The US Government is behind 9/11

You just can't countenance the possibility that they did it cos it would make a mockery of your blind faith in these maggots.

They say if you want to really deceive masses of people, make the crime so heinous, so unforgiveable as to make it impossible for them to believe you did it. Because in order to accept that you did it, they would have to basically redo the entire foundation of what they believed since they were old enough to walk. And people just won't do that. They will believe any lie you spoon feed them, even if there's evidence all around your feet pointing to you as the perpetrator. The human psyche is that fragile.

And there's one thing our PSYOPS government knows: human psychology and how to manipulate it.

The first thing I thought of when I watched the towers falling on September 11, 2001 was "Pearl Harbor". My parents just happened to be visiting then and I turned to them and said "Pearl Harbor". My dad stood there speechless just nodding his head up and down.

What did I mean by Pearl Harbor? Justification for war. We knew Bush wanted it since the day he took office. And how convenient, nine months later he had the perfect excuse. What a godsend it must've been for him.
That is an excellent explanation of the Government's rationale behind the events of 9/11.

Adolph Hitler summed it up by saying

''If you are going to tell a lie, tell a big one''.

Birds of a feather....
This belongs in the Conspiracy section, not US Politics.

There are so many holes in the US adminsitration's account of the events of 9/11 you could use it as a sieve.

And for all the shortcomings, it still makes far more sense than your claim of a conspiracy.

"I saw it on Youtube, it must be true!"

The Bush regime - so said US administration you defended, is full of lie and cheating. What kind of section do you categorize it? Even Bush's own speaker - McClellan, has revealed it is a dishonest regime. But we know there are still a lot of little speakers work on this for their living.

Why don't they make all planes and buildings out of passport card?

Considering that an alleged Muslim terrorist's passport landed neatly on top of the rubble of the twin towers in perfect condition it must be capable of withstanding the levels of heat and kinetic energy that vapouirised the twin towers.

Imagine how cheap and safe the world would be if everything was made from passport card.
When Dawkins and Kat aren't burning American flags and chanting "Death to Israel", they spend their time on forum boards trying to convince American's that their own government was behind 9/11.

Get a life guys... Try doing even the slightest bit of research on the topic and you will find that everyone of your totally rediculous statements, accusations and questions have already been debunked as nonsense.

Mark Roberts, You are the man!
When Dawkins and Kat aren't burning American flags and chanting "Death to Israel", they spend their time on forum boards trying to convince American's that their own government was behind 9/11.

Get a life guys... Try doing even the slightest bit of research on the topic and you will find that everyone of your totally rediculous statements, accusations and questions have already been debunked as nonsense.

Mark Roberts, You are the man!

One of my favorite myths that these tin-foil hatted morons constantly bring up is that the WTC allegedly fell at "free fall speed", and was on the ground in 10 seconds.

UTTER TRASH. All anyone has to do is go back and look at the film footage to see that it took between 13 and 15 seconds for WTC 2 to totally collapse, which means that for it to have fallen at "free fall speed", the WTC would have had to be between 2700 and 3600 ft. tall! I guess they never heard of Sir Issac Newton.:rolleyes:
That is free fall speed you buffoon.

If the 90 + floors of the towers offered even half a second of resistence it would have taken 45 seconds

Hoisted by your own petard
One of my favorite myths that these tin-foil hatted morons constantly bring up is that the WTC allegedly fell at "free fall speed", and was on the ground in 10 seconds.

UTTER TRASH. All anyone has to do is go back and look at the film footage to see that it took between 13 and 15 seconds for WTC 2 to totally collapse, which means that for it to have fallen at "free fall speed", the WTC would have had to be between 2700 and 3600 ft. tall! I guess they never heard of Sir Issac Newton.:rolleyes:

You are addressing the wrong issue. The question isn't did it take 9, 10, 13, or 15 seconds to fall. We are not trying to determine if it fell at EXACTLY free fall speed.

This was a 90 story building. On the 78th floor, a plane hit. Below the 78th floor was 77 floors, undamaged, unheated, no fires, no broken supports or anything. Assuming the collapse started on the 78th floor, every lower floor... should scientifically speaking, put up some resistance... yes?

Further, we know from construction information, that lower floors were made from stronger, thicker, and more reinforced steel frames, than those above.

Nevertheless, let's assume not, and pretend the construction was horrible. Let us say that each floor required 0.5 seconds to collapse. 77 floors, times 0.5 seconds is... 38.5 seconds. Can you find any video footage anywhere, from any credible source, that shows the towers falling in over 30 seconds? No, not even close.

Let's even say 15 seconds fall time. A 90 story building going from full height to flat in 15 seconds, is 0.16 seconds a floor. In a 6th of a second, is not even enough time for a floor above to land on the floor below.

What this means is... either the towers were made out of metal the equivalent of pop cans, or the super structure was made from bambo shoots and mud thatch... or this is scientifically impossible.
There's a lot of mis-information that leads people to the wrong conclusions. From another post of mine:
Here is a similar diagram to the one provided in the movie (I don't have screen cap, sorry) but this one is from

Notice there is NO mention of the outer support columns and the center support structure is made to look like the 47 center support columns are tightly grouped, packed in concrete and responsible for supporting the the buildings vertical and horizontal loads.....
This is what the real structural design looked like:

Notice how the outer columns, responsible for supporting ALL the horizontal loads, appear in this diagram but are absent in the other. The center 47 columns are also not nearly as compact as suggested by the diagram Zeitgeist uses.
50:19 - 50:20 Freefall speed is mentioned...Mwahahahaha!

Zeitgeist claim: The individual floor levels in the twin towers did not impact one another to slow the rate of collapse. The movie claims the main support column was severed with explosives and all the individual floor levels fell at once, like that of a controlled demolition.

Here's a picture thats supposed to prove the towers were brought down by a controlled demolition:

Here's a picture you didn't see in Zeitgeist:

You can clearly see the steel worker in the background on a marklift. Look closer and you see that he is holding an acetyline torch - used for cutting steel beams. This accounts for the angular cuts and the molten steel.

Now onto why "FreeFall" speed is so hilarious an accusation:

Look closely at the debris in this photo

FreeFall speed suggests the towers fell completely unimpeded - not impacting floor after floor as the building collapsed. But as you can see, the debris is falling much faster than the building. In fact, the debris has been blown OUT hundreds of feet away from the building and still manages to fall to earth faster than the building.
In this next photo, you can see a large chunk of the building falling just as the collapse began:

Now had the towers truly fallen at free fall speeds as alleged, this chunk would be falling at the same rate as the building itself... You can see thats clearly not the case. [/quote]

Learn the facts so you don't repeat the lies.
I was supporting terrorists when I filled my tank two days ago at $4.89 per gallon.

Why yes of course... it all makes sense, BigOil funds terrorist to get congress to pass laws that hinder oil production in order to boost profits to cause investment into alternative energy so that Bigoil can support nuclear power to draw them back to oil for electrical energy.... yes of course... how could I have missed it.
Why yes of course... it all makes sense, BigOil funds terrorist to get congress to pass laws that hinder oil production in order to boost profits to cause investment into alternative energy so that Bigoil can support nuclear power to draw them back to oil for electrical energy.... yes of course... how could I have missed it.

You forgot to mention the GOP PSYOPS controlled media... Thats a critical part of the Conspiracy! :)