The US fiasco in Iraq

Texas.You may not care what Sunies want. But they live in the Middle East and are the majority of Muslims. They will have more influence on these countries than Americans.
The USA lost the war in Iraq their purports will be replace I hope by moderate Sunnies. But your attitude does help the extremists
Texas.You may not care what Sunies want. But they live in the Middle East and are the majority of Muslims. They will have more influence on these countries than Americans.
The USA lost the war in Iraq their purports will be replace I hope by moderate Sunnies. But your attitude does help the extremists

G-e-o-p-o-l-i-t-i-c-a-l politics ... look it up.
Texas.You may not care what Sunies want. But they live in the Middle East and are the majority of Muslims. They will have more influence on these countries than Americans.
The USA lost the war in Iraq their purports will be replace I hope by moderate Sunnies. But your attitude does help the extremists
Iraq is almost 100% muslim. It is like every other majority muslim country on this planet, an extremist country!

Moderate muslims in majority muslim countries only exist in the mushy minds of the sheeple!

And, my attitude nor yours can influence these extremists' murderous agenda in anyway.

I am sure, to your disappointment, passivism simply does not work when dealing with your enemies.

The more Islam 'increases in membership' the more we will see wars between the religious factions of Islam. The Sunni and Shiite have been at each other's throats for decades. Iraq will disintegrate into Islamic spheres of influence dependent on the 'form of Islam' prevalent in a region and a brutal civil war will begin between those factions. After thinking about this, it seems to me that even if we had stayed, all we would of done is delay the inevitable civil war. The same will happen in Afghanistan when we leave.
838. Iraq crisis (6/14/2014)

All of a sudden, Iraq is in crisis. The second biggest city is fallen. Baghdad is threatened.
Iraqi soldiers, police drop weapons, flee posts in portions of Mosul
CNN, Fri June 13, 2014

"I only ... saw armed people, but not Iraqi military," said resident Firas al-Maslawi of his drive through Mosul on Tuesday. "There was no presence of any government forces on the streets, the majority of their posts destroyed and manned by (Islamist militants)."

The numerous reports of police and soldiers running from their posts in Mosul raised the prospect that the Iraqi government did not either have the will or resources to win this and other fights.

Iraqi security forces, trained by Pentagon for years and well equipped with helicopters, tanks and armoured cars, vastly outnumber the jihadists, suddenly melted down in the face of ISIL rebels.

Consider Al Qaeda jihadists are created and supported by the US to deal with its dislikes (such like Libya’s Gaddafi and Syria’s Assad) and the current Iraq government is a puppet set up by US in Iraq war, both sides are US’ assets. I think it’s a drama conducted by the US. You can see the leadership of Iraqi troops gave up the city without any fight.

ISIS butchers leave 'roads lined with decapitated police and soldiers'
BySam Greenhilland Jill Reillyand Kieran Corcoran 12 June 2014

According to bitter Iraqi foot soldiers, their commanders slipped away in the night rather than mount a defence of the city.

One said: ‘Our leaders betrayed us. The commanders left the military behind. When we woke up, all the leaders had left.’

US inside group used to create a case, with which to ask for more power and money. E.g. the 911 attack has been created to get Patriot Act and two wars in Mid-East. What is it now for this Iraq crisis?

839. Iraqi crisis created to save dollar (6/18/2014)

In early June, Russia switches the oil payment from dollars to Euros.

Gazprom Signs Agreements to Switch from Dollars to Euros
Global Research, June 07, 2014

Gazprom Neft had signed additional agreements with consumers on a possible switch from dollars to euros for payments under contracts, the oil company’s head Alexander Dyukov told a press conference.

“Additional agreements of Gazprom Neft on the possibility to switch contracts from dollars to euros are signed. With Belarus, payments in rubles are agreed on,” he said.
Dyukov said nine of ten consumers had agreed to switch to euros.

This is very important news. If people starting to abandon the dollar, US will be hurt seriously in economy. Yet the news was little reported by the mainstream media. Several days later, the ISIL rebel in Iraq activates an offensive. The puppet Iraqi government retreats without any resistance. As a result, the oil price goes up.

Oil prices spike as Iraq violence flares

By Mark Thompson @MarkThompsonCNN June 12, 2014

Oil prices spiked Thursday to levels not seen in nine months as escalating violence in Iraq sparked worries about crude exports.

Light crude oil futures touched $106 a barrel, up nearly 2% and the highest price since September 2013.

Since the money used in most oil trading is dollar, the higher oil price will force the buyer to keep more dollar in bank as purchasing power. It’s a big amount if future option is included. Manipulating oil price becomes a strategy to save the dollar. Iraq is a big country of oil production and exportation. Its political stability has huge influence to oil price. US has turned it into a switch to adjust the oil price.
icono1. You are right, the Middle east will be divided up into Sunni and Shitie regions. This was the case in the past before the Ottoman Empire and will be in the future. he American intervention will have no effect. It is hope that it will be the moderates who take power. Despite what Texas say there are Moderates Muslims just as there are moderate Christians.
Katsung 47 , Economics does pray a part in the Middle East conflicts but I do not think Iraq sells much oil to the USA. It has never been political stable but this has little effect on the world price for oil.. I do not think the dollar will be abandon as medium of exchange in the Middle East. Europe is a special case.
Iraq is almost 100% muslim. It is like every other majority muslim country on this planet, an extremist country!

Moderate muslims in majority muslim countries only exist in the mushy minds of the sheeple!

And, my attitude nor yours can influence these extremists' murderous agenda in anyway.

I am sure, to your disappointment, passivism simply does not work when dealing with your enemies.

Your like the shinning example of Christian Taliban
They are a crabby lot. Doesnt help tgat their "scripture" demands that governments be church run

Actuly if you did any kind of Resurch you would know that Shia Iran historicly kept them Apart untill the Revolution. And How long did it take for Christians to separate government from Church? for many today we are still waiting.
Actuly if you did any kind of Resurch you would know that Shia Iran historicly kept them Apart untill the Revolution. And How long did it take for Christians to separate government from Church? for many today we are still waiting.
So while they were a brutal dictatorship they were bad muslims and then when the dictatorship was ousted it was replaced with a brutal muslim cleric thereby becoming good muslims. Forgive me if I fail to see a difference.
So while they were a brutal dictatorship they were bad muslims and then when the dictatorship was ousted it was replaced with a brutal muslim cleric thereby becoming good muslims. Forgive me if I fail to see a difference.

actuly the brutal one was a uy who was trying to westernize Iran, and was a brutal dictator who the US and UK loved because he did what we told him...The only reason it ended was he was scared to be to brutal in his crack down since Carter actuly cared about Human Rights...But you republicans now attack Carter for not backing him. Most of the Violence in the Middle east is due to the west deciding to just make up borders that suited them with no regard to the people who lived there. What do you think would happen if you took all the borders of Eu today and just drew new ones at compleat random...It would be like the middle east.
actuly the brutal one was a uy who was trying to westernize Iran, and was a brutal dictator who the US and UK loved because he did what we told him...The only reason it ended was he was scared to be to brutal in his crack down since Carter actuly cared about Human Rights...But you republicans now attack Carter for not backing him. Most of the Violence in the Middle east is due to the west deciding to just make up borders that suited them with no regard to the people who lived there. What do you think would happen if you took all the borders of Eu today and just drew new ones at compleat random...It would be like the middle east.

"Reality? Reality??? Where are you? I miss you!"