Warren Christopher back


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
In case you never heard of him, Warren Christopher was involved in the iranian hostages debacle under jimmy carter, and also negotiated the give away of the US panama canal. Later on, under Bubba Clinton, he engineered the gilbert and sullivanesque farce whereby clinton tried to invade Haiti, but had a US warship driven off by a dock mob, all this to install the castroite leftwinger Aristide. As a law clerk, he served under william o. douglas, surely the most leftwing justice the US has ever had.

Now obama is using him for transition at the department of state. :rolleyes:
obama keeps making these type of choices because of all his extensive experience!! His limited decision making is showing.
Later on, under Bubba Clinton, he engineered the gilbert and sullivanesque farce whereby clinton tried to invade Haiti, but had a US warship driven off by a dock mob, all this to install the castroite leftwinger Aristide.

..er..the truth is a little differerent..

"...Following the violence at the abortive national elections of 1987, the 1990 elections were approached with caution. Aristide announced his candidacy for the presidency and following a six-week campaign, during which he dubbed his followers "Lavalas" — "the flood" or "torrent" in Kréyòl — the "little priest" was elected President with 67% of the vote. (the country had gained independence in 1804). Aristide took office on February 7, 1991.

On September 30, 1991, the army staged a coup against Aristide and installed Joseph Nérette as president. However, real power was held by army commander Raoul Cédras.[2]

Aristide spent his exile first in Venezuela and then in the United States, working hard to develop international support. A United Nations embargo during Aristide's exile was a strong blow to Haiti's already weak economy. Under U.S. and international pressure, the military regime backed down and U.S. troops were deployed in the country. On October 15, 1994, Aristide returned to Haiti to complete his term in office. Aristide disbanded the Haitian army, and established a civilian police force..


No mention of Castro in this article

Comrade Stalin