World War III, drones inhuman??? cloning?

Oct 9, 2009
red yellow blue a sign of the New World Order...???

cloning would be to lack of respect...customize children to how we want them to be...not in their best interest for their future.

swine flu an insult to humanity? pigs are dumb, can be controlled easily.

military also by nano machines...its a fabrication of science

shouldnt that company be executed..for making the virus!

it just didnt come from the air like a cold...people can get a cold

or a regular fever gum...which has aspartime causes added bad drugs which are like speed, cocaine concerta and ritalin cocaine...a similar solvent.

diet soda which is also bad. aspartime...

mercury? in flu vaccines? to be AWARE makes people people
to make them smart for them to function! properly!
autism...caused by mercury! they should be sued.
red yellow blue a sign of the New World Order...???

cloning would be to lack of respect...customize children to how we want them to be...not in their best interest for their future.

swine flu an insult to humanity? pigs are dumb, can be controlled easily.

military also by nano machines...its a fabrication of science

shouldnt that company be executed..for making the virus!

it just didnt come from the air like a cold...people can get a cold

or a regular fever gum...which has aspartime causes added bad drugs which are like speed, cocaine concerta and ritalin cocaine...a similar solvent.

diet soda which is also bad. aspartime...

mercury? in flu vaccines? to be AWARE makes people people
to make them smart for them to function! properly!
autism...caused by mercury! they should be sued.

Sentence fragments and incoherant ramblings. Are you trying to say something?