Was Michael Jordan overpaid?

Well, was he? Shouldn't congress have put a cap on how much he could have earned?

Well movie stars and ball players don’t count because....

Well I am sure they can come up with a reason why they don’t count. He needs their worship and support.

I think it would be funny if Obama capped them too. I would like to see the look on Oprah's face when "the one" capped her
Rather than putting a cap on what anyone earns, maybe it would be better to require that a certain amount of earnings over "X" amount must be donated back into the ENTIRE society that allows illiterate people of brawn, along with those who make a lot of money reading lines someone else had the brains to come up with, to get where they are.

That way people of certain music genres who can't seem to not get arrested for drugs or violence, along with athletes who don't have the common human decency not to mention the intelligence not to torture small animals, won't just be judged by their deficiencies as human beings. They seem to think that having "bling" buys respect, so let it.
If the NBA was burdened with as much government regulation as our auto and financial industries, they would need a bailout.

Well there certainly is a fair amount of Congressional control when it comes to major pro sports. Which is why you saw baseball players testifying a few years ago about steroid use. Major pro sports are more or less granted a Government allowed monopoly. Based on which teams are allowed to join the league, based on many factors that I am sure you can imagine.

But in reality, in my own personal opinion, when it comes to simply playing basketball, yes I would say he was overpaid. While I dont give much care to basketball, I did enjoy watching that man play the game. But it was only a game.
I think that pro athletes are in general probably paid more than is necessary. But the market really decides that, and I would rather the athletes get paid for thier work rather than the owners raking in potentially billions on the talent of those actually employed, as was happening before the various leagues unionized.