Were they arrested for being black in a public place?

All Democrats are racist ... in the North, in the South, in the 60's or today .....

Doesn't matter ...... same ol' racist Democratic Party.

But, you keep pretending to understand US politics.

It's entertaining if nothing else.

Love the consistent ignorance of the right wing parrots:


"The Hebrew book of Hosea warns: “Those who sow the wind will reap the whirlwind.” So it is with the GOP and race.

True, after Charlottesville a few Republicans criticized President Trump for mainstreaming bigotry. But they decorously ignored their party’s 50-year history of cosseting racism for electoral gain.

After the civil rights legislation of 1964, the party scurried to defend “states’ rights” and “local control,” triggering a mass migration of Southern whites to the GOP. They had not suddenly discovered the virtues of a party Southerners had despised since the Civil War. Rather, like the war itself, this historic turning point turned on race.

It transformed voting patterns — and Republicanism. The party embraced the white supremacist Strom Thurmond. Its “Southern strategy” elected Richard Nixon, who nationalized appeals to racial anxiety by embracing “law and order.” So, too, Ronald Reagan, who cynically opened his 1980 campaign in an otherwise obscure Mississippi hamlet where, 16 years before, white racists had brutally murdered three civil-rights workers.

As president, Reagan deployed showy denunciations of overt racists like the Klan to cover policies embraced by opponents of racial progress. Witness the work of John Roberts in Reagan’s Justice Department.

Relentlessly, Roberts advanced Reagan’s goals. He opposed “race-conscious remedies” which, in his view, resulted in “reverse discrimination” against whites. He encouraged measures to advance “our anti-busing and anti-quota principles.” He opposed broadening the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to facilitate the election of minority officeholders. He asserted that affirmative action meant “the recruiting of inadequately prepared candidates.” He consistently decried measures to counteract de facto segregation.

All this became essential to the warp and weft of the GOP’s electoral strategy. Decades later, as chief justice, Roberts advanced another key Republican objective: repressing minority voting."
Still parroting revised leftist history ....

LOL ....

You guys are so desperate.

The only thing Starbuck's CEO is going to do is continue to sow racial discourse in this Country.

The #racetogether was an abject FAIL.


Because only psycho white leftist suffer from white guilt.

The rest of the normal thinking white folks in America know they are not racist and know that racism is just a dog whistle for the left and really isn't that big of a problem in America.

So when #racetogether fails what does our race baiting CEO do?

He arranges for a 60's style racist arrest to occur at a Starbucks in a white neighborhood of Philadelphia.

"Can we have a discussion about how racist white folks are now"

You can smell the desperation coming from this psycho CEO.

But, back in reality no one cares what these leftist extremist think.

This is just another hoax from the left whose 15 minutes is dwindling.


How many guys do you think I am?

and no matter how many times you say that the incident at Starbucks was "staged," that won't make it so.
When they accept that blacks require lower standards to be equal not only is that a slap in the face to MLK its blatant textbook racism.
It is the very essence of judging a man by the color of his skin and not the content of his character.
I assure you today's Democrats despise MLK's messages just as much as any Democrat in the 60's did.

I mean really .....

How can you enforce the Democrat's soft bigotry of low expectations if your busy judging a person by the content of their character?
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I assure you today's Democrats despise MLK's messages just as much as any Democrat in the 60's did.

I mean really .....

How can you enforce the Democrat's soft bigotry of low expectations if your busy judging a person by the content of their character?
It's really pretty sad to see what became of Kings work. I'm old enough to have been part of all that. I saw the change in the black community (for the better) and then watch it all turn to shite and the effect it had on people. Then BO decides to lower the bar further. No wonder Yelliwstone is going to blow with King spinning in his grave like that.
It's really pretty sad to see what became of Kings work. I'm old enough to have been part of all that. I saw the change in the black community (for the better) and then watch it all turn to shite and the effect it had on people. Then BO decides to lower the bar further. No wonder Yelliwstone is going to blow with King spinning in his grave like that.
What does it say about the content of a person's character who refuses to buy something at a coffee shop and then trespasses by refusing to leave when asked.

I would say that makes them a thug ... a bully and shit for character ..... REGARDLESS of skin color.

But, that's not the extreme agenda pushed by leftist today, is it?
What does it say about the content of a person's character who refuses to buy something at a coffee shop and then trespasses by refusing to leave when asked.

I would say that makes them a thug ... a bully and shit for character ..... REGARDLESS of skin color.

But, that's not the extreme agenda pushed by leftist today, is it?
I thought that incident was staged by Starbucks?
that they were hired as actors?
That's what I think.

Except, not actors.

Democratic operatives.

You need to work on your terminology.

But, you on the other hand believe this is purely spontaneous and obviously a daily occurrence in this Country, even though we are nearly half a century past the 1960's.

So .... for this common spontaneous event ....

What does it say about a man's character who refuses to obey the rules and ultimately the law?

According to MLK and all normal thinking Americans, we are to judge a man by his character.

But, it is obvious .... all the Left, including all Democrats .... as usual ... can only see skin color.
That's what I think.

Except, not actors.

Democratic operatives.

You need to work on your terminology.

But, you on the other hand believe this is purely spontaneous and obviously a daily occurrence in this Country, even though we are nearly half a century past the 1960's.

So .... for this common spontaneous event ....

What does it say about a man's character who refuses to obey the rules and ultimately the law?

According to MLK and all normal thinking Americans, we are to judge a man by his character.

But, it is obvious .... all the Left, including all Democrats .... as usual ... can only see skin color.
Surely, this must be meant as satire. No one could really believe it.