A Vote Against McCain


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
John McCain shares several of Barack Obama’s liabilities including the fact that he does not have the human ability to reason and apply the law on behalf of women. Evidence of this would be his failure to take the equal protection issue seriously, his failure to block or later remove John Roberts who is acting in violation of US law and his failure to impeach any sitting elected or appointed official guilty of discrimination, especially of women. He also lied about his feelings regarding the decision of SC to fly the confederate flag...while admitting he did this in order to then be elected President this is very telling as he knows as fact the Republican Party made up a story about him having a child out of wedlock – a black child, and in all interview I have seen he has said black child as if having and affair and a baby behind your wife’s back is okay but not if the child produced is black. To be fair reporters fist say black child but nobody is forcing McCain to perpetuate the stereotype that he is: black is somehow ‘off’ or ‘defective’.

He continues to affiliate himself with the political party responsible for this and it just so happens to be the same political party responsible for first the vote of a woman having zero legal power and now, no single vote pf any citizen having power as we have a court and a Chief Justice making law and amending law. Several times upon being informed of the illegality of Bush V Gore McCain refused to act. Ignorance is not an excuse and so: If you cannot confront the Chief Justice and the person acting upon the mistaken belief he is the President now, then what makes you think you can magically develop the ability later? If you are not willing now, what is suddenly going to make you willing? I cannot have a President acting as my legal and physical custodian if he does not have the ability to tell the Chief Justice where and when to get out of town. It’s a safety issue and an American is NEVER to negotiate their safety.

McCain ‘tried’ several times to compromise with the Democrats in order to pass legislation. Once is a mistake twice is not; there should have been no second failure. At that point you use the law to seize power and you do it – you enact the legislation – as in America the attempt is the recovery.

McCain has no idea WHY we are embroiled in an unwar other than a vote based upon bad evidence. The actual reasoning is all over the historical record. I have heard him identify the enemy; he has named the incorrect enemy. He cannot name all of the reasoning for the internal problems Iraq. As for women, he has barely mentioned the US problem and expects that Iraq will do what we are not willing to do: Liberate women. It’s not actual liberation if you possess the vote on paper only as unjust men and now some women yet act upon the mistaken belief that women are less than men and somehow defective so that the vote of a woman is never realized as justice. Now, none of you have justice…McCain also ‘believes’ as fact that he is the solution to Bush V Gore and that violates an unwritten law of this universe; it is an impossibility unless he turns into a woman and has a baby or unless he achieves enlightenment. He has done neither and so his election, like any other man’s or any unjust person’s, would then serve to make all the effects of Bush V Gore worse.

McCain has no idea as to what this nation’s problem is and placed blame on women. He said it was “moral authority”. Correct. But he defined that as: Abortion. Moral authority has nothing to with morals and if he is stating that it is abortion upon demand that killed this nation that then is the fault of men not of women as all of the outside conditions that drive any women to have an abortion are fueled by men save one: A health exception which is an act of God. As men aren’t God they are not to fault for that. McCain could not articlulate what moral authority is and to my knowledge still has it confused. He also confuses evidence, a belief, a true belief, a law, faith, proof and an ethic too.

As for the war he has said that it is irresponsible to announce your plan. WRONG! It might be irresponsible; is it in this case? No, as due to the very nature of this war – it was begun upon a lie – and to what it has then become: A war against a religion named Islam. “Islam does not believe in Jesus as the God nor doe it teach that Jesus died upon the corss; it is a Judeo-Christian belief system that is fighting an Islamic one and it will always be a draw – a war -until or unless somebody tells the truth. In this case the solution is: Tell the whole planet your plan as the solution, the actual solution, is not one any person can then undermine or change by perverting the facts as they cannot defeat universal law; nobody can. You can manipulate it but not defeat it, and if your action is ethical then the power of God aka the universe is actually on your side.

IF McCain has an actual plan he could tell us some of it if he truly believes he must keep it secret. Americans are for the most part ignorant and stupid by choice and base all of their power on paper and words but even that can be used to: Give the rest of us a hint. A clue. Allude to it and the rest of us will know. It seems to me fear of the unknown is being used to manipulate the voters and that voters are falling for it. You know what the rest of us would know if McCain gave us that hint? That his plan was not going to work…maybe all of the voters should define exactly what ‘ending’ a war means to them?

McCain advertises that his experience is years and years within a corrupted system. Besides that being a massive conflict of interest it is not the sort of experience you need to be President and commander. The experience you need is life, as you must be all things to all people, and so hiding out in Congress and DC for years and years while the lawbreaking gets worse and worse is not the experience we want or need in a President. As doctor Phil would ask: How has that one been working for you? I would ask MCain: Is this what you survived Vietnam for? Is this why? As the thing the experience actual war is supposed to bestow upon you seems to be missing in his person.

McCain is for bailing out foreclosures. This tax payer knows as fact: It is illegal to use my tax dollar in this way as ignorance is not an excuse. To successfully end the foreclosure crisis you have to 1, Let people suffer the consequences of their mistake (if it was a mistake) and 2, Revive the old usuary laws we tossed out with deregulation. Money in the form of a government bailout, does nothing to solve the problem and only makes it worse as people then do not learn via life experience. This, along with all of McCain’s other talk about the economy tells me: This guy is like all of the others. He has no idea how our dollar works or what it is and so he cannot preserve, protect and defend the law. Yes, he can pull a weapon and shoot but unless he’s going to shot every single corrupted person on Earth he has nothing and our problems sink us deeper and deeper.

While not my last point it is my last for this post: not one person has addressed the magnetic North Pole. Instead they concentrate on global warming, an effect. Cause and effect may be a mainly Buddhist philosophy but you will find it in the Federalist Papers. All government and law begins as a philosophy; some philosophy is belief but some is actual law. Cause and effect is an actual law and the effects of the Pole moving are going to get a whole lot worse…it is up to us to manipulate them so that the effects spare us or work for us. McCain, like all of the contenders, cannot do the science but only talk the talk. He, like they, lack the human ability to fulfill a single one of their promises.

For that to happen they’d have to promise to pay for me to go to NY to finally appear in the flesh in a court of law and then actually do it. Seriously, as these people can fulfill private promises but not fulfill one promise that covers us as a whole. They might want to but they lack the human ability and so far not one of them has volunteered to acquire that ability.

Two unjust ‘choices’ have been forced upon you and liberty is a choice from among some just choices. There has to be at least two just things available to you and force cannot be involved. Neither can money but you allow it.It is not liberty to have two unjust choices forced upon you; what kind of choice is that? What are you actually choosing? Who is the lesser of two unable men or who might have committed the lesser crime? You are allowing this office to be bought and sold. Federal precedent is: Our founders did not intend for only two political parties most especially a two party monopoly…the states have a vested interest in limiting the number of candidates on a ballot but may not enact rules that they know serve to promote any particular party. Every single sate is violating this precedent and the law as they know as fact the rules engendered and promote only two parties and the states know as fact that money is being used to illegally trade upon human life –the law.

The actual reasoning that Justices may not collect the money a President may collect in retirement (or while on the bench) is that a Justice is held to the highest standard and sop he or she may not use their knowledge to trade upon the law in order to then make a profit. If a Justice cannot do this why are you allowing the person held to the very highest standard of all – a President – to not only do this but do things like lie under oath?

My favorite Congressional lie, told while McCain was in office: We don’t really have any firm definition of what we can impeach for…what is or is not an impeachable offense. I can help McCain. Obama and all of Congress out: What both of these men did to me personally is an impeachable offense. What they are about to do to this nation as a whole is an impeachable offense. Our law exactly reads “high crimes and misdemeanors” There is another way to phrase this; high crimes and misdemeanors are also mortal and venal sins. The Roman Catholic Church’s Baltimore cathecism then has an exact listing of all high crimes and misdemeanors. A “lie” may fall into either category; Clinton’s? Mortal sin. IMPEACHABLE. McCain could have done exactly what I did upon failure of the Congress to impeach: Whip out a sheet of paper, write out an executive order, sign it the acting President and commander, mail it to all 100 senators and as many memebers of the house as you can 9all if possible) and then enter US Supreme Court with that same order, ordering the Chief to stand aside by hearing you. VOILA! McCain would then be the legal President. We have the same standing; if I did it he too could have done it and he had way more resources plus an advatage: He's a guy and the clerks are in love with other men. As he was in DC it would not have even cost him $1.27 as it did me; he would have becme the legal President for nothing but the cost of some paper and a walk over to US Supreme Court.

If he doubted his ability and the law then he'll doubt it now...he's had no new or other experience besides getting nailed for wanting the confederate flag and not wanting a black baby and he missed the lesson. He'll never own actual legal power ex post facto and that is exactly what a President must do. The title does not give it to you!

Don’t ‘believe’ me as you did not 'believe' me when I said all of our law is based on spiritual tenets and beliefs that are universal law? And that it is a never ending hcain of command? Jefferson hated the belief known as transubstantiation yet sent his daughter to be educated by Nuns. He knew exactly what a high crime was as it is based upon a Catholic or christian concept and he not once acted to take it out of our law as he understood: We are the first great government and law that did not become an actual religion as not only did we not begin as one but we then legislated our ethic as separate and apart from our beliefs.

You access chain of command when you vote and you are equal in legal power to the sitting President always as long as you voted or had actual reasoning not to vote like you were illegally denied it or you had the plague. Washington did not want to be the first President for many reasons one of which was: Then you guys would not understand how this works and so either elect Generals forever or give away your power eventually as you'd never realize your one vote has enormous actual power and so you'd take it up the butt instead of fighting back, and Jefferson never served in the military but knew he had standing to hold this office as he voted and as he had excellent reasoning not to serve during the Revolution: He was valuable intellctual property we could not afford lose.

Never ending chain of command which, according to the universe and Marbury, begins and ends at God? Buddhism and Hinduism. Now, didn't I hear McCain insist that we are a Christian nation? Not!

P.S. There is a story about Washington having some sort of mystical experience. Some say it is fact, others say it is made up. I believe it is factual; he may have experienced liberty as sacred but not have realized it for what it was as I almost missed it...The knowledge of ego/id did not exist then as it does now and Washington would not have any clue as to what aspiration enlightenment was if he did not give birth or study any other religions. He hardly attended Christian church and the only record I found so far of him experiencing any other religion was his attendence of a service at a Synogogue and his experience with Natives. He might have had it but not owned what it was. I suspect the same thing happened to other founders as none of them were women except: Abigail Adams and she believed in "patriotic motherhood" so she seemd to have owned the knowledge.

In case McCain ever reads this: Hey, John McCain. Liberty as sacred is waaaay cool; what happens is absolutely and wholly amazing and so it is worth chasing. I canot tell you what to do exactly but I can tell you to ask yourself this question until you own this answer as fact: Define the relationship; name your enemy. When you pull off Darth Vader's mask, Is George Washington your father? Of course it might work differently for men. As a man you might then have to ask how you ever came to be in a position to kill George Washington with a light saber. We know as fact it is not because you felt as if Obi Wan Rhenquist or Obi Wan Stevens charged you with the duty and so does God. There's some other reasoning. So, let me know. - Susan.