China should be paid close attention to.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
They now have a Missile can strike an U S warship from 900 miles. If we can develop a patriot missile system why cant we develop something better than China has? If China is allies with North Korea it could prevent us from attacking them when Kim Jung does something.
They now have a Missile can strike an U S warship from 900 miles. If we can develop a patriot missile system why cant we develop something better than China has? If China is allies with North Korea it could prevent us from attacking them when Kim Jung does something.

Erm, we have ballistic missiles that can do much better. If North Korea attacks the south, I seriously doubt if China will intervene militarily against us if with respond to the aggression. We are their bread and butter now, and they know it. It would destroy their economy, and they aren't all that fond of North Korea despite their alliance with them. And besides, any attack by North Korea will have repurcussions in the UN Security Counsel, which would no doubt authorize the use of force.
Erm, we have ballistic missiles that can do much better. If North Korea attacks the south, I seriously doubt if China will intervene militarily against us if with respond to the aggression. We are their bread and butter now, and they know it. It would destroy their economy, and they aren't all that fond of North Korea despite their alliance with them. And besides, any attack by North Korea will have repurcussions in the UN Security Counsel, which would no doubt authorize the use of force.

Comparing an anti-ship missile with a generic "ballistic missile" is not really a valid comparison.
Ok so we should go to war?

Build a missile that can do the same thing? That would change nothing?

Build one that can prevent a attack by one? you don't think they have been doing that..since the first rockets?

China is not really a threat to the US, and long term is more likely to turn on itself as its econ fragments, and so does the nation...China has one care outside mainland china...Taiwan...that's about it...its not going to invade the US, and stands to loose a lot more backing Korea against us, then just letting it happen...what they will want , is enough power to have some say in when, how, and what happens after...

The US has control over every Sea and ocean in the world....Its logical that this is to much power in the eyes of any nation not called the US...and they will try to at least protect there own area...and have some power in it.
Erm, we have ballistic missiles that can do much better. If North Korea attacks the south, I seriously doubt if China will intervene militarily against us if with respond to the aggression. We are their bread and butter now, and they know it. It would destroy their economy, and they aren't all that fond of North Korea despite their alliance with them. And besides, any attack by North Korea will have repurcussions in the UN Security Counsel, which would no doubt authorize the use of force.

In the Korean war, they always said, China will not get in, China will not get in, China will not do anything...China.....OK well its just a few troops...ummm retreat!
Ok so we should go to war?

Build a missile that can do the same thing? That would change nothing?

Build one that can prevent a attack by one? you don't think they have been doing that..since the first rockets?

China is not really a threat to the US, and long term is more likely to turn on itself as its econ fragments, and so does the nation...China has one care outside mainland china...Taiwan...that's about it...its not going to invade the US, and stands to loose a lot more backing Korea against us, then just letting it happen...what they will want , is enough power to have some say in when, how, and what happens after...

I assure you China has other cares outside of mainland China than just Taiwan. They are very concerned about energy and other raw natural resources all throughout the Middle East and Africa. We are seeing Chinese influence spread in both of those areas quite rapidly.

Does that mean China is going to invade the US? No. Does it mean we are going to fight a war with them? Not automatically. Does it mean they are a rising peer competitor we should pay attention to? Yes.

As for Korea, I think China does care about a unified Korea that is backed by the US, which is why they are preventing any real action against NK.

The US has control over every Sea and ocean in the world....Its logical that this is to much power in the eyes of any nation not called the US...and they will try to at least protect there own area...and have some power in it.

China is expanding its influence outside of their "area" as I already mentioned. Additionally, they are making huge strides in the development of a blue water navy that will (in the long term) pose more of a threat to the US dominance of the seas.
I assure you China has other cares outside of mainland China than just Taiwan. They are very concerned about energy and other raw natural resources all throughout the Middle East and Africa. We are seeing Chinese influence spread in both of those areas quite rapidly.

Does that mean China is going to invade the US? No. Does it mean we are going to fight a war with them? Not automatically. Does it mean they are a rising peer competitor we should pay attention to? Yes.

As for Korea, I think China does care about a unified Korea that is backed by the US, which is why they are preventing any real action against NK.

China is expanding its influence outside of their "area" as I already mentioned. Additionally, they are making huge strides in the development of a blue water navy that will (in the long term) pose more of a threat to the US dominance of the seas.

Yes they have other areas of concern, one being making sure they have free passage in the Sea of China for shipping..something US Naval power can right now sqash..making it a security risk for them...but there long term security issues...are going to be internal more, not talking 10 plus years out...When China does what Japan did...and watches its Econ collapse due to lack of profit, just growing on cash flow...and when that system crashes...the central governments power will lesson as outside factors will move in to influence areas, from Japan and other places..While its own population,that still mostly does not benifit from the Econ in place even now...will push harder on it for reforms and changes.
Comparing an anti-ship missile with a generic "ballistic missile" is not really a valid comparison.

As true as that may be, you also have to consider the likelihood that China will want to get into a naval pissing war with us for any reason other than protecting their own homeland. I just don't see it.
In the Korean war, they always said, China will not get in, China will not get in, China will not do anything...China.....OK well its just a few troops...ummm retreat!

Well, gee, that happened only because McArthur stupidly crossed the Yalu River into China. How does that compare with what is going on today?
Yes they have other areas of concern, one being making sure they have free passage in the Sea of China for shipping..something US Naval power can right now sqash..making it a security risk for them...but there long term security issues...are going to be internal more, not talking 10 plus years out...When China does what Japan did...and watches its Econ collapse due to lack of profit, just growing on cash flow...and when that system crashes...the central governments power will lesson as outside factors will move in to influence areas, from Japan and other places..While its own population,that still mostly does not benifit from the Econ in place even now...will push harder on it for reforms and changes.

Since we are their largest trading partner, I fail to see how we are a security risk for them. What possible interest do we have in threatening the security of their shipping lanes? It would seem that they are more of a security risk for us since we keep catching their spies deep into our military and industrial secrets.
As true as that may be, you also have to consider the likelihood that China will want to get into a naval pissing war with us for any reason other than protecting their own homeland. I just don't see it.

I don't see it either.. yet. But, the possession of such a weapon could limit the zone that the US Navy can operate in with impunity.

Think about it, if down the line we have a crisis over Taiwan with China, and they are in possession of a very capable "ship killer" missile, it would make it a harder decision for the US policy makers to move ships into the area to counter the Chinese threat.
Since we are their largest trading partner, I fail to see how we are a security risk for them. What possible interest do we have in threatening the security of their shipping lanes? It would seem that they are more of a security risk for us since we keep catching their spies deep into our military and industrial secrets.

Becuse we can move on without them...they can't move on without us. And threw the History of China, they have cycled threw times of open and closed to the outside...China , when its econ fails, may have other nations looking to spread its influence there...and China is going to do evrything it can to stop that...

Also because you think, America would never do anything to China...Does not mean China thinks America will never do something to China.

America has allies and is long as we gain from them...We army nations one decade to blow them up the don't think other nations don't care for the fact that the US controls Shipping in the Pacific and Atlantic? You don't think that there right to Shipping lanes...comes because with our navy, have decided to let them? If the UK took power again, vastly overpowered the US navy in the Atlantic...but said, don't worry your free to don't think we would be still worried and move to correct that in-balance?

China will never have a navy to beat least in next 50 years or so...But it can still at least have something that gives them some leverage and gives the US some 2nd thoughts...Its in there Best Interest for Security...Sure its not in the US's. ...but the rest of the world does not built its Military to suit the interest of the US.
"Becuse we can move on without them...they can't move on without us."

How do you figure, since their market is over here, and our manufacturing capability is now over there? It's all in the little details...