Voters angry?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2006
Did you guys see this yesterday on the CNN site? Here, i thought we were all alone hating what we see. Do you think this getting front page coverage will make a difference with the politicians? Will they just put on a new face and spout change?
Do you think new political parties will pop up? Can change happen?

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Most Americans are angry about "something" when it comes to how the country is run, and they are more likely than in previous years to vote for a challenger this November, a new poll suggests.

A majority of Americans surveyed -- and a higher percentage than recorded during the same time last year -- said things in the United States are going "badly." Among this year's respondents, 29 percent said "pretty badly" and 25 percent -- up from 15 percent a month ago -- answered "very badly." By comparison, 37 percent described the way things are going as "fairly well," and 9 percent answered "very well."

Of these people, 76 percent said there was "something" to be angry about in the country today. By comparison, 59 percent felt that way when polled in February. (Watch Bill Schneider's take on angry voters -- 1:40)

Only 21 percent said they were "generally content" in the latest poll.

Nine percent said they considered the economy to be "very good," a number unchanged from a June CNN poll. But the number who considered conditions "somewhat good" dropped from 42 percent to 35 percent over the same period.

The number of respondents who consider the economy "somewhat poor" rose from 31 percent to 34 percent, and the number who called the economy "very poor" jumped from 16 percent to 22 percent.

A majority -- 55 percent -- said they are more likely to back a challenger in races on this year's ballot. Such anti-incumbent sentiment is higher than the 48 percent recorded as "pro-challenger" in a similar survey in 1994, when the GOP took control of both houses of Congress.

Nonetheless, 48 percent said that, if most of the present members of Congress were replaced with new members, there would be no difference. By contrast, 42 percent said such a scenario would change Congress for the better, and 7 percent said it would change Congress for the worse.

The results, based on a half-sample of 1,004 adult Americans polled by Opinion Research Corporation for CNN Wednesday through Saturday have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.

More than 60 percent of those surveyed said government policies need either major changes or a complete overhaul, while 30 percent said minor changes were needed. Only 7 percent said no change is necessary.
The long tail of the minority has somehow gradually morphed into its big cousin the angry majority! Only it takes a cross-sectional study to reveal such, which goes to show something about the size and the fragmentation of the communities that comprise such a nation as the US.

Another way to put it is instead of "tossing up between the turd sandwich and a douche bag", its "I wonder if the incumbent will get away with this huge mess...and I wonder how the challenger proposes to fix it!"
Just because it's in the front page of a newspaper doesn't mean it's going to be the story of the year. What every happened to the weapons inspectors that snuck enough material to make two dirty bombs, using forged documents. That didn't have a long shelf life, because people like to 'pretend' some news isn't real.
But the message that it holds may still be significant. The politicians may not listen but the trend may entail consequences that manifest themselves at the next election.
The trend will more than likely be more or less ignored by the politicians, but I think it may continue regardless.