8 Russian diplomats dead since November 2016 - link to the US election?


Staff member
Dec 9, 2006
Austria, in the heart of Europe
What a strange list of deaths:
  • November 8th 2016, Sergej Kriwow was found dead near the Russian consulate. Initial reports said he had plunged to his death from the roof of the consulate. Later it was said, he suffered a heart attack in the security office, and died. See this strange report.
  • December 19th 2016, Petr Polschikow was shot in his appartment in Moscow. Local news said he was found with a pillow on his head.
  • December 19th 2016, Andrej Karlow, Russian embassador in Turkey
  • December 26th 2016, Oleg Erowinkin, Russian secret service member, found dead in his car.
  • December 2016, Roman Skrylnikow, member of the Russian embassy in Kasachstan, found dead in his appartment, heart attack
  • Jan 9th 2017, Andrej Malanin, Russian diplomat in Athen, found dead in his appartment, heart attack
  • Jan 26th 2017, Alexander Kadakin, Russian diplomat in India
  • Feb 20th 2017, Vitali Tschurkin, Russian embassador to the UN, heart attack.
  • March 23 2017, Denis Woronenkow, Russian politician, shot in a Hotel in Kiew, known critic of Putin
  • March 27th 2017, Nikolai Wolkow, Russian government official, shot dead
  • August 23rd 2017, Mirgajas Schirinski, Russian ambassador in Sudan, heart attack
Obviously it's pretty dangerous to be a Russian embassador. I would reconsider my job.

Clint Watts from Foreign Policy Research Institute:
"Follow the trail of dead Russians"
It's even more dangerous to be associated with Slick and Hellary. I

Why don't you show the list of the death related to the Clintons.
Why do you believe that just throwing in a comment without supporting it would make us believe you are right?

Put up or shut up!