America isnt the best country in the world


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
With half of the voters are stupid how can we be the best in the world? Half of people voted for a man who allowed our embassy staff get killed and do nothing. A man who doesnt care about the economy. A man who doesnt care about israel. A man who doesnt have any idea how people are struggling to get jobs or how to make ends meet. A man doesnt care about immingration laws. How can majority vote for a man like this? Because they can? Thats B.S!! Half of people in the country just dont have a brain. Half of people in the country will believe anything what the New York times say. Half of people in the country will believe anything what Brian Williams says.Half of people in the country will believe anything what Oprah Winfrey says.Half of people in the country will believe anything what Scott Pelley says. Half of people in the country will believe anything what Bill Maher says. And half of people in the country will believe anything what their High School teachers and College Professor says. Theyre even watch a documentry produced by Hollywood and believe it too. Theyre even believe what a liberal campaign commerical tells em who to vote for. I dont know whats the best country in the world is but it sure isnt America.
Certainly only the US can destroy the racist colony in Palestine, but AIPAC has such a hold on your representatives that you can't expect any of them to do anything about the child-murders and so on, even as they rise above 2,000, surely You want yet another oil-colony in Libya, or more drone murders? It isn't doing much for you anywhere else, is it? You want to abolish democracy while you're at it too, by the sound of it. You think that will make your country great? Seems an odd notion: is it in Genesis or something?
Certainly only the US can destroy the racist colony in Palestine, but AIPAC has such a hold on your representatives that you can't expect any of them to do anything about the child-murders and so on, even as they rise above 2,000, surely You want yet another oil-colony in Libya, or more drone murders? It isn't doing much for you anywhere else, is it? You want to abolish democracy while you're at it too, by the sound of it. You think that will make your country great? Seems an odd notion: is it in Genesis or something?

Oh my! the leftists are flooding the forums all over the world.
The one party state not what it was over thee? Someone daring to criticise! I should invade a few Muslim countries to increase the oil profits! :)
Obama was on the verge of a humiliating defeat after his poor debate performance and he tearfully thanked his campaign team for saving his job and Hurricane Sandy made the US electorate more supportive of Obama and he gained an edge over Romney in most swing states after Sandy from Florida to Colorado where Romney had led Obama consistently in the polls before Sandy hit.

The only reason Lincoln got elected back in 1860 is from Stupidity Maybe Douglass was just way too harsh. But he was honest he told it like it is,,But some folks didnt like his speeches. Back then the press was fair. thats the only time Americans learned from stupidity when that civil war got started,,When that war started folks at home simply said,,I should have voted for Douglass. Thats the only time in the 19th century American voters learn from stupidity. Then 50 years later they got stupid again. They elected a progressive socialist because they didnt agree with an republican Taft. He talked about WWI we should defend our friends. But Wilson said America will never get involved in WWI. Then 6 months later he declared war on Germany enter WWI. Back them voters didnt want to send our children to war thats why the voted for Wilson. Then they got Stupid again by voting for FDR and they didnt learn from stupidity. The voted FDR because they were pissed at Herbert Hoover. Who caused the great reccession and signed prohabition into law. But FDR created the I.R.S. You see voters didnt use their heads. Just like the voted Obama in cause the voters were all pissed at GEORGE W BUSH! Just like ther Voted for Clinton because they were pissed at his daddy! This isnt Traditional America anymore. America is just like Europe now. You watch were gonna end up like Greece because they didnt learn from stupidity.
We are the greatest country in the world. We have been since it was founded and it is today even with obama in the white house.

There is no place better, nowhere to run. So if you do not like where we are being dragged to. Then fight back and reclaim. Because we really are the last great hope and there will be no one to save us so it’s about time we start saving ourselves!
We are the greatest country in the world. We have been since it was founded and it is today even with obama in the white house.

There is no place better, nowhere to run. So if you do not like where we are being dragged to. Then fight back and reclaim. Because we really are the last great hope and there will be no one to save us so it’s about time we start saving ourselves!

Really?? Are we? If i ever win Powerball im going to Canada and stay there. Im not gonna partisipate in stupidity lame elections. At Least the Canadian political system is fair. If your Party wins the party picks the PM not the voters. America needs to get rid of the electoral college and early voting. If you win a state ITS 1 POINT Just like in soccer and in hockey you score its 1 point. Look at the Map. Mitt won in more states than Obama.

Mitt won 27 States he should be in the white house.
Really?? Are we? If i ever win Powerball im going to Canada and stay there. Im not gonna partisipate in stupidity lame elections. At Least the Canadian political system is fair. If your Party wins the party picks the PM not the voters. America needs to get rid of the electoral college and early voting. If you win a state ITS 1 POINT Just like in soccer and in hockey you score its 1 point. Look at the Map. Mitt won in more states than Obama.

Mitt won 27 States he should be in the white house.
If I ever win the Powerball I will buy you the one way ticket :)

If you think Canada is freer and more fare than America then go for it. They have government controlled radio, newspapers and TV. Reading in public some bible vs. is considered hate speech. There are more books banned in Canada than most civilized places and they screw every tax payer in taxes. The waiting list to get a knee operation can go as long as 3 years. It might be longer but the friend I have here waited 3 years for hers.

I think you should not wait, just go now.

As for our voting:

I do not disagree it should be changed. I would like to see voting happen like this.

Election Day is a national holiday. And a Wednesday so there is no long weekend to be gotten out of it.

Every poll opens in every state at exactly midnight on the east coast and 9 pm on the west coast.

24 hours later they close.

If you were in line when the polls close oh fuckin well, you should have started earlier and not waited till the last hour or two before the polls closed.

Every single person must have registered at least 1 month in advance WITH PHOTO ID and you show photo ID to vote. No machines, just a paper ballot and a RECEIPT!

Cameras on everything at all times during the counts and at least two people (one from each party) counting together each ballot.

I also think the ID should be free. Or rather tax payer expense since that is what free really means.

No early voting and the only ones who can get absentee ballots are those in the hospital or overseas in the service of our country. If you are overseas because you are "vacationing" then screw you, you can’t vote. If it wasn't important enough to get your ass home and do then you don’t need to do it.

No students can be registered to vote in the city they are in collage at either. We have way too many people who register in both home states and the states they go to school. Many of them are probably voting in both places and one thing for sure is they can sure screw up a college town with their stupidity then at the end of the year they drive home to their normal area that wasn’t screwed up by dumb college kids. So maybe college kids who can prove a year’s residents prior to registering with photo ID to vote. I still wouldn’t like that but it would be a hell of a lot better than what we currently have.

I am also thinking voting age should be brought up to 21. These dumb kids are clueless!
If I ever win the Powerball I will buy you the one way ticket :)

If you think Canada is freer and more fare than America then go for it. They have government controlled radio, newspapers and TV. Reading in public some bible vs. is considered hate speech. There are more books banned in Canada than most civilized places and they screw every tax payer in taxes. The waiting list to get a knee operation can go as long as 3 years. It might be longer but the friend I have here waited 3 years for hers.

I think you should not wait, just go now.

Buy my house and land too in Toronto.I cant wait to escape from Stalog 13



I am also thinking voting age should be brought up to 21. These dumb kids are clueless!

I agree will all of that expect the age thing. If you are under 21 and are in the military, you should be allowed to choose your Commander In Chief.

We should get three copies of our ballot votes. One goes to the D's, one goes to the R's and a third goes to an I.

When the polls close, they all three better agree, and the votes don't count until they do.

We should all get a scanable SS card too and you could use that for voter ID. I can't believe how well ATM/credit cards work and we can't come up with a better voting system.
I agree will all of that expect the age thing. If you are under 21 and are in the military, you should be allowed to choose your Commander In Chief.

We should get three copies of our ballot votes. One goes to the D's, one goes to the R's and a third goes to an I.

When the polls close, they all three better agree, and the votes don't count until they do.

We should all get a scanable SS card too and you could use that for voter ID. I can't believe how well ATM/credit cards work and we can't come up with a better voting system.
I love the 3 receipts idea.. That would be so smart. And I would be ok with lowering the age to 17 for people in military service.
I am also thinking voting age should be brought up to 21. These dumb kids are clueless!

You know I I fought long and hard for Vote18 way back when because kids being drafted to go to VietNam deserved a say. That's still true but being a dumb kid at the time myself I did not factor in the wet behind the ears aspect. Live and learn.