The Greatest Heist of the Century


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
Part 1

The Trump regime is forcing TikTok to find an American buyer or else it will be banned from the US on national security grounds. China has risen so fast and far ahead of the US in certain technologies such as 5G and face recognition that it is regarded as an existential threat by the US regime. It would be difficult for the US to catch up with Chinese tech innovations. The fastest and easiest way to achieve its goal is through "daylight robbery" by forcing TikTok and later all other Chinese companies such as WeChat and Tencent America to sell on the cheap to their US rivals.

As stated by Latino Republican Senator Marco Rubio in his notorious quote: "What you don’t steal from us, you buy away from us." Put in another way: "What we don’t steal from you, we buy away from you." The Trump regime and American firms are eyeing all Chinese companies in the US like hungry wolves. The forced sale of Chinese companies in the US will be "the Greatest Heist of the Century".

Is there any way to prevent TikTok from snatching out of its parent's hand? Just think of a situation in which a fisherman was dying of thirst while sailing a ship to a harbour. Another fisherman passed by and offered him a cup of water in exchange for a gold watch. The former had no choice but to accept the offer just to survive for a moment. Surrounded by a large expanse of water, yet the poor fisherman could find no water to keep him alive. What an irony! How pathetic! If he had the equipment and enough cylinder gas to boil, evaporate and condense a jug of saline water into distilled water, he would survive all the way to the harbour.

The population of America is 331 million, but China has 1.4 billion people -- almost one quarter of mankind. Can't one quarter of humanity support a small company like TikTok and its parent company ByteDance? What's this big deal of being banned from the US which has a population about one quarter of China's?

As an example, let us look at the tall buildings in cities and towns built by Chinese real estate developers all over China. If such thing was done by Chinese developers in the US, the Chinese companies would have been crushed to pieces long ago by the US regime led by a real estate tycoon. The achievements of Chinese real estate developers, free from external threats, show that the Chinese market is huge enough to accommodate all Chinese companies without the need for them to venture outside.

China has to think outside the box to give full support to all its companies to enable them to survive and even flourish in the world. TikTok definitely can survive and even flourish in China without the need of foreign markets if the Chinese authorities fully support it by providing incentives and relaxing domestic rules to encourage growth and innovation.

An alternative for TikTok is to move its branch headquarters and its parent company's headquarters out of America and China respectively to a third country such as the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Belgium or Singapore, etc. In order to allay any concern about national security, it can relax its rules of clients’ registration for its app to those similar to political forums without requiring such details as real name, nationality, address, phone number, face recognition, etc. (maybe only the email).

China is so fixated on the US market that without it, it seems to be the end of the world. It is akin to a suitor grasping the leg of a skirt, moaning, groaning, protesting, preaching and almost begging, while the girl keeps kicking at him with the other leg, even spitting on his face.

It is high time for China to wake up from its 'romantic fantasy" of the US market. To give up or sell away such a successful high-tech company as TikTok for whatever price (not to mention only a pittance left after a big cut by the US bloodsucker to fill the coffers of the US Treasury) will spell the death of the Chinese high-tech industry. If China does not go to the rescue of TikTok and other Chinese companies in the US, who can save them from the clutches of the US bloodsucker? If a mother allows her children to be snatched away out of her hand, who can save them in the end?
And what about all the tech China stole from the West? What about the regulations in China that forces European and US companies to accept Chinese management and tech to transfer tech? Or the exploiting of academic openness to steal technology?

So far these are allegations from rogue politicians without evidence. I suggest you get all proofs from all those rogue politicians who just open their mouths wide with all sorts of allegations.

Those allegations have its roots in Navarro's nonsense books. Trump and other rogue politicians just swallow up the craps and repeat Navarro's allegations.

If they have proofs, why don't they sue the Chinese companies in the International Court? Allegations about Chinese technology theft seem to be the trend among the rogue politicians in the US today.

If they have no proofs, they should have the moral obligation to stop all allegations and learn from Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola how to protect technology.
No. This is common sense for all Europeans, they know the "tech transfer" first hand from their large car industries.

This so-called "tech transfer" is just to teach local technicians how to repair a car or do simple tasks. In particular, we don't expect every worker in a factory to make a whole car all by himself. Such a method is economically unfeasible. Each worker is given a simple task that he has to keep repeating for his whole life in the factory such as inserting a screw, etc.

Similarly, when Japan, South Korea and China or any other countries set up factories in the Third World, they are also demanded the so-called "tech transfer" by the host countries. Such "tech transfer" is actually teaching local technicians repairing or doing the same type of simple tasks.

We don't expect Japan, South Korea or China to send their own citizens to do all the jobs in other countries. When a host country invites investment, the aim is to get employment for its own citizens.