Why Is Russia Backing Trump?


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2015
Not too long ago, Putin said, "in Trump, I see a candidate I can support."

Just wondering why should Russia be all that interested in seeing Trump become the U.S president? It's not like Trump's going to end the military rivalry between Russia and the U.S.

Could it be the promise of "warmer relations" with Russia?
To be totally frank, it is because Putin knows that Trump would be easy to dismantle. A Trump presidency would make America an easy target for dictators like Putin. This really makes me appreciate Obama; he has demanded begrudging respect from Putin. I am going to miss Obama very much.
To be totally frank, it is because Putin knows that Trump would be easy to dismantle. A Trump presidency would make America an easy target for dictators like Putin. This really makes me appreciate Obama; he has demanded begrudging respect from Putin. I am going to miss Obama very much.
He's played hrc like a fiddle for four years. If that's all he wanted he would want her.
U.S. law enforcement is looking into Donald Trump foreign policy advisor Carter Page’s meetings with high-ranking Russian officials this summer, Yahoo’s Michael Isikoff reports.

Page, who Trump said was one of his five foreign policy advisors last March, is suspected of communicating with “senior Russian officials” about “the possible lifting of economic sanctions” if Trump becomes president, Yahoo reports, citing “multiple sources who have been briefed on the issue.”


Carter Page, an adviser to Donald Trump, is currently being probed by the FBI for his alleged ties with the Russian government. Trump used to make pro-Russian comments because of this foreign policy adviser. The Trump family has sought real estate opportunities in Russia and other former Soviet states. If Trump becomes the next president, he would lift sanctions against Russia.
One dictator recognizes the same traits in another "dictator". It is for the same reason that ISIS, China, the White Nationalists, all support Trump. They recognize that the country cannot survive with a Trump Presidency. I have heard people say that they are going to vote for Hillary, not because they trust her, or believe her, but just because they recognize the threat Trump presents. Unfortunately we have a country of fools, and idiots, who can only hate others, and have no idea of the catastrophe they are supporting.

As I posted before, this is Trumps idea of the "good ol days":

Putin wants to see chaos in the US and the EU, as it makes it easier for him to subvert democracy in the US and the EU. And Trump, an ignorant blowhard growing weaker by the day, makes for more chaos in the US.
Not too long ago, Putin said, "in Trump, I see a candidate I can support."

Just wondering why should Russia be all that interested in seeing Trump become the U.S president? It's not like Trump's going to end the military rivalry between Russia and the U.S.

Could it be the promise of "warmer relations" with Russia?
Russia is not backing Trump. I'm not sure if that is a Russian lie as well but it is certainly a Democrat lie.



