Common Core textbook teaching lies about the 2nd amendment???


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
You might recall that, in the middle East, various "Palestinian" schools teach their children that Jews are pigs or dogs, their textbooks show maps where Israel has been eliminated, etc. It's an effective technique, using bias and lies to ensure that the hatred against Israel and the desire for its destruction, will go on.
Well, that technique is taking root here in the United States. The "Common Core" line of textbooks, which the Fed govt has been pushing to be taught equally to all schoolchildren regardless of the desires of their parents, have been teaching things about the U.S. Constitution that are just flat lies.
I thought the purpose of textbooks, and of schools in general, was to teach our kids things that are true?
I've always heard the rumors of poor education, stories of questionable "facts" - such reports are nothing new. But it's startling to see one right up front.
This is just disgusting. Our schools are no longer educational institutions. Now they are being used as straight propaganda channels.
Common Core Textbooks Teaching Lies About The 2nd Amendment | The Federalist Papers
Common Core Textbooks Teaching Bald Faced Lies About The 2nd Amendment

By Steve Straub On May 19, 2014
The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The Common Core teaching materials in this textbook define the Second Amendment like this:

“This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison.”

Perhaps I’m wrong but I don’t think the Constitution states that people must “register their guns” or that they are only allowed “certain types of weapons”

These liberal lies are being taught as fact in some of our nations’s public schools and if nothing changes we’ll have an entire generation of people who believe the right to bear arms comes from the government and that the right to bear arms is severely limited.
Theyve been teaching that Lincoln freed the slaves when the truth us he freed zero slaves so may need to rerack your base assumptions.
Then you need to understand that Common Core does not publish textbooks so its hard to pin it on them. And if you look you will find textbooks with debatable content going back for a generation or three.
Does not make what these clowns did as ok but neither is it true that parents have no say. They have as much say as they choose to have.
Turns out this book is not a Common Core book. It is described as a workbook written and published by two former teachers at Grant Middle School in Springfield, IL.

According to the article, the Personnel Dept. at the school says they will change it "if and when".

But the school Superintendent, Bob Hill, is now weaseling like crazy. He's now saying that “no place in the book does it portray that that is the Second Amendment"... even though the book actually says, "This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison."

As the article describes, Hill said that several parents have asked him to remove the book, “which I’ve told them I wouldn’t do.”

The good news is, the two teachers who wrote the lies in the book, are now "former Grant Middle School teachers".

Two teachers down, one Superintendent to go.

Office contact information for Superintendent Bob Hill, and for the Sprengfield Il Public Schools Board of Education, are listed here:
The American left despises the US Constitution. Although some leftists praise the "Constitution", what they really mean is THEIR interpretation of it. Let's pretend that the US Constitution requires gun registration, and allows States to deny gun ownership to law-abiding citizens. Why go through the trouble of amending the Constitution when you have left-wing judges who will rule that it doesn't mean what it says??? In the days of Lincoln, the government didn't use judicial activism to get the job done. The slaves weren't freed by government decree, nor by Executive Order, nor by an arrogant judge who ruled that the Constitution didn't mean what it says. The 13th Amendment had to be passed in order to outlaw slavery, and thus changing the law of the land.

The phrase "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infriged" means EXACTLY what it says!