The search for the new Sarah Palin

I agree! She was a disaster. . .why replace her?

In the other hand, it seems that her "Joe the Plumber" was replaced! Did you see the new "Smart guy" that was showing off during Trump's campaign stop in Florida this last Saturday?

"Huber and President Trump then shook hands, and President Trump proclaimed that 'a star is born."

This guy was even proud to claim that he has a 6 ft cardboard replicate of Trump in his home, and each day he prays to that replicate that it keeps safe! WOW!

Trump supporter: I salute a cardboard Trump -
▶ 4:42
That's not fair..I thought it was cool giving that man the spotlight, that will last him a lifetime.. Would you like me to post Videos of the Dems leader of the house and a couple of her speech's lately?lol
That's not fair..I thought it was cool giving that man the spotlight, that will last him a lifetime.. Would you like me to post Videos of the Dems leader of the house and a couple of her speech's lately?lol

You are absolutely free to do whatever you choose!

I thought Joe the Plumber was a silly opportunist, and I think this new guy, Huber, is also silly, especially with his 6 ft effigy of Trump which he salutes every morning! And I believe Trump's remark was also silly: "A star is born!"

But, hey. . .that's a personal opinion. . .it doesn't mean I expect you to agree with it, I just express it!
Scotty likes to po k e fun at Americans and conservatives in particular.
not quite true.... Conservatives with a small "c" thats okay. Its' just the gun tottin' batshit crazy mil spec fixed stare indoctrinated NRA come to jesus bible trumping types that get me. Dana bless her cotton socks is as mad as a box of frogs...
not quite true.... Conservatives with a small "c" thats okay. Its' just the gun tottin' batshit crazy mil spec fixed stare indoctrinated NRA come to jesus bible trumping types that get me. Dana bless her cotton socks is as mad as a box of frogs...
It might be hard to understand how important gun rights are if it's never been a part of your history. But really it's all the amendments that need fighting for. Just without that one it would be hard to defend the others
not quite true.... Conservatives with a small "c" thats okay. Its' just the gun tottin' batshit crazy mil spec fixed stare indoctrinated NRA come to jesus bible trumping types that get me. Dana bless her cotton socks is as mad as a box of frogs...
Box of frogs... had not heard that turn of phrase before. Thx for sharing, might have to poach it.
There are more than a few lefties who would see all conservatives in the light described.
You are absolutely free to do whatever you choose!

I thought Joe the Plumber was a silly opportunist, and I think this new guy, Huber, is also silly, especially with his 6 ft effigy of Trump which he salutes every morning! And I believe Trump's remark was also silly: "A star is born!"

But, hey. . .that's a personal opinion. . .it doesn't mean I expect you to agree with it, I just express it!
Just sayin, I thought the guy did ok. You talk a great story of caring for others, so I don't understand you calling this man silly. You know whats silly, dressing up as vaginas.. You have to admit, THAT WAS PRETTY SILLY.
not quite true.... Conservatives with a small "c" thats okay. Its' just the gun tottin' batshit crazy mil spec fixed stare indoctrinated NRA come to jesus bible trumping types that get me. Dana bless her cotton socks is as mad as a box of frogs...
So tell me, what did you think of the woman dressed like vaginas? Finish the sentence .. they were mad as. ???TIA
Just sayin, I thought the guy did ok. You talk a great story of caring for others, so I don't understand you calling this man silly. You know whats silly, dressing up as vaginas.. You have to admit, THAT WAS PRETTY SILLY.

I agree. . . dressing up as vaginas is very silly! So is a woman wearing a t-shirt pointing to her own vagina and stating Trump can grab me here anytime! And so is wearing tea bags on one's ears while dressed like Boston party protesters!

What is your point?