The Zulu chief dances in the White House!


Active Member
Sep 29, 2011
It is sick in the mind to take the 312 respectable Amercian citizens for fools and idiots. The Zulu warrior dances the war dance with a lance in one hand and a coca cola in the other. How cheap of such an African jungle anazulu to exploit the emotions of the noble Americans, each time mmber of the criminal mafia gang is slaughtered by the brave American army. He immediately comes to the forth to claim victory against the deadliest enemy in Amercian history. He makes his theatrical entrance on the world scene in his new hut at the WH and then announces the glad tidings for the American people. Utter show, utter cheap bul****, exploiting the intelligence of the Amercians for another session at the white house which beacme black with the Zulu ideas. Not enough in ruining the USA economy and downgrading the mighty Dollar with 13 trillion of Dollars in debt. Shame on such a zulu, for the zulus have more courage and more wisdom in their feet than the rotten economic policies of the Amercian president. He brought ruin in Iraq and in Afghanistan, massacring its people and destroying its property. But the CiA as good as the testicles of the Popoe and my hammorriods never understood anything ( they announced once that the Shah of Iran was at the zenith of his power, immune and mighty, but to the dismay of the stupid CIA, 24 hourse of their wise judgement the Ayatulla revolution ( for good or bad) hit the streets and the mighty SHah was toppled down. Is it not enough that the Americans had a clack from the two members of the Bush dynasty? They voted for such a a black alien coming from behind the donkey's arse. Good for the hard working Amercians. Continue to choose other garbbage for the white house, which has seen all colours, if not the same devil, and vote for your next dictator!!