US activist loses eye after being shot in face with tear gas canister by Israeli


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010

Crimes of Israeli on activist humanitarians
who wanted to bring food and clothes to
starving Palestinians .
An American girl Emily Henochowicz lost an eye.
after being shot in her face .

Please see the pictures on the link.

US activist loses eye after being shot in face with tear gas canister; three metal plates inserted in her face and her jaw is wired shut

US citizen Emily Henochowicz was shot directly in the face with a tear gas canister as she non-violently demonstrated against the Flotilla massacre
UPDATE 1 June, 8:30PM (GMT+2): Emily is recovering at Hadassah Hospital after two surgeries Monday night. She lost her left eye, three metal plates were inserted into her head/face, and her jaw is wired shut. The bone surrounding her eye socket, cheekbone and jawbone are all fractured. Emily was standing peacefully during a demonstration at Qalandiya checkpoint Monday when Border Police fired a large number of tear gas canisters directly at the heads of Emily and another ISM activist.

. 31 May 2010: An American solidarity activist was shot in the face with a tear gas canister during a demonstration in Qalandiya, today. Emily Henochowicz is currently in Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem undergoing surgery to remove her left eye, following the demonstration that was held in protest to Israel’s murder of at least 10 civilians aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in international waters this morning.
more on the link
See now will jew Soldiers face court martial? NO WAY THEY WONT! But if an US G I serviceman did this to an Arab person he faces courtmartial. Just like here



So its ok for Jews to do this stuff and we cant?

This is why im hoping IRAN wipes Israel off the map with Nuclear weapons.