Understanding the Enemy

she's dead, so I guess she isn't pro-anything... anymore.

you keep believing that a small group of "radicals" are the ones who are responsible for enforcing anti-democracy, using terrorism, murder, and evil.

again, you are comparing individual muslims to Islamic theology. they are seperate. Islam cannot be democratic because there is no universal equality in Islam.

There isn't in Christianity either. Yet they managed.
There isn't in Christianity either. Yet they managed.

yes there is equality in Christianity. non-Christians aren't asked to pay a tax to live in Christian areas. non-Christians are not considered pigs and dogs and dhimmis by Christians. Christians embrace others and allow them to convert to other religions without killing them. lots of big differences.
the West doesn't restrict the building or repair of mosques, discriminate, refuse services because of religion.

why is there riots, violence, destruction over Bhuttos death? why not peaceful protests?
yes there is equality in Christianity. non-Christians aren't asked to pay a tax to live in Christian areas. non-Christians are not considered pigs and dogs and dhimmis by Christians. Christians embrace others and allow them to convert to other religions without killing them. lots of big differences.
the West doesn't restrict the building or repair of mosques, discriminate, refuse services because of religion.

why is there riots, violence, destruction over Bhuttos death? why not peaceful protests?

I have heard Bhutto described as Pakistan's Martin Luther King. When King was assassinated there were riots throughout the US.
you keep believing that a small group of "radicals" are the ones who are responsible for enforcing anti-democracy, using terrorism, murder, and evil.

Remember, you said she was going to win the election. So the pro-democracy person had the support of the majority in an overwhelmingly Islamic country. So...did the majority that was about to elect her into office also kill her? Or were the majority in favor of pro-democracy, meaning that she was killed by a minority faction? Which makes sense, bewitched?
yes there is equality in Christianity. non-Christians aren't asked to pay a tax to live in Christian areas. non-Christians are not considered pigs and dogs and dhimmis by Christians. Christians embrace others and allow them to convert to other religions without killing them. lots of big differences.
the West doesn't restrict the building or repair of mosques, discriminate, refuse services because of religion.

There is equality in Christianity today. There hasn't always been. Taxes on other religions, discrimination, killing people over religious differences...all those things have happened throughout the history of Christianity. Or have you never heard of the Inquisition?

If you're making blanket statements about what Islam is, which must necessarily take into account more than just it's present status, the same standard must be held to Christianity, or you're being dishonest.
Remember, you said she was going to win the election. So the pro-democracy person had the support of the majority in an overwhelmingly Islamic country. So...did the majority that was about to elect her into office also kill her? Or were the majority in favor of pro-democracy, meaning that she was killed by a minority faction? Which makes sense, bewitched?

she would have won the election.
and it's not a minority faction that causes terrorism, death and destruction.
are you trying to identify the enemy? or cherrypicking words?
I have heard Bhutto described as Pakistan's Martin Luther King. When King was assassinated there were riots throughout the US.

how many were killed in the MLK riots? how long did they last?
Rodney King also inspired riots and destruction.

Bhutto cames from a wealthy family who took Pakistan illegally from India when Zia was mysteriously taken out of power. she wasn't really a civil rights leader. her husbands cotton business rivalled the poppy farmers. and her family made tons of money from it.

I don't think any of you will ever understand that sharia law is quite different than laws in the West. and the distance between wealth and poverty is vast. further, population crowding and living conditions aren't all that great in Pakistan. it's very weird how many people can't see things as they really are without comparing everything to the US. jmho.


she would have won the election.
and it's not a minority faction that causes terrorism, death and destruction.

So you're saying that the majority was about to elect her into office and the majority also wanted her dead. How does that make sense?

are you trying to identify the enemy? or cherrypicking words?

I am trying to identify the enemy. You're trying to pin it on Islam when if it were Islam, and Islam alone, it wouldn't make any sense for a nation of Muslims to be electing a pro-democracy leader. The religion which, by your rhetoric, is strong enough motivation to get people to go out and blow themselves up would have to be strong enough to get them to vote against democracy, right? And yet she was going to win the election. Hmmmmmm.
We made it through Christian evolution without slaughtering all the misbegotten Christians - we'll make it through Islam. Our responsibility is to our country and people - not to Christianizing the rest of the world and attacking Islam as a whole. That is so medievil.

Given the technology of weaponry that exists today, I'm not so sure we have another thousand years to wait for Islam to evolve into a civilized religion the way Christianity has done. Something has to be done to speed up the process, don't you think?
and it's not a minority faction that causes terrorism, death and destruction.

Like vyo, I needed to pick up on this. So, the majority were about to vote her in, you said this yourself. But wait, the majority also supported the terrorism and destruction that lead to the death of her, which they also supported.

Firstly, you have contradicted yourself. Secondly, if you went back on your original position and said she wasn't going to be elected and that the majority did in fact want her dead, you would still be wrong.
the majority who would have voted her in weren't non-muslims. they were anti-Musharraf. if she would have taken office nothing would have changed. muslims would not have suddenly embraced democracy and the West.
so I have no idea what you guys are talking about, except to nit pick words for the sake of nit picking. that will never help you understand the enemy.
According to what I have heard, what the people of Pakistan want is food, shelter, and a job. They don't care about terrorism. They are being besieged by both sides, and neither care about what happens to them. I don't think it matters who killed Bhutto. Us or Them. Its all the same to the people who live there. We fight our wars on principle, and they starve. The people of Pakistan had no reason to kill her.
but she had the support of a majority of the mainstream Muslims. How does this equal "Islam is evil"?

"Islam" is a religious doctrine, "Muslims" are a group of people. And Bhutto's party probably would have got 25-30% of the VOTE, not the majority .
Your statement falls flat as it fails to take into account the many different non-Islamic terrorist groups recognized internationally. Islamic jihadists make up maybe a third of these groups.

Yeah, but the IRA killed like 600 civilians over 30 year period. Islamic Jihadist, regardless of their #s, probably account for 90% of civilian deaths from terrorist attacks in the last 10 years.