China are world champions!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Since there has been somewhat of a disagreement as to the actual winner of the games...most golds or overall medals, a new formula has been worked out:

Gold Medals-5 points
Silver Medals-3 points
Bronze Medals-2 points

Under this system the US has:

Gold-36=180 points
Silver=38=114 points
Bronze-36=72 points



Gold-51=255 points
Silver-21=63 points
Bronze-28=56 points


As you can see, under this system, China can without a doubt truthfully claim to be champions of the world. Better luck in London US.
Since there has been somewhat of a disagreement as to the actual winner of the games...most golds or overall medals, a new formula has been worked out:

Gold Medals-5 points
Silver Medals-3 points
Bronze Medals-2 points

Under this system the US has:

Gold-36=180 points
Silver=38=114 points
Bronze-36=72 points



Gold-51=255 points
Silver-21=63 points
Bronze-28=56 points


As you can see, under this system, China can without a doubt truthfully claim to be champions of the world. Better luck in London US.

Does anyone in the US care? Most people here watch the olympics when they are on and then could care less as long as we win a few medals.
For those of you not liking the formula suggested in the OP, I have come across another one as a measure of Olympic success:

Gold-3 points
Silver-2 points
Bronze-1 point


Golds-51=153 points





China wins again, the US corporate backed athletes have, by any reasonable formula, been defeated. China are indeed world champions.

I would expect a better performance by the US in 2012 however, London is a much friendlier environment. Perhaps there they can live up to expectations.
China wins again, the US corporate backed athletes have, by any reasonable formula, been defeated. China are indeed world champions.

Look, I do not care if I get a warning for this, but you are a complete *****. Corporate backed athletes fine, but is that any comparision to the Chinese athletes who are taken from their homes and forced to train 16 hours a day? What is the difference?

And maybe you missed all the corporate ads and logos featuring Chinese athletes in China? So who exactly is corporate backed? Everyone is.

Your addition of "corporate backed" slows a clear penchant for ignorance as far as I am concerned.

I would expect a better performance by the US in 2012 however, London is a much friendlier environment. Perhaps there they can live up to expectations.

Yea, winning the most medals at the games, what a letdown. And for the record, I do not know what country you live in, but most people in America could care less that we did not win the gold medal count. When we do the reaction is "oh thats great" and when we do not its "oh well."

So maybe in your country you attach your national pride to the olympic medal count, but for people here it does not really matter all that much.
The "corporate backed" stuff is nonsense. A few high profile athletes are backed, others to minimal levels, many not at all in the US. Compare that with the Chinese dicatatorship. The chinese approached the olympics as a great strategic battle, with the kind of centralized planning and minute control that only a dictatorship can muster. With it's infinite ability to dispense pulic funds at will, it financed evrything to the hilt, focussing especially on the junk sports that nobody in the US is interested in. In spite of this, in almost all the REAL sports, volleyball, basketball, track, swimming - the chinese got clobbered. Where they did well in a real sport, gymnastics, it was because of cheating and blatant official malfeasance.
The "corporate backed" stuff is nonsense. A few high profile athletes are backed, others to minimal levels, many not at all in the US. Compare that with the Chinese dicatatorship. The chinese approached the olympics as a great strategic battle, with the kind of centralized planning and minute control that only a dictatorship can muster. With it's infinite ability to dispense pulic funds at will, it financed evrything to the hilt, focussing especially on the junk sports that nobody in the US is interested in. In spite of this, in almost all the REAL sports, volleyball, basketball, track, swimming - the chinese got clobbered. Where they did well in a real sport, gymnastics, it was because of cheating and blatant official malfeasance.

Oh I get it, America finished in second place because the Chinese were cheating. That sounds rather childish, don't you think?

Why not stop playing the part of the ugly American and accept defeat gracefully. Certainly the Americans can be given an A for effort if not in performance.
ROFLMAO your 3 words hits it to a tee... for nearly everyone in the world.. the Olympics is mearly a nice distraction from the everyday..

Right!!! Like the PRC dictatorship would spend zillions of dollars, turn their city upside down, deprive the countryside of everything from food to water to trees, to patch up Beijing, engage in repeated cheating, and take little kids away from their parents as infants to be raised as gymnast-bots in special schools, all for the sake of a "nice distraction". :D
Right!!! Like the PRC dictatorship would spend zillions of dollars, turn their city upside down, deprive the countryside of everything from food to water to trees, to patch up Beijing, engage in repeated cheating, and take little kids away from their parents as infants to be raised as gymnast-bots in special schools, all for the sake of a "nice distraction". :D

It's obvious you're hurt and angry over the second place finish by the US but to accuse the Chinese of "cheating" is grade school old are you again?

Keep in mind the US athletes all have the benefit in their training of the best technology and training methods in the world. Including, if the past is any guide, illegal substances to help their performances. However, the Olympics is over, I have no wish to gloat over China's victory, I will leave to your brooding as you ponder what might have been. Better luck in 2012.
It's obvious you're hurt and angry over the second place finish by the US but to accuse the Chinese of "cheating" is grade school old are you again?

You're simply brushing away the documentary evidence that has been brought up, you are too gutless to respond to it, so you offer up this laughably lame "grade school stuff".

Keep in mind the US athletes all have the benefit in their training of the best technology and training methods in the world.

No they don't - most of them are on their own, whereas the poor chinese children are raised as athlete-robots for the sake of PR for a dicatatorship.

Including, if the past is any guide, illegal substances to help their performances.

Individuals from many nations have broken the rules, including the chinese:

The difference between those INDIVIDUALS and the chinese is that the CHINESE GOVERNMENT apparently arranged for underage chinese to participate, among other cheating incidents. Get the diff einstein??? :rolleyes:

However, the Olympics is over, I have no wish to gloat over China's victory,

You mean you aren't going to add to your previous ten gloating posts? And why would ANY american gloat over the successful cheating of a foreign country?? Once again, it's clear that you aren't an american - WHO ARE YOU??
Of course they are the champions. The host country has an immense advantage in the olympics:

1. They have a larger contingent.
2. They do not suffer from the difference in time zones and climate.
3. They are familiar with the venues.
4. They have an immense crowd cheering them on.

They placed third in the last olympics so it is not at all surprising that they would finish first given the above. Plus, they had a field day in the so-called subjective events.

Personally, I was interested in the boxing and taekwondo matches. The officiating was horrendous!