Will PROHIBITION Of Cigarettes Work??

To answer the question posed originally, NO.
Prohibition on most things, especially "intoxicants" doesnt really work.

Just look at the prison system where tobacco is often a black market item, and the steps people take not only in obtaining it, but the "price" involved.
I see you failed to notice that it was in fact noObama who decided it was a Bash Liberals thread, a whole one post in. But feel free to blame Shaman for replying to her dumb response.

It is somewhat on topic to bring up the tax issue with cigarettes as opposed to turn a topic on Pakistan into a death penalty issue.
funny becuse mos liberals I know are in fact Christian. and most are pro choice, but not pro abortion. And spare me your bull about its not pro choice its pro abortion.

totally off topic but had to reply to PFOS

I have never met a liberal in my life that had any faith in God with the exeptions of a few Wiccans. I know lots of democrats who are chrisitans, tons and tons of democrats but not even one single liberal.

pro choice to do what?.. finish the sentence. pro choice to ..........not wear a seat belt or helmet ??? heavens no! liberals are big on forcing you to do with your body what is against your will when it comes to seat belts and helmets. so again finish the sentence, pro choice to ABORTION.

but I am going to spare you because you already decided killing babies is not a bad choice to make if its a choice someone thinks they want to make. Please spare me your bull about it not being murder :)

back to topic, Taxing things only makes that thing less wanted but the government gets used to the tax. The government is addicted to taxes like a person is addicted to cigarettes, I think the smoker is willing to give up smoking long before a govermnemnt jerk off is willing to cut back on taxes
If they want everyone to quit smoking they need to figure out what they will tax in its place to get their stupid money.
.....And, in the mean-time, you "conservatives" will have to figure-out some way to justify more federal-subsidies (to health-insurance companies), even while smoking-related illnesses decrease.

Life ain't fair. "conservative"-greed won't always be rewarded. :rolleyes:
I am confused about something in your post. your thinking on the matter.

First you describe smoking as "legal, yet highly addictive intoxicant" and say some have quit willingly but others have not quit.
then you go on to wonder if they might quit if they would quit if they were
being threatened with criminal prosecution and arrest, imprisonment, probation, and drug testing."
I'd referenced an article to point-out that....besides raising the profit-margin...Prohibition (of anything) has never proven to be a worthwhile band-aid.
Notice how no one turned this thread into an anti-US rant....
Sorry to have disappointed you.

I'm sure....sometime, in the near-future....I'll say something that'll justify your need to flash your shiny, new Moderator's-badge. :rolleyes:
The Prohibition thing was tried with Alcohol and you can read up on the history of that one.
HOWEVER, just as a hypothetical ... If the use of Tobacco could be eliminated, there would be land freed-up to grow food crops or industrial HEMP ... good idea, please note that in the world, there are thousands of acres of land cultivated in poppies that feed the illegal drug business, if that could be stamped out, how much FOOD could be grown on that same land?
What....you've got something against Kapitalism??? :eek:
.....And, in the mean-time, you "conservatives" will have to figure-out some way to justify more federal-subsidies (to health-insurance companies), even while smoking-related illnesses decrease.

Life ain't fair. "conservative"-greed won't always be rewarded. :rolleyes:

I dont believein federal subsidies for anybody, sink or swim all on your own.
I'd referenced an article to point-out that....besides raising the profit-margin...Prohibition (of anything) has never proven to be a worthwhile band-aid.

If something is deemed dangerous or bad then ban it. Destroy the seeds... what ever. But making a sin tax to slowly suck a targeted group dry is just wrong.

I dont believe in taxing one group more than another or taxing one product more than another depending on some groups idea that this is worse than that.
Yeah....we're victims of that, there Common-Sense-thing.

We'll try to be more deferential (like some "conservative"-wifey), in the future....but, don't hold-your-breath. :rolleyes:

the LAST thing I woud want is for liberals to find religion. Just one more thing for them to twist and tork.

There are a few liberals who have already done it. I dont think they have any real faith but they like trying to currupt anything they can that they deem bad or wrong.

The unitarian church where most members are open atheist and they spend their time trying to water down faith in general.

this is what happens when liberals tamper with religion, its better if they stay atheists IMO
totally off topic but had to reply to PFOS

I have never met a liberal in my life that had any faith in God with the exeptions of a few Wiccans. I know lots of democrats who are chrisitans, tons and tons of democrats but not even one single liberal.

pro choice to do what?.. finish the sentence. pro choice to ..........not wear a seat belt or helmet ??? heavens no! liberals are big on forcing you to do with your body what is against your will when it comes to seat belts and helmets. so again finish the sentence, pro choice to ABORTION.

but I am going to spare you because you already decided killing babies is not a bad choice to make if its a choice someone thinks they want to make. Please spare me your bull about it not being murder :)

back to topic, Taxing things only makes that thing less wanted but the government gets used to the tax. The government is addicted to taxes like a person is addicted to cigarettes, I think the smoker is willing to give up smoking long before a govermnemnt jerk off is willing to cut back on taxes

you must live in a cave then.