VP Biden on guns: "The President is going to act. There are executive orders."


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
In case you wondered, an "executive order" is something that's been around for centuries. It's supposed to be used to carry out the laws made by Congress. For example, if Congress passes a bill saying the govt will spend X million dollars to build a new Federal building, then the President might issue an executive order to get bids from several construction firms to build it. He's issuing an order that will carry out a bill duly passed by Congress.

The idea of the President issuing an Executive Order to do something NOT passed by Congress, is a flagrant violation of the Separation of Powers doctrine. In fact, it's a classic example of dictatorship.
And if he does it to do something specifically forbidden by the Constitution... well, you get the idea.

None of which will bother this particular President. When Congress defeated the Dream Act, Obama simply began issuing executive orders to put the various parts of it into effect anyway. Does anyone think he WON'T use the same method to implement anything else he wants to?

But this President will never run for election again. He doesn't have to face the voters any longer. So why not go ahead and do it? They'll never have a better chance to implement their agenda, than right now.



Biden: Obama Might Use Executive Order to Deal With Guns

11:42 AM, Jan 9, 2013

Vice President Joe Biden revealed that President Barack Obama might use an executive order to deal with guns.

"The president is going to act," said Biden, giving some comments to the press before a meeting with victims of gun violence. "There are executive orders, there's executive action that can be taken. We haven't decided what that is yet. But we're compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required."
Biden said that this is a moral issue and that "it's critically important that we act."

Biden talked also about taking responsible action. "As the president said, if you're actions result in only saving one life, they're worth taking. But I'm convinced we can affect the well-being of millions of americans and take thousands of people out of harm's way if we act responsibly."
Biden, as he himself noted, helped write the Brady bill.

Eric Holder was scheduled to be at the meeting that's currently take place at the White House.
If Obama enacted an executive order to ban guns without Congress and the Supreme Court weighing in, your going to see some etreme blow-back.
If Obama enacted an executive order to ban guns without Congress and the Supreme Court weighing in, your going to see some etreme blow-back.
This is the part that gets me....."Biden said that this is a MORAL issue and that "it's critically important that we act."
The latest Supreme Court decision clearly says: http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=us&vol=000&invol=07-290.
It says it all and without doubt. Note this is a recent (2008) decision.

No. 07-290. Argued March 18, 2008--Decided June 26, 2008

1. The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
2. Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court's opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller's holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those "in common use at the time" finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54-56.
3. The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment. The District's total ban on handgun possession in the home amounts to a prohibition on an entire class of "arms" that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the lawful purpose of self-defense. Under any of the standards of scrutiny the Court has applied to enumerated constitutional rights, this prohibition--in the place where the importance of the lawful defense of self, family, and property is most acute--would fail constitutional muster. Similarly, the requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense and is hence unconstitutional. Because Heller conceded at oral argument that the D. C. licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously, the Court assumes that a license will satisfy his prayer for relief and does not address the licensing requirement. Assuming he is not disqualified from exercising Second Amendment rights, the District must permit Heller to register his handgun and must issue him a license to carry it in the home. Pp. 56-64.
Obamacare prohibits feds from collecting any info on lawful gun owners – thanks to Harry Reid
I Thought George Washington and our founders agreed America is not to have a King? Obama is acting like The King. A King rules then it becames law.. The President cannot make a law without congress and senate agreed together.
Obama is really full of himself - thinks he can implement every program the Democrats have wanted for years. I think the best strategy for the Repubs is to just take a low profile. Make sure it is clear they oppose these proposals, but don't try to negotiate a deal with Obama - you'll get the short end of the deal. Give him his increase in debt ceiling and wait. When the NRA and other gun owners flood Washington, and the economy goes downhill because we have too much debt, then the Republicans will be in a much stronger position for the 2014 elections and Obama will look like a fool. Pick the time and place to fight a battle - and now is not the time.

The Repubs don't need another "fiscal cliff" fiasco.