Well-Known Member
With half of the voters are stupid how can we be the best in the world? Half of people voted for a man who allowed our embassy staff get killed and do nothing. A man who doesnt care about the economy. A man who doesnt care about israel. A man who doesnt have any idea how people are struggling to get jobs or how to make ends meet. A man doesnt care about immingration laws. How can majority vote for a man like this? Because they can? Thats B.S!! Half of people in the country just dont have a brain. Half of people in the country will believe anything what the New York times say. Half of people in the country will believe anything what Brian Williams says.Half of people in the country will believe anything what Oprah Winfrey says.Half of people in the country will believe anything what Scott Pelley says. Half of people in the country will believe anything what Bill Maher says. And half of people in the country will believe anything what their High School teachers and College Professor says. Theyre even watch a documentry produced by Hollywood and believe it too. Theyre even believe what a liberal campaign commerical tells em who to vote for. I dont know whats the best country in the world is but it sure isnt America.