When Thinking a Prayer Became a Crime

Yo Daddy!

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2022

When Thinking a Prayer Became a Crime​

Michael Brown
Michael Brown

Dec 31, 2022

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.


Pier Paolo Cito

At first, it seemed too absurd to believe. Surely, there must be more to the story than meets the eye.
It turns out that what was reported was quite accurate: a Christian pro-life leader in England was arrested not simply for standing in front of an abortion clinic. She was also arrested for the crime of praying while standing there, even though she was simply praying in her own head. Talk about being prosecuted for a “thought crime.” This really and truly happened.
At present, however, there is an additional note added by Twitter which states, “The woman in the video, Isabel Vaughan Spruce, was not arrested for silently praying. She was arrested for breaking a temporary Public Space Protection Order on four separate occasions which was used to ban protests outside of an abortion clinic due to safety concerns.” (The note is linked to this story).

you morons believe anything. lol
At present, however, there is an additional note added by Twitter which states, “The woman in the video, Isabel Vaughan Spruce, was not arrested for silently praying. She was arrested for breaking a temporary Public Space Protection Order on four separate occasions which was used to ban protests outside of an abortion clinic due to safety concerns.” (The note is linked to this story).

you morons believe anything. lol
You're the ones defending the hotly contested un- investigated 2020 election results.

You're the ones defending the hotly contested un- investigated 2020 election results.

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more than 100 people in the US, no doubt, believe the earth is flat and we never landed on the moon.

one should never listen to morons who don't have proof of their stupidity :)

and now they have had two YEARS and still..nothing.

You're the ones defending the hotly contested un- investigated 2020 election results.

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"UN investigated"? what are you talking about, ,*****? lol. all those audits, controls, court cases, etc...you morons have been trying to find the "massive fraud" for two YEARS and have found..nothing. lol