Chris Matthews played the race card after the debate. Why didnt MSNBC fire him?

Because the left has "Papal Dispensation" in this area--or whatever the muslim equivalent is.
They are also wildly hypocritical.
I think Chris Matthews--whose career has totally crashed and burned--is drifting deeply into a state of insanity.
He has become unhinged.
He has become a laughing-stock throughout the media.
Bob Beckel--just another old fat drunk like so many other democrats--in the Kennedy tradition. o_O
I wouldn't want to be at their house for a family gathering.

I have quite liberal friends--relatives--I just avoid talking politics.
If they ask--I will deliver a soliloquy from the right.
Should not be personal. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.
I consider liberalism as a genetic aberration--indeed--a handicap.
I have quite liberal friends--relatives--I just avoid talking politics.
If they ask--I will deliver a soliloquy from the right.
Should not be personal. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.
I consider liberalism as a genetic aberration--indeed--a handicap.

Some how I can't see Alec Baldwin not being quiet or not getting ugly about his liberal beliefs.

I see Obama kicked his ass last night.. Just shut up,,BTW i heard you got thrown off the plane again
Stephen is one tough dude.
I saw him run off the "Aliens of the Corn" in some big rural field in a movie--with an 'iron' will--

If he can do all that--he can handle his brother.
Half-way decent sci-fi flick.