This is almost as, if not more, scarier than Islamic Fundamentalism.

Well, in general, to do otherwise might be denying them autonomy, which would offend our liberal axiology.
Dear sweet mother of god, that's scary. There is nothing more scary than someone who's convinced that they're right, and that GOD is on their side... Give those people guns - hell, give them a VOTE - and they could become the most powerful force for all that is wrong in the world that I can imagine. Eighty million fundamentalists? Scary thought.
When I saw the title of this thread, I thought the post would have something like George Bush in a thong. Now THAT is horror.
no no no no no no
none should be subject to such strong beliefs at such a young age. it destroys lives. and i have seen it happen. you are so young, so vunerable, so wanting acceptance and praise of the people you admire. ive seen chldren like this. and i no people who have been so weighed down by their beliefs as children that they have such a strong backlash when they hit puberty.
i recommed the documentary ' the devils playground'
its about amish children. when they are 16 they are finally allowed out of their colony to socialize in the modern world. and they go apeshit. ive never seen kids drink or do so many drugs. than that is suppose to be there release, than they choose if they want to go back with their parents or live in our world....the ones who stay are never allowed to see their family again.
I saw that documentary and it seriously broke my heart. I cannot imagine being put in that kind of position. I'm really glad my parents did not raise me with specific religious beliefs. My mother sort of regrets it, but I think I am a more well-informed person for it.
Like it or not, we all subject our kids to our beliefs from an early age. However, I agree with you all, this is extreme. I don't wat to go too far out on a limb without seeing the entire film but, it seems similar to some other radical beliefs perptrated upon children--such as by those who teach children that Americans are evil and need to die. This trailer mentions war and "are you a part of it or not". This could be frightening to a child, particularly one who doesn't want to go with the crowd.
Dear sweet mother of god, that's scary. There is nothing more scary than someone who's convinced that they're right, and that GOD is on their side... Give those people guns - hell, give them a VOTE - and they could become the most powerful force for all that is wrong in the world that I can imagine. Eighty million fundamentalists? Scary thought.

Right. Isn't that about how WW2 started? Hitler sure thought God was on his side.
The idea of any group like this of any faith is disturbing. These people are using their children in the same way as every other extremist religious group in the world. They are no better than the Muslim extremists, and other such groups.
And I do believe this is how WW2 began.
Extreme religion of any variety is... well, extremely scary. Especially when you take children this young and brainwash them. Kids are so pliable... when you do this, you never give them the opportunity to think for themselves, to develop their own opinions.

Though obviously this isn't the goal of the people in the video. Jesus.
I think it is very frightening. The children who are crying, bawling, who are screaming - those that are obviously afraid that THEY won't be saved and THEY will be going to hell - what about the little boy who says he was born again at the age of 5? Its not possible! A child of 5 has no idea of being born again - he does what his parents tell him to or whatever he picks up from the big people around him. That is sick, and very frightening.
I will commit sacrilege: religion needs to be regulated for it often is perverted into a violation of human rights.