Who is responsible for the 9/11 attacks?

Who is responsible for the 9/11 attacks?

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spoken like a good lil Amerikan Nazi

I'll tell ya what. Given the venom so often in your mindless responses, I'll just chalk that up to a "consider the source" situation.

My step dad, God rest his soul, lived with the memories seared in his mind of what he found in Europe during and after WWII. He was a good, kind-hearted man but the word "Nazi" represented evil incarnate to him, and he passed that along to me.

My own father, who died in a car accident when I was 7, served in the Pacific front. He died before I had much "maturity" to hear and understand his experiences in the war. He did not fight the Nazi's in Europe, but he fought their allies, who proved capable of the same brutality against innocents that Hitler and his ill-begotten ilk possessed.

You, sir, have just said the most evil, hurtful and at the same time ABSURD thing you could say to me. I have never called you names, nor mocked you. But you have crossed a line that won't be forgotten here. To label me that is outrageous, and you are obviously sick. Go take your meds. They're calling you...
I'll tell ya what. Given the venom so often in your mindless responses, I'll just chalk that up to a "consider the source" situation.

My step dad, God rest his soul, lived with the memories seared in his mind of what he found in Europe during and after WWII. He was a good, kind-hearted man but the word "Nazi" represented evil incarnate to him, and he passed that along to me.

My own father, who died in a car accident when I was 7, served in the Pacific front. He died before I had much "maturity" to hear and understand his experiences in the war. He did not fight the Nazi's in Europe, but he fought their allies, who proved capable of the same brutality against innocents that Hitler and his ill-begotten ilk possessed.

You, sir, have just said the most evil, hurtful and at the same time ABSURD thing you could say to me. I have never called you names, nor mocked you. But you have crossed a line that won't be forgotten here. To label me that is outrageous, and you are obviously sick. Go take your meds. They're calling you...

Ill tell you what you lil pipsqueak...... you go ask any Jewish American, who was alive during that time period and saw how the Nazi's pulled off what they did.
You ask them what they think about whats happening right now today in America.I'll tell you what they'll tell you... its happening again! I don,t use the term Lightly I understand the connotations behind the evil that is the Nazi Ideology

I assure you it NEVER DIED.... and its alive at the highest levels of power today in the world. Including Here in the United States....look at the undeniable connections between America and the Nazi war machine. before..during...and after the war...........interestingly the Bush Family is steeped in this story as well

You know what your an angry punk who hasn't the slightest clue, as to the depths of what we are speaking on. I have had NUMEROUS old timers warn me for YEARS..... that its happening again. The German people said it couldn't happen to them too.....

there Are Staggering parrallels of the greatest proportion that you are unaware of ...

Another thing, BOTH of the grandfathers I grew up with Fought in ww2 against the Nazis, as did my grandmother on my mothers side's first husband, who died over Holland in Operation market garden. they saw what the nazi's did first hand. And secondly skippy i have travelled Europe EXTENSIVELY, I have been to Aushwitz, I have been to Malme'dy, I have been to Anne Franks house ....don't even begin to tell me, SQUAT about the Nazis, or the use of the term...........

Ive been there ,Ive seen the evil that still lives in the dirt....
and i see the same evil in America today. and the American people say It cant happen here......it wont happen here.
your insane, blah blah blah just like the German people did
back then

as far as the comment about meds...............seems like you know the routine fairly well huh? ill leave it at that
Ive been there ,Ive seen the evil that still lives in the dirt....
and i see the same evil in America today. and the American people say It cant happen here......it wont happen here.
your insane, blah blah blah just like the German people did
back then
Why do you exaggerate to the point of obsurdity? You say you know people that were there and that you yourself have been there. With a straight face you claim you see the same thing happening in America today. It appears more likely that you want to see the unspeakable horrors of WWII Germany in present day America to satisfy some twisted political agenda. So you see big bad uncle Sam in every closet, under every bed and in every shadowy corner coming to march us all off to the ovens.

Your assertions are simply obsurd ramblings.

- Castle
Steve, STOP blaming Clinton Damn it. Are you on speed or PCP?
If anyone did not do their job was that old goat Daddy Bush in
Desert Storm. Its understanable when someone calls another
person a name, due to the fact that a asshole post would make
anyone pissed off, and to see how mis-informed information is
posted is a damn shame.

Now if you would have did your homework this Middle East BS
started long before Clinton, and that's when it should have been
stopped. Here is a suggestion THAT might help to stop name
calling. Research the information that you are about to post.
This way you won't be posting a bunch of paragenda bull****.

Situations where people speak to soon always starts a chain
reaction. All kind of so called facts is reviewed everyday on
tele-a-lie vision, and in the media news print.
Most people know the real facts when they hear or read it,
and people know the BS from the real.
Why do you exaggerate to the point of obsurdity? You say you know people that were there and that you yourself have been there. With a straight face you claim you see the same thing happening in America today. It appears more likely that you want to see the unspeakable horrors of WWII Germany in present day America to satisfy some twisted political agenda. So you see big bad uncle Sam in every closet, under every bed and in every shadowy corner coming to march us all off to the ovens.

Your assertions are simply obsurd ramblings.

- Castle

Another simple mind checks in. here let me explain this for you I STILL DO KNOW people who were in Nazi Concentration Camps. Is that so hard for your simple mind to wrap around? there are many Holocaust survivors who are still alive today? whats absurd is your ignorance of this fact. now here comes the second part

I have BEEN to all of those places...........i Obviously wasn't there during ww2 as i'm just coming on 50 years of age.I do see the same thing happening in America Today ....and so should alot of you .Like i said don't take my word for it go talk to a Holocaust survivor and have em tell you what they think...

they aren't going to send us to the oven...we are the Germans in this Go around....Its all about the Nazi Doctrine of supremacy and power Globally a Global agenda.......Thule.....Bilderbergs......the list is exhaustive

NO sparky I don't want to see the same horrors befall us that befell the German people and the Jewish people. Take a look at your beloved administration look at abu gharib look at the way we are handling ourselves as the leaders of the world

Educate yourself on the Bush-Nazi Ties, and the Business practices of such.....No i don't see Uncle SAM, in every closet, or anything of the like? But then why would i expect an idiot to understand what i m saying? Your simply one of the many who will succumb, when the time comes

And another thing I never once implied that they were going to march you off to the ovens.............they dont need to cull in such a barbaric manner these days. If and when they decide to cull it wont be like that.......

as i say whats absurd...................is your sheer blindness of the reality.....its far too deep to explain all to you folks in a few posts on a message board.take a close look all around you youll see it its there ask a survivor what they think......

Ill talk to saul in an hour and ill ask him and his buddies again......maybe i can get HIM to post