the Word of Yahweh.

True, and they have in more ways than you even know.
Right, a launching point. You joke right? How many attacks have we launched from Tel Aviv?
That depends on who you consider "we" to be...

We could mean you or me, or any number of American military personelle.

It could also mean US intelligence and covert-ops too...

Imagine what would impel faithful jews to covet land, occupy and murder on the Holy Sabbath? Or is it that the bombers and pilots aren't faithful jews after all, but their close allies from across the Pond?

We'll attack for you so you won't have to defy the 10 Commandments, meanwhile you tell the world it's you so that they won't think it's us. Only snag is "bearing false witness" is broken by that arrangement. No way out of it, Hellfire and damnation is awaiting the practioners of deception and the fallen of faith.

The big mistake in the Bushco plan was having attacks come on Friday. NO jew, even the quasi-orthodox, would EVER covet, attack or kill...ESPECIALLY on the Sabbath. I remember dating a jewish guy who was about as orthodox as Madonna, but still who adamantly refused to do anything but be with family on the Sabbath (Friday). I can only imagine how the devout of Israel feel about such atrocities as murder and occupation on the Sabbath..
That depends on who you consider "we" to be...

So now, to avoid being proven wrong, we're going to pull a Clinton, and start splitting hairs on how we define "we"?

We could mean you or me, or any number of American military personelle.

It could also mean US intelligence and covert-ops too...

Imagine what would impel faithful jews to covet land, occupy and murder on the Holy Sabbath? Or is it that the bombers and pilots aren't faithful jews after all, but their close allies from across the Pond?

First, you still haven't made any case at all, that the Jews 'covet' these other lands. Second, the Jews have yet to ever attempt to take land that wasn't part of their original homeland. Third, all of the land that was part of their original homeland, still doesn't have any oil.

Finely, you still haven't shown a single shred of evidence that we use Israel as a staging ground for anything, let alone, some conspiracy scheme to take oil from surrounding muslim countries.

We'll attack for you so you won't have to defy the 10 Commandments, meanwhile you tell the world it's you so that they won't think it's us. Only snag is "bearing false witness" is broken by that arrangement. No way out of it, Hellfire and damnation is awaiting the practioners of deception and the fallen of faith.

Hearsay based on unsubstantiated claims. Completely unsupportable.

The big mistake in the Bushco plan was having attacks come on Friday. NO jew, even the quasi-orthodox, would EVER covet, attack or kill...ESPECIALLY on the Sabbath. I remember dating a jewish guy who was about as orthodox as Madonna, but still who adamantly refused to do anything but be with family on the Sabbath (Friday). I can only imagine how the devout of Israel feel about such atrocities as murder and occupation on the Sabbath..

The Jews do what is required to protect their people.

Tell me, do you have ANYTHING, in the way of actual evidence to support any of what you said? If not, then please, why do you believe this? I mean, what is it that has possessed you to believe this?

I know now, after following your posts for this long, that you are not crazy. I also know that in other arguments, whether I agree with you or not, you have followed a rational basis.

Nevertheless, on some topics, like the current, there is nothing to support this nutty theory.

Israel has never attacked anyone unless threatened by them. Further, they have routinely attacked only the areas that they have been attacked from. In both cases, the areas in question HAVE NO OIL. Gaza Strip is completely devoid of oil.

Finely, the idea the US is using Israel for anything militarily, is just an unbelievable twist of reality. We have done the exact opposite. The US has gone out of it's way to make absolutely sure we use Israel for nothing specifically because doing so would unite the Muslim countries against us.

So what exactly is your deal?
did you see him at the president lunch

my God he is as short as he is stupid and all the other presidents kept away from him, he is not even respected by other presidents

and apparently he was no better a carpenter than he was a president, his houses are falling apart

I saw that! he was definitely a misfit in that crowd.... :D
did you see him at the president lunch

my God he is as short as he is stupid and all the other presidents kept away from him, he is not even respected by other presidents

and apparently he was no better a carpenter than he was a president, his houses are falling apart

He's off by himself, and he's the first to be cut out of the footage, and you see him only once briefly in the rest of the clip. Talk about a fish out of water.

Good ol president Carter. Nice to have a legacy of cockroaches and mysterious skin rashes after 4 years of gas rationing, loss of an ally in Iran, hostages held by soviet backed militants, and a bunch free military hardware donations to a new hostile government.

What redeeming value does Carter have exactly?
Goodness, from the Gaza Strip being politically motivated by Bushco, to bashing long vacated (democratic) administrations like Carter's...

Dodgy subject eh boys?

When the light of exposure shines on the Grifting Oil Pirates, it's time to bash some democrats!!

Again, how is it that orthodox jews are using the excuse of preserving their right to occupy sacred lands they worship more than the Ten Commandments the highest of jewish Law (Commandment #2, broken), to launch murderous attacks on the Sabbath because they covet their neighbor's land? (Commandments #6, #4, #10 broken)...all under the guise of "defending themselves against Hamas" (Commandment #9 broken)???

How is it that any thinking person could believe that orthodox jews would be up to these unforgivable crimes against Yahweh's most highest of laws when they freak out at the sign of pork... an infinitly lesser venial crime in the eyes of God?

The answer is simple: these activities are on the heels of Bushco's CIA gang finding out that a non-GOP sympathizer like Panetta is going to run the "Behind-The-Scenes" show after they leave office. Suddenly, there needs to be agitation in the Gaza Strip...right in Iran's neighborhood, geographically speaking..remember? The place where Bushco begged, lied and cheated for public support to invade?

These actions STINK of Bushco CIA origins. I'd bet the pizza parlor that the men flying those bombers are not even Israeli citizens..and if they are, they're going to Hell for a nefarious cause.

Stand your ground Iran. Don't do a friggin' thing. Not one. Let the Grifting Oil Pirates embarass themselves and their buddies in Israel. My opinion of Israel has shrunken since the start of this so obvious ruse. I used to at least respect them for their devout faith and seeming commitment to worshipping God above all else.

Now, not so sure about that as long as we hear they're bombing on the Sabbath..
OK, today's the Sabbath...right now as I type this actually.. Just banning men under 50 from entering your temples isn't going to save your souls "orthodox" jews!

Time to pay attention to Yahweh's 10 GREATEST AND MOST POTENT laws from heaven. No killing, no false witness, no coveting, no breaking the Sabbath, no worshipping idols, relics and holy buildings carved from the earth instead of the unfathomable... and ad-libbing (men under 50...who are you kidding?) to make things nice-nice with God.

Forbidding young men from entering the temples is like a slap in the face to an already angry God. Live by your priciples and teach them to the young...don't use the young's souls to damnation to forward nefarious political schemes...!

Shame on you! :mad:
My opening thoughts from page 1:

You know what this is don't you? Bushco knows they're ilk is going to get spanked and the oil monopoly (Iraq) diffused via they're behind the Israeli assault in order to piss off Iran (yes, Iran) and get Iran to make an offensive move...thereby giving "justification and impetus" for us to "retaliate" against's more oil imperialism I'm afraid...

From a "whisper" we all heard over and over last Summer..(Also from page 1)
US 'escalates covert Iran missions'
Monday, June 30, 2008 :

US congressional leaders have agreed to a presidential request for up to $400 million in funding for covert operations against Iran, according to a report in the New Yorker magazine.

Previous cross-border operations have included the capture of Iranian security officers and the backing of anti-Tehran armed groups, said the report by Seymour Hersh, the investigative reporter.

The operations have been taking place since last year, the article said.

Bush's request, made through a Presidential Finding document, was approved by US congressional leaders, including Democrats, late last year, the report said.

Cross-border US operations against Iran include seizing members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and taking them across the border to Iraq for interrogation, the report said.

But the scale and the scope of the operations in Iran, which include the CIA, have now been significantly expanded, the New Yorker said, citing current and former officials.

This just in...:cool:

Iran is exerting heavy pressure on Hamas not to accept the Egyptian proposal for a cease-fire with Israel, an Egyptian government official said on Sunday...

..The official told The Jerusalem Post by phone that two senior Iranian officials who visited Damascus recently warned Hamas leaders against accepting the proposal...

...The Egyptian official said that the two Iranian emissaries, Ali Larijani, Speaker of the Iranian Parliament, and Said Jalili of the Iranian Intelligence Service, met in the Syrian capital with Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal and Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ramadan Shallah...

..As soon as the Iranians heard about the Egyptian cease-fire initiative, they dispatched the two officials to Damascus on an urgent mission to warn the Palestinians against accepting it," the Egyptian government official told the Post.

"The Iranians threatened to stop weapons supplies and funding to the Palestinian factions if they agreed to a cease-fire with Israel. The Iranians want to fight Israel and the US indirectly. They are doing this through Hamas in Palestine and Hizbullah in Lebanon".

The official pointed out that the Iranians were applying "double standards" regarding the current conflict - on the one hand, they encouraged Iranian men to volunteer to fight alongside Hamas; on the other hand, Iran's spiritual leader, Ali Khamenei, told the volunteers that they would not be permitted to join the fight against Israel.
Source: The Jerusalem Post

I want the name, rank and serial number of "the official". I can call up the Jerusalem Post too and pose as someone important...disseminating any sort of information I wanted to if I was knowledgeable enough to bluff. I want his name. The US reading public wants his name.

When it comes to an article with this much potential to falsely accuse and rebel-rouse an invasion of as-yet peaceful Iran, we need sources to be named and their qualifications listed. There is nothing on the line with an anonymous source to lose. A named source would think twice about his reputation. Maybe they just cannot find any more legitimate people to lie for them?

The Jerusalem Post is irresponsible and foolish for printing an article like this from an unnamed source.

Criminal Invasion Agitators..
To be utterly fair to the Jerusalem Press, there's this little blip of an article...about something of paramount, peaceful and hopeful importance..

Iran's Foreign Ministry says it is watching to see if remarks about engagement by US president-elect Barack Obama will lead to a change in US policy toward Teheran

Ministry spokesman Hasan Qashqavi has said in his weekly news briefing that they will be watching to see if Obama's remarks "lead to essential change" in US behavior towards Iran.

If there is real change, Iran will take the appropriate matching actions, he added in Monday's briefing.

Earlier this week Obama told ABC news channel that he wanted to improve relations with Iran, describing a "new approach" involving engagement.

The two countries haven't had diplomatic relations since 1979 when Iranian students took over US embassy for 444 days.

Wow, no diplomatic or peaceful relations since 1979! And now Iran is considering negotiating a truce with the Obama Administration??

That is HUGE news. Such a small little story... I wonder which one got the front page? This little blip with a named source, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hasan Qashqavi, [nice credentials BTW in speaking for Iran's actual intentions] advocating peace between the US and Iran or the very large and prominent one with links everywhere to it with an unnamed source, that advocates hostilities between the US and Iran.

Now who but who would make the call on which article to paste front and center and link the hell out of and which to eek out in a little blip, tucked away from everyone? Who could possibly stand to profit from promoting war between the US and Iran instead of emphasizing peace.

Glad to see media outlets ignoring the Gaza ruse today.

What a refreshing thing. Apparently I'm not the only one who has seen the writing on the wall.

Fool me once shame on you...fool me twice shame on me..
The Theater darkens... the audience, not moved by the current Gaza performers and seeing their acting so poorly, the stage manager Cyril Ignacius Abercrombie cues an act sure to stir!

Al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden urged Muslims to launch a jihad against Israel and condemned Arab governments as allies of the Jewish state in a new message aimed at harnessing anger in the Mideast over the Gaza offensive.

Bin Laden spoke in an audiotape posted Wednesday on Islamic militant Web sites where al-Qaida usually issues its messages. It was his first tape since May and came nearly three weeks after Israel started its campaign against Gaza’s militant Hamas rulers.

The al-Qaida leader also vowed that the terror network would open “new fronts” against the United States and its allies beyond Iraq and Afghanistan. He said President-elect Barack Obama has received a “heavy inheritance” from George W. Bush — two wars and “the collapse of the economy,” which he said will render the United States unable to sustain a long fight against the mujahedeen, or holy warriors.

“There is only one strong way to bring the return of Al-Aqsa and Palestine, and that is jihad in the path of God,” bin Laden said in the 22-minute audiotape, referring to the revered Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. “The duty is to urge people to jihad and to enlist the youth into jihad brigades.”

“Islamic nation, you are capable of defeating the Zionist entity with your popular capabilities and your great hidden strength — without the support of (Arab) leaders and despite the fact that most of (the leaders) stand in the barracks of the Crusader-Zionist alliance,” bin Laden said.

Just in time!

Now, if the audience doesn't look at the tiny fine print in the program that tells how intimately linked the Bin Laden family is with the Bush's and how many consider Bin Laden to be the willing fall-guy for a much more nefarius plot...all should go well!

I'm predicting an attack will blunderingly be allowed under Obama's watch of course! on an american military outpost or domestic soil THAT ought to get the audience moving around in their chairs...and urging an invasion of whatever-oil-rich-country-we-want-to-move-on-next.

We can't afford it. Knock it off. Real terrorists (as opposed to covert Bushco employees) wanting us out of their region would not come out publicly at the switch of an administration that has indicated wanting troop-withdrawal, more diplomacy and peace talks as its modis operandi and stir up more crap just for the hell of it. As if Obama needed warning about terror of any form. How dumb do they take us for? Only someone who wanted conflict for reasons other than americans being gone (as is Osama's tired overt mantra) would stir things up to go south, right on the dawn of getting what he was supposedly after? Like duh..

This act is the most blatant of all. And I'm getting pissed off about it. Look, there's a new administration and your goon-play over at the CIA is getting a little old. If I was the Obama Administration I'd get a roster of CIA employees and administrators that I even had a hint of suspecting as Bushco-linked and I'd give them their pink slips so fast it would make their heads spin.

Clean house Obama and Congress. Know who the real enemy is: BigOil

Converting quickly to alternatives will be the slow and final death of that enemy who has fought so long to keep us embedded in the Middle East...and don't they know it... Pull the plug. Walk away and leave them to fight over sand dunes and sell their filthy sludge to China.
JERUSALEM — As the Gaza death toll passed an estimated 1,000 people and concerns about the humanitarian situation inside Gaza grew, Egypt announced on Wednesday that it was making progress toward an interim cease-fire, with some officials predicting that one could be five to six days away...

..on Wednesday, nine Israeli human rights groups called for an investigation into whether Israeli officials had committed war crimes in Gaza. The groups say that tens of thousands of civilians in Gaza have nowhere to flee, the Gaza health system has collapsed, many people are without electricity and running water, and some are beyond the reach of rescue teams.

“This kind of fighting constitutes a blatant violation of the laws of warfare and raises the suspicion, which we ask be investigated, of the commission of war crimes,” the groups said in a news conference on the 19th day of the war...

..Israel’s defense minister, Ehud Barak, and his generals favor a temporary cease-fire of several days to a week, partly so that when President-elect Barack Obama is inaugurated next week it would be during a lull rather than in the middle of a battle, and his administration could offer its views on the next step, Israeli officials said...

..The Israeli human rights groups that called for an investigation said that while they believed that it was legitimate for Israel to bomb military installations, it was a violation of international law to hit civilian sites and government buildings that contained no weapons.

The groups included the Israel section of Amnesty International, B’Tselem, Gisha and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel. Israeli Jews are firmly behind the government’s conduct of the war, with the human rights groups representing a small minority...
..Last week, the Red Cross issued an unusually harsh condemnation of Israel for refusing to allow its personnel into Gaza to rescue people trapped in battle. On Wednesday, Mr. Kellenberger said that although the situation remained critical, rescue missions had not been entirely shut down. The organization rescued 100 people trapped in Jabaliya, north of Gaza City, on Tuesday.
Half of the 1,000+ dead are women and children.

Two points of interest:

1. Why are american politics affecting a lull in an otherwise recently declared "pounding war without relent."?

2. The fact that most jews in Israel supposedly support the bloodshed is just a fancy way of saying "most jews in Israel are unclean".

And, if you add item 1 plus item 2 (I like to do these things..;) ), you get a disturbing view of who is really running Israel's politics.

Criminal Invastion Agitators.. who work for BigOil.


Girl pulled from Gaza rubble
Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential future government figures in Baghdad.
The plan envisages the reconstruction of an old pipeline, inactive since the end of the British mandate in Palestine in 1948, when the flow from Iraq's northern oilfields to Palestine was re-directed to Syria.

Now, its resurrection would transform economic power in the region, bringing revenue to the new US-dominated Iraq, cutting out Syria and solving Israel's energy crisis at a stroke.

It would also create an end less and easily accessible source of cheap Iraqi oil for the US guaranteed by reliable allies other than Saudi Arabia - a keystone of US foreign policy for decades and especially since 11 September 2001...

.. US intelligence sources confirmed to The Observer that the project has been discussed. One former senior CIA official said: 'It has long been a dream of a powerful section of the people now driving this administration [of President George W. Bush] and the war in Iraq to safeguard Israel's energy supply as well as that of the United States. Source:
Here's to the dreams of the powerful section of people driving the Bush Administration! It's also been their decades-long dream, safeguarded by Bush Sr of the CIA to actively suppress R&D for alternative technologies and keep us dependant on the resource that their elite group has a monopoly over. The control of Gaza may be about the control of the Haifa pipeline.. Literally, beautiful little girls like this one are dying for the Haifa pipeline and politics surrounding it. This could be your little girl if you just happened to live in an area BigOil wants to control.
Good ol president Carter...

What redeeming value does Carter have exactly?
Yes, Good Ol' President Carter... don't suppose you know the story of Chalk River back in '52, huh?

An old friend once remarked that he thought that Carter probably tried harder to be a good president than any had in the last century--it just didn't work out like people thought it should. If, however, Peak Oil turns out to be correct, then his path very well should have been the one we took.
Peak Oil politics. Should we just change the name of our country to the United States of Peak Oil?

No, a ruse is always much more effective..