The US Government is behind 9/11

So dawkins,

What country are you in? Too embarrassed by your own country and fellow countrymen to say?


You should move to Dawkins country, wherever it is... They don't use facts there either so you should fit right in.
Where I live has no bearing on the fact that the US Government is complicit in the events of 9/11.

And telling you where I live would just get you Googling all that is wrong with the country I live in and thinking it in some way negates the point I am making.

What I can tell you though is that I am also hugely critical of the government of my own country and hold the leaders to account.

Not that you would know much about that.

Once again for the record to see if you can get it....

Oil barons running the US are running out of oil.

They wanted to attack a country that has lots of oil to steal it but they knew they will need lots of tax payers dollars and political support.

They commit an act of 'terrorism' on their own people (as many tyrants have done before to gain support) and suddenly you and your ilk are shouting USA USA.

Then they take your money and murder lots of foreigners so that they can get the oil and you are happy cos they are kickin ass.

Then they all get very rich off the back of both the Iraqis AND idiots like you.

But weirdly the guy who they say did the crime is still alive and kicking but Saddam Hussein was killed.

And miraculously a commercial airliner crashed into the Pentagon but did not make a hole in the ground.

I reckon David Copperfield would be proud of that one.

Maybe you should use the 'net to look at places where commercial airliners have crashed and look at the carnage spread across miles of terrain that ensues.

Then go look at your mate's ridiclous photo of a couple of pieces of machinery on a nice piece of grass on the Pentagon lawn.

I have to stop now because I just looked at that picture again and am laughing to much too go on.
And telling you where I live would just get you Googling all that is wrong with the country I live in and thinking it in some way negates the point I am making.

You have yet to make ANY substantiated points. You seem keen on telling me whats wrong with MY COUNTRY... That, with the fact that you're embarrassed by the country you live in and you still have NOTHING to substantiate your claims, all leads me to believe YOU DON'T HAVE MY BEST INTERESTS AT HEART.

You have shown NO LOVE to the United States in "Googling everything thats wrong with the country" but you expect me to believe you give a crap about whats in America's best interest? Clearly you do not.

Once again, you're a monumental failure. Fix your country and be proud of your nationality BEFORE you complain to me about my country.

PS, exactly what do YOU do to hold your leaders accountable? Make demands of strangers on the Internet?
There are all sorts of smoking guns
The fact that the worlds greatest military power FAILED to defend even its own HQ.... and nobody is KEVTCHING about that? Hey 9/12/2001 and Donald Rumsfeld still has a job ... AMAZING!

The major thing that is WRONG about this whole scene is that the AMERICAN public has been sold the BIG LIE and really its just like a lot of people standing around praising the emperor's new suit, when in fact the emperor is NAKED!

mind games
keep on playin'
those MIND GAMES.....
There are all sorts of smoking guns
The fact that the worlds greatest military power FAILED to defend even its own HQ.... and nobody is KEVTCHING about that? Hey 9/12/2001 and Donald Rumsfeld still has a job ... AMAZING!

The major thing that is WRONG about this whole scene is that the AMERICAN public has been sold the BIG LIE and really its just like a lot of people standing around praising the emperor's new suit, when in fact the emperor is NAKED!

mind games
keep on playin'
those MIND GAMES.....
I wonder what americans would do to the flag of an invading nation that was bombing our cities and trying to steal one of our major resources?

My guess is the hicks would be defecating in them first before they burned them.

Just reverse the situation and it becomes easier to understand.
I wonder what americans would do to the flag of an invading nation that was bombing our cities and trying to steal one of our major resources?

My guess is the hicks would be defecating in them first before they burned them.

Just reverse the situation and it becomes easier to understand.

What evidence do you have to support your claim that we are STEALING their resources? None that I have seen. Not one credible source to support your America-Hating rhetoric.

I have shown the historic chart of our imports from Iraq and, despite the war, they have remained very consistent over time. We PAY market value price for the oil we buy from Iraq AND we spend BILLIONS to rebuild and defend the country. Not surprisingly, you pretend like there is only one opinion in Iraq and can't bring yourself to the reality that the people who hate America as much as you do are the minority in both our countries.
Bush was not quickly moved to a secrte location because the CIA knew he was safe.
The 'wreckage' at the Pentagon shown on that ridiculous photo is a few scraps of metal but I don't see the massive hole that a crashed airliner makes.

It is civil avitaion law that you intercept airliners that have gone off course and if they are off course over a connurbation with no change of direction it is civil aviation law that they are shot down.

The reason for this law is so that hijackers don't use them as missiles to cause much greater loss of life. Er wait a minute.....

The US blamed Al Qaeda because Iraq would have even less credibility as perps and they wanted to invade Afghanistan as well as Iraq (Afghanistan has the world's largest gas reserves). Also, they knew that Americans are generally stupid when it comes to countries further away than the Carribean so they could easily morph Bin Laden and Saddam and in fact in one speech Bush got them confused.

In a televised interview with a marine when asked why he thought it right to invade Iraq he said that they had to pay for 9/11.

Bush has doen everything to try to link Al Qaeda with Iraq to continue the fairy tale.

But forget all that.

Keep this in mind.

Oil barons, running out of oil, declared war on two countries, one rich in OIL and the other in gas. They swore blind that Iraq had WMD which it clearly didn't have. They then claimed that it was regime change even though they haven't felt the need for regime change in other unpleasant countries like er oh, Saudi Arabia where Bin Laden comes from.

Given that they clearly made up a story to con the American and world public into thinking they had noble reasons for war just to get their oil interests back on track why do you think it so ridiculous that they were complicit in 9/11 to help their cause along?

Is it like, they were evil and conniving about the war but whiter than white about 9/11?

If only you could get information from sources other than Fox news.

The US has attacked 50 countries sinve WW2.

It nuked Japan (even though Japan was suing for peace) as a demonstration to Russia of its power.

It armed the Mujar Hadin in Afghanistan to 'give Russia its own Vietnam'

It armed Saddam to get him into power when they thought he would behave like the Saudis ie treat his countrymen like **** but be nice to the US.

It helped Chile install Pinochet who was a mass murderer.

It keeps trying to get Chavez removed from power in Venezuela.

The CIA teaches the opponents of these deomocracies how to torture really effectively.

Open your eyes and see where you really live

You preach democracy but your leader came to power under VERY dubious circumstances.

Yoiu imprison people without trial, for years and torture them.

You execute scores of innocent people, mostly poor black people.

Wake up, smell the cwaffee and don't listen to Fox news any more.

1. Prove it, the simple fact you keep saying Bush was not moved , does not prove anything other then a slow response to something that many where slow to figure out what was going on...also thre was no known threat to Bush at the time.

OK so what about the many many people who saw the plane? Then one of the Jet Engine was clearly visible, as was alot of wreckage. And I believe those on the scene would like to know where all the body parts from people on the plane that where found came from, part clothing, and random parts of the plane. The whole in the side, is from parts of the plane hitting, the plane hit body itself did not hit the building. And the wreckage is not the same as a normal plane crash where a plane tried to land...if dive bombed in a high speed...thats a very very rare plane crash, and comparing it to slow speed crashes where they tried to survive is absurd.

2. Show me this law, and one single time it was ever used. Also you did not even come close since you again failed a key point...we had no idea where the planes where....You cant shoot down planes you cant find.

3.lame try, the US government would not kill countless thousands of its own, just in the hopes they would not be smart enough to notice when we attack the wrong nation. Try a fact or 2 may help your case....well if you had facts that ever supported your side. a interview with 1 marine....thats proof? 1 guy. I can find you one military person who will believe almost any thing i wanted. You realy are stretching for anything I can see. I know many many many people in the service who would all tell you he had nothing to do with 9/11.

5.After the fact he played Politics of course...he did with any event that has happened...thats not proof it was planed, its proof he is a **** who would plays politics with Security.

6.If we wanted Iraqs oil, all we had to do was lift sanctions, and we had it.
Do you have any idea how little US Oil actually comes from Iraq and Afghanistan? Before or after....its not much. When was the last time the Sauds attacked and took over a UN Member nation? Used WMD on its own people? And what do you have any idea how many Shia died rebelling against Saddam? You see that in any other nation? nope
one Middle east nation was shooting at US/UN planes on a near daily basis? Iraq....what other one? waiting....waiting.....wait...none

7.becuse there was real reason for people to believe that Saddam did have a WMD program, even if the Evidence was in my view clearly not enough to go to war over. Saddam's own people, and our own sources have shown that Saddam more or less at times tried to bluff that he did have them, and evidence shows that he did have them until 1998.

As for your little history lesson, you can save your breath. I have worked with groups to close the SOA/WHINSEC. I Have called out Bush for his support of the Coup over the Elected leader Chavez.

I have studied Latin American History, I am a Supporter of the EZLN ( I have have one of my works used in a Jesuit school in New York).

So don't you try to sit here and preach to me about Democracy, while you spew your worthless Internet conspiracy theories based on Zero Evidence and even less thought into it.

And Fox News? nice try, but hate to tell you this, but I am Liberal, I Voted for Nader, I worked on the Campaign for Gov of Minnesota for the Green party as well. I don't watch Fox...but then again you never bothered to even find out who you are debating....just to throw worthless meaningless attacks becuse you have no facts.
Oh dear, here we go once more.

A commercial airliner makes a hole the size of a five story building when it crashes.

But miraculously, when a commercial airliner crashed into the Pentagon it disappeared.

That is just one of hundreds of very peculiar events that happened on 9/11 that deserves investigating thoroughly.

The fact that your Government have tried to avoid and then obfuscate an enquiry should make any reasonable person wonder why.

The fact that the most powerful nation on earth couldn't stop ANY of the planes should make you wonder about the competence of your leaders at least.

Especially as it is international civial aviation law that planes that are a threat to built up areas should be shot down. But then America quite likes to ignore international agreement when it suits it so to do. Like ignoring the UN who wanted the weapons inspectors in Iraq to be allowed to finish their job. They ignored this as the weapons inspectors weren't coming to the right conclusion when they said SH didn't have any WMD.

The fact that the 'best' intelligence agency couldn't get it right about a country having WMD should make you wonder about their competence. You can't hide a nuclear weapons factory!!!

Isn't it funny that all these errors ended up justifying your oil baron leaders, who are running out of oil, invading an oil rich country?

Have you ever wondered why your oil baron leaders whose businesses are amongst the world's greatest polluters were the last to do anything about global warming?

Is there ANYTHING they could do that make you stand back, just for a second and go 'you know what, these guys do seem to do an awful lot that benefits their own industry at the expense of human life, welfare and the planet'?

G W Bush's grandfather's factory was forcibly closed down because he ignored warnings and continued to supply the Nazis during WW2.

That is the heritage of your president but obviously he could never do anything self-serving at the cost of others.

How can you be so stupid?
Oh dear, here we go once more.

A commercial airliner makes a hole the size of a five story building when it crashes.

But miraculously, when a commercial airliner crashed into the Pentagon it disappeared.

That is just one of hundreds of very peculiar events that happened on 9/11 that deserves investigating thoroughly.


You're an IDIOT!
The fact that the most powerful nation on earth couldn't stop ANY of the planes should make you wonder about the competence of your leaders at least.

Especially as it is international civial aviation law that planes that are a threat to built up areas should be shot down.

THERE IS NO SUCH LAW! The law ALLOWS nations to shoot down aircraft, it does NOT mandate it, and then ONLY IF they are deemed to be a threat, but on 9-11, until they hit the WTC (while our interceptors were warming up their engines for take-off), there was NO REASON TO BELIEVE that this was anything other than a routine hijacking.

You're STILL an idiot.
Hi GenSen - Personally I think that idiots like this only survive off the oxygen of others and reading your posts I think you've dispatched this person and his warped concepts of reality quite nicely.

What evidence do you have to support your claim that we are STEALING their resources? None that I have seen. Not one credible source to support your America-Hating rhetoric.

Just a thought - do you really want to offer him any further oxygen and opportunity?
There is no airliner sized hole in your picture.

A downed airliner cuts a path of devastation 100 feet deep and a mile long.

Not a collapsed wall.

And where are the wings and the wheels and the engine?

How stupid are you?

And the plane should have been shot down in accordance with CAA law but not one of them was.

What an inconvenience that on the most important day the interceptors didn't do their job.

Don't you think that maybe someone should be sacked for such gross negligence at least?

Of course you don't cos you think there is a good reason that all theh interceptors were busy that day.

You are too stupid to realise that you have interceptors on standby all the time to deal with events like 9/11.

Except on 9/11.

No massive hole in the ground at the Pentagon.

No substantial wreckage ever discovered.

Twin towers turned to dust even though aircraft fuel cannot burn hot enough to melt the steel columns. And against all this a perfect 'terrorist' passport is conveniently found on top of the rubble.

Is that ridiculous or what?

Boy, you guys are the most gullible sukers on the planet.
Amazing that you believe that the planes could cause enough devastation to bring down the twin towers but only knock a bit of wall down at the Pentagon and then disappear.

Are you smoking crack?
What evidence do you have to support your claim that we are STEALING their resources? None that I have seen. Not one credible source to support your America-Hating rhetoric.

I dunno. Call it a hunch? :rolleyes:

Only in the most direct sense is the Bush administration’s Iraq policy directed against Saddam Hussein. In contrast to all the loud talk about terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and human rights violations, very little is being said about oil. The administration has been tight-lipped about its plans for a post-Saddam Iraq and has repeatedly disavowed any interest in the country’s oil resources. But press reports indicate that U.S. officials are considering a prolonged occupation of Iraq after their war to topple Saddam Hussein. It is likely that a U.S.-controlled Iraq will be the linchpin of a new order in the world oil industry. Indeed, a war against Iraq may well herald a major realignment of the Middle East power balance.

Oil Forever
The Bush administration’s ties to the oil and gas industry are beyond extensive; they are pervasive. They flow, so to speak, from the top, with a chief executive who grew up steeped in the culture of Texas oil exploration and tried his hand at it himself; and a second-in-command who came to office with a multi-million dollar retirement package in hand from his post of CEO of Halliburton Oil. Once in office, the vice president developed an energy policy under the primary guidance of a cast of oil company executives whose identities he has gone to great lengths to withhold from public view. Since taking office, the president and vice president have assembled a government peopled heavily with representatives from the oil culture they came from. These include Secretary of the Army Thomas White, a former vice president of Enron, and Secretary of Commerce Don Evans, former president of the oil exploration company Tom Brown, Inc., whose major stake in the company was worth $13 million by the time he took office...

..At present, of course, this is mere potential—the Iraqi oil industry has seriously deteriorated as a result of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War, the 1991 Gulf War, and inadequate postwar investment and maintenance. Since 1990, the sanctions regime has effectively frozen plans for putting additional fields into production. It has also caused a severe shortage of oil field equipment and spare parts (under the sanctions regime, the U.S. has prevented equipment imports worth some $4 billion). Meanwhile, questionable methods used to raise output from existing fields may have damaged some of the reservoirs and could actually trigger a decline in output in the short run.9

But once the facilities are rehabilitated (a lucrative job for the oil service industry, including Vice President Cheney’s former employer, Halliburton) and new fields are brought into operation, the spigots could be opened wide. To pay for the massive task of rebuilding, a post-sanctions Iraq would naturally seek to maximize its oil production. Some analysts, such as Fadhil Chalabi, a former Iraqi oil official, assert that Iraq could produce 8-10 million b/d within a decade and eventually perhaps as much as 12 million.10..

..The impact on world markets is hard to overstate. Saudi Arabia would no longer be the sole dominant producer, able to influence oil markets single-handedly. Given that U.S.-Saudi relations cooled substantially in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks—rifts that may widen further—a Saudi competitor would not be unwelcome in Washington. An unnamed U.S. diplomat confided to Scotland’s Sunday Herald that “a rehabilitated Iraq is the only sound long-term strategic alternative to Saudi Arabia. It’s not just a case of swapping horses in mid-stream, the impending U.S. regime change in Baghdad is a strategic necessity.”11

Washington would gain enormous leverage over the world oil market. [Note: a reminder, the Oil companies do not own Washington DC, though I can see why the mistake was's nowadays an assumption..]..

.. The dominant private companies (ExxonMobil and Chevron-Texaco of the U.S., Royal Dutch-Shell and BP of Britain and the Netherlands, TotalFinaElf of France), which are largely the result of recent megamergers, sell close to 29 million barrels per day in gasoline and other oil products. But production from fields owned by these “super-majors” came to 10.1 million barrels per day in 2001, or just 35% of their sales volume.17 Although these corporations have poured many billions of dollars into discovering new fields outside the Middle East, their proven reserves stood at just 44 billion barrels in 2001, 4% of the world’s total and sufficient to keep producing oil for only another 12 years at current rates.18 The situation is similar for other oil companies. Thus, the oil-rich Middle East, and particularly Iraq, remains key to the future of the oil industry...

..“Regime change” in Baghdad would reshuffle the cards and give U.S. (and British) companies a good shot at direct access to Iraqi oil for the first time in 30 years—a windfall worth hundreds of billions of dollars. U.S. companies relish the prospect: Chevron’s chief executive, for example, said in 1998 that he’d “love Chevron to have access to” Iraq’s oil reserves.23

In preface to the passage of Security Council Resolution 1441 on November 8, there were thinly veiled threats that French, Russian, and Chinese firms would be excluded from any future oil concessions in Iraq unless Paris, Moscow, and Beijing supported the Bush policy of regime change. Ahmed Chalabi, leader of the Iraqi National Congress (INC), an exile opposition group favored by the Bush administration, said that the INC would not feel bound by any contracts signed by Saddam Hussein’s government and that “American companies will have a big shot at Iraqi oil” under a new regime. U.S. and British oil company executives have been meeting with INC officials, maneuvering to secure a future stake in Iraq’s oil.24 Meanwhile, the State Department has been coaxing Iraqi opposition members to create an oil and gas working group involving Iraqis and Americans.25 Source: