BREAKING NEWS Congress may vote ‘No’ on Syria attack


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
While President Barack Obama attempts to drum up support overseas for a potential strike against Syria, lawmakers in the United States House of Representatives appear not all that likely to authorize the use of military force.
Obama is currently meeting with international leaders in Russia at the annual G-20 meeting, where he is reportedly lobbying foreign representatives to rally behind a US-led strike against Syrian President Bashar Assad. As American politicians prepare to vote on whether or not they should authorize such an attack, however, Obama’s cause is quickly losing support in Congress.
According to analysis conducted Think Progress, lawmakers in the House are leaning towards a “no” vote with regards to approving a strike against Assad to retaliate against his alleged use of chemical weapons on Syrian civilian last month outside of Damascus.


All Mr Obama has to do is negotiate an tax deal with republican congress and get Harry Reid go along with it. Then you get ur war. You get anywhere you gotta negotiate. Youll never get anything done by sitting down with an thumb up ur ass.