Young widow kills intruder, protects herself and her baby.


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Teen mom kills intruder after 911 call

(ABC News) - A young Oklahoma mother shot and killed an intruder to protect her 3-month-old baby on New Year's Eve, less than a week after the baby's father died of cancer.
Sarah McKinley says that a week earlier a man named Justin Martin dropped by on the day of her husband's funeral, claiming that he was a neighbor who wanted to say hello. The 18-year-old Oklahoma City area woman did not let him into her home that day.
On New Year's Eve Martin returned with another man, Dustin Stewart, and this time was armed with a 12-inch hunting knife. The two soon began trying to break into McKinley's home.

What a brave young woman! This story could easily have had a very different outcome, had she not been armed. That dog looks as if he might have been able to protect the family, too, but didn't have to.

Countdown to comment about how "liberals" want to take our guns away, 10, 9, 8.....
good for this young lady. kept her head on her shoulders and did what she had to do. it would have been nice had the 911 person given her a straight answer but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they just didn't know.

don't forget, cops investigate crimes, they don't (can't really) prevent them. be prepared.
Again are cops plan biased not to arrest someone protect themselves cause the intruder is white? Now again remember my link the Cops charged an Pharmacist who shot and killed a teen who robbed him? Cause the teen was black. This goes back to Bill Clintons hate law crime bill he signed into law back in 1996. Suppose the intruder is black? She would be heading to jail and probley sentenced to the Oklahoma state prison. This is the same state where the Pharmacist shot and killed a black teen who robbed him. Police are racialy biased. You see,, An officers job is to serve the government. Just like Caesar roman soldiers serve Caesar. Hitlers nazi gestapos carry out Hitlers orders. Obama is just like Hitler,Stalin and Julius Caesar. Maybe we should change the name from Washington D.C to Obamagrad.
Again are cops plan biased not to arrest someone protect themselves cause the intruder is white? Now again remember my link the Cops charged an Pharmacist who shot and killed a teen who robbed him? Cause the teen was black. This goes back to Bill Clintons hate law crime bill he signed into law back in 1996. Suppose the intruder is black? She would be heading to jail and probley sentenced to the Oklahoma state prison. This is the same state where the Pharmacist shot and killed a black teen who robbed him. Police are racialy biased. You see,, An officers job is to serve the government. Just like Caesar roman soldiers serve Caesar. Hitlers nazi gestapos carry out Hitlers orders. Obama is just like Hitler,Stalin and Julius Caesar. Maybe we should change the name from Washington D.C to Obamagrad.
Did he shoot the black kid in self defense, or was he running away? It seems to me that there is more to the story than the color of the perp's skin.
Did he shoot the black kid in self defense, or was he running away? It seems to me that there is more to the story than the color of the perp's skin.

not in near as much mortal danger when the attacker is headed away. if you're going to shoot one fleeing, hit the leg to prevent him fleeing justice.
Only Cops are allowed to shoot and kill blacks,, BUT YOU CANT KILL THEM!!! Just like back in Nazi Germany only Hitlers gestapos and the military can kill Jews but the German citizens cant kill Jews cause theyre no allowed to do so. If they do the gestapos can arrest you. Just like Texas cops shot and killed an 8 grader in school and hes Mexican.
Again its Bill Clintons hate crime laws are to blame. Whites do not benefit from Hate crime laws is why theyre not allowed to kill Blacks or any other minority race.
Only Cops are allowed to shoot and kill blacks,, BUT YOU CANT KILL THEM!!! Just like back in Nazi Germany only Hitlers gestapos and the military can kill Jews but the German citizens cant kill Jews cause theyre no allowed to do so. If they do the gestapos can arrest you. Just like Texas cops shot and killed an 8 grader in school and hes Mexican.
Again its Bill Clintons hate crime laws are to blame. Whites do not benefit from Hate crime laws is why theyre not allowed to kill Blacks or any other minority race.
cops kill a Hispanic kid who is brandishing a realistic looking gun at school, and that somehow shows that you can't kill black people?

Making this issue about race is just absurd.
Only Cops are allowed to shoot and kill blacks,, BUT YOU CANT KILL THEM!!! Just like back in Nazi Germany only Hitlers gestapos and the military can kill Jews but the German citizens cant kill Jews cause theyre no allowed to do so. If they do the gestapos can arrest you. Just like Texas cops shot and killed an 8 grader in school and hes Mexican.
Again its Bill Clintons hate crime laws are to blame. Whites do not benefit from Hate crime laws is why theyre not allowed to kill Blacks or any other minority race.

I'll admit that the so-called hate crime laws are stupid.
Teen mom kills intruder after 911 call

What a brave young woman! This story could easily have had a very different outcome, had she not been armed. That dog looks as if he might have been able to protect the family, too, but didn't have to.

Countdown to comment about how "liberals" want to take our guns away, 10, 9, 8.....

of course that story will stick far more then 50 cases of family member kills rest of Family or shoots wife ext...

Somehow I think I would have shot and asked later...though I would bet one shot close would be enough to stop them and not need to kill.
of course that story will stick far more then 50 cases of family member kills rest of Family or shoots wife ext...

Somehow I think I would have shot and asked later...though I would bet one shot close would be enough to stop them and not need to kill.

girl did the right thing, cops alerted and covering her ass from the threat of liberal judges.
if you're protecting your life in a close situation where the bad guy has little opportunity to escape, failing to off them does not eliminate the risk. bad guy had to go.
girl did the right thing, cops alerted and covering her ass from the threat of liberal judges.
if you're protecting your life in a close situation where the bad guy has little opportunity to escape, failing to off them does not eliminate the risk. bad guy had to go.

Liberal Judges...aka judges who enforce the law as stated that says when and when force can't be used...I know you guys hate enforcing of laws you don't like but quite crying about judges. You love them when they go your way.
of course that story will stick far more then 50 cases of family member kills rest of Family or shoots wife ext...

Somehow I think I would have shot and asked later...though I would bet one shot close would be enough to stop them and not need to kill.
Really? If you were an 18 year old kid with a baby to protect, but otherwise living alone, and some yahoo with a hunting knife decided to break in, along with his no doubt worthless buddies, you would have tried to shoot him in the leg or something, and spare his life?

Not me. Even were I still an old geezer with babies long gone, I'd still have blown the piece of **** to kingdom come and let Jesus forgive him if he wanted to.