Why did Fox News pull Glenn Beck off the air?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
The Answer is simple,,MORE MONEY! Just like Viacom pulled Rush Limbaugh off the air in 1998 cause he wanted MORE MONEY! Why didnt Fox just give him more money? I like that show!! Glenn Beck is Americas teacher. He teaches you about American politics. Watching his show is like going to school attending his class. Fox show "THE FIVE" is doing poorly in the ratings they need to cancel it and Hire John Gibson show ""Feed Back"" Remember that from MSNBC? Let me refresh your memory

This show should be called FACE OFF with John Gibson and get "The Five" off its doing poorly even viewers cant stand that fatass doughnut lover Bob Beckel
Yes, dear! Beck was the American teacher!

Now I understand why teachers are considered over paid and inefficient!

Fox made the decision to fire him because he was ridiculous, and getting more so every day! The guy was very close to a psychotic break!
Yes, dear! Beck was the American teacher!

Now I understand why teachers are considered over paid and inefficient!

Fox made the decision to fire him because he was ridiculous, and getting more so every day! The guy was very close to a psychotic break!

Also he was driving away all the sponsors...if you have the highest rated show ever...and no one will advertise on it because your a nut job...you still get pulled...because its not profitable. Even others at Fox news Seemed tired of his, live in a bomb shelter we are all going to die Bull.
Beck left FOX to start GBTV. He wasn't fired, he wasn't demanding more money, his show was never hurting for sponsors, his ratings were #1 for his time slot but when it came time to renew his contract with FOX, he decided to move away from the cable networks and create GBTV - which is doing very well.