Chris Matthews called Michele Bachmann A 'Balloon Head


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
On Tuesday's "Hardball," Chris Matthews was so incredulous about Michele Bachmann's interpretation of American history that he called her a "balloon head," and he could hardly keep himself from yelling at a co-founder of the Tea Party group which has selected the Republican to give a response to President Obama's State of the Union address.

Matthews was speaking to Tea Party Express co-founder Sal Russo. He played the same tape which had also gotten Anderson Cooper riled up, where Bachman lauds the Founding Fathers for working "tirelessly to end slavery."

"I don't know what to make of that, Sal," Matthews said. "That's balloon head. That's not what our history was founded on. We founded on a Constitution which...treated slaves as three-fifths of a person. It went all the way to the Civil War."

Matthews derided Russo and his group for making Bachmann their spokesperson.

"Why do you put someone like this forward who is a balloon head?" he said. "Who knows no American history? It's a ridiculous decision you guys have made. Do you know how little this woman knows about our history?"

Now Wheres The N.O.W,, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jacksons group? Now what if Fox News people like Bill OReilly,Sean Hannity or even Glenn Beck call Hillary or any other democratic female senator a Balloonhead?

Now Didnt IMUS Get fired for this?

Didnt Juan Williams get fired for this?

Why wasnt Dave Letterman fired for this?

And Why wasnt Daisy Hernandez fired for this?

And Bill Oreilly made this Comment

And Then womens media center want Bill OReilly to Apologize.

You see when the Left mocks the Right nothing gets done about it. But when Conservitives like Rush Limbaugh,Bill OReilly,Sean Hannity or even Glenn Beck makes comments on the left they get the AX!!! Go Figure!
I guess Chris doesn't quite get why that 3/5 was in there. If there was a single view on this it would have been 5/5ths as that would give "slave states" more votes.
What the leftwing means by vitriol and hate speech is opposition to leftwing extremist ideas. Their defamation speech is excluded.
This is relatively light name calling and I doubt it would bother anyone above the 1st grade. (unless there were political points to be scored)
she is, she is a complete idiot. I mean after all her last trip to Iowa from Minnesota to start her run for office cost the Minnesota tax payers 12.8 billion dollars...

Dont waste your breath she is not worth the energy needed for proper name calling.
Dont waste your breath she is not worth the energy needed for proper name calling.

I agree, but since it was on his show that she was calling for Democrats to be investigated for being UnAmerican...I think he enjoying ripping her a new one...not because she is Republican...he has and does vote for Republicans, and enjoys a great deal of them...and is a big fan of Goldwater.....She just is a idiot and she gets called on it. I wanted to get my legal address changed back to my parents just to be able to vote against her, but I did not..Driving around near my rents seeing all those signs for a nice reminder of why I never had alot of friends from that school and in that area...and I stuck with my friends from the city...I never felt I fit in in that little white washed burb of basically Rich hicks.
I agree, but since it was on his show that she was calling for Democrats to be investigated for being UnAmerican...I think he enjoying ripping her a new one...not because she is Republican...he has and does vote for Republicans, and enjoys a great deal of them...and is a big fan of Goldwater.....She just is a idiot and she gets called on it. I wanted to get my legal address changed back to my parents just to be able to vote against her, but I did not..Driving around near my rents seeing all those signs for a nice reminder of why I never had alot of friends from that school and in that area...and I stuck with my friends from the city...I never felt I fit in in that little white washed burb of basically Rich hicks.

So she is turning into the new McCarthy? Interesting.
yep, im surprised you have not seen the clip..she of course said it was out of context..and then that he pushed her to say it....when of course she just said it...and he gave her a chance to backtrack from what she said...

I dont like to watch any of the politician/pundits in the publics eye... It took me a while to kick the kool-aid and every time I turn on the tv it just reminds me where Ive been. When I do watch its more out of morbid curiosity than anything.
Teacherrrrr! She called me a "balloon head!"

Did not!

Did too!

Well, she called me a dirtbag first!

"OK, you both were calling names? Both have a time out."

See how easy it is to deal with childishness?
This is not what this thread is about. Look IMUS got fired for being sexist. Juan Williams got fired for being anti Muslim. But what about David Letterman who got sexiest? What about Hernadez who got Racist? Should MSNBC Fire Matthews too? I want him gone!! Like i said if any conservitive celebrity get racist or sexiest Al Sharpton or the N.O.W will try to get you fired.
This is not what this thread is about. Look IMUS got fired for being sexist. Juan Williams got fired for being anti Muslim. But what about David Letterman who got sexiest? What about Hernadez who got Racist? Should MSNBC Fire Matthews too? I want him gone!! Like i said if any conservitive celebrity get racist or sexiest Al Sharpton or the N.O.W will try to get you fired.

And Jimmy the greek snyder, and Rush as sports commentators. The rule is leftwingers are immune to consequences of their remarks. The reason for that is they still have control over a huge percentage of the media - they keep a story about conservatives alive till the person gets fired, but their own remarks come and go with no notice in the lib media.