CSIS war-game simulations of possible war among China, US and Japan over Taiwan


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. (CNN) — A Chinese invasion of Taiwan in 2026 would result in thousands of casualties among Chinese, United States, Taiwanese and Japanese forces, and it would be unlikely to result in a victory for Beijing, according to a prominent independent Washington think tank, which conducted war game simulations of a possible conflict that is preoccupying military and political leaders in Asia and Washington.

A war over Taiwan could leave a victorious US military in as crippled a state as the Chinese forces it defeated.

At the end of the conflict, at least two US aircraft carriers would lie at the bottom of the Pacific and China’s modern navy, which is the largest in the world, would be in “shambles.”

Those are among the conclusions the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), made after running what it claims is one of the most extensive war-game simulations ever conducted on a possible conflict over Taiwan, the democratically ruled island of 24 million that the Chinese Communist Party claims as part of its sovereign territory despite never having controlled it.....

Source Link: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/09/politics/taiwan-invasion-war-game-intl-hnk-ml/index.html

2. According to John Giannandrea (Google’s head of machine learning) and many other IT experts, "computers are remarkably dumb.” Computers are stupid. They are actually entirely useless unless humans tell them exactly what to do.

Take for example, the defeat of former world chess champion Garry Kasparov by Deep Blue, an IBM computer on February 10, 1996. Although Deep Blue could evaluate 200 million moves per second, such capability was not a sign of genius. The true genius is not the machine but man (the programmer).

The CSIS war-game simulations were therefore unrealistic and incomplete as they involved only a few countries. What you feed into the computer is what you get in the end. If a war breaks out across the Taiwan Strait, it won't just involve only the Chinese, United States, Taiwanese and Japanese forces. Coward Uncle Sam will gather all his so-called allies -- Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, the UK, Canada, perhaps even NATO and the G-7 -- to fight against China in the event of a war.

In the ensuing chaos, North Korea will take the rare opportunity to "liberate" the South. Like the fisherman in the ancient Chinese fable of the snipe and clam quarrel, Russia will be waiting in the wings to reap the final benefits as in the Chinese proverb "鹬 蚌 相 争, 鱼 人 得 利".

3. In their past attempts to steal a whole country from the Red Indians, the early European settlers already showed their cowardice. They never dared to fight alone but always forged alliances with other non-white settlers and even some other Red Indian tribes. Similarly, in any potential conflict with China, the US has already shown its cowardice and atychiphobia. It is not going to fight alone against China. Instead it is ready to get all its allies to attack China if a war breaks out, just like a pack of hounds pouncing on a wolf to tear it to pieces.

To increase the chances of winning, the US has cemented such alliances as the "Quad" (consisting of the US, India, Australia and Japan) and the “Aukus” partnership (consisting of Australia, the UK and the US). Those countries of the millitary alliances surround China from the east, south and west of the so-called Indo-Pacific region. Their positions seem to form a sort of "hangman's semi-noose", ready to hang the Chinese leaders and top CPC members in the aftermath of a possible war.

4. It is utterly naive to think that the war will be fought only with conventional weapons. Hawkish US military and civilian officials will be attempted to lob at least 2,000 nuclear bombs from the huge US nuclear arsenal (about 5,550 nuclear warheads) into the Chinese mainland, knowing that the US still has over 3,000 nuclear warheads reserved for Russia and North Korea. The populations of China, the US, Japan and other US allies will be decimated by the war.

Don't think that all other countries not involved in the war will emerge relatively unscathed in the end. They won't have the benefit of being the spectators of an exciting "wrestling contest", shouting "Kill him! Kill him! Good fight! Good show!" at the end of the match. The war will disrupt the major shipping lanes and global trade. The whole world will face skyrocketing prices of food and other products, resulting in widespread hunger and famines. In fact, more people in the world including China, the US, Japan and other war participants will be expected to die from hunger than nuclear radiation.

Mankind will be on the brink of extinction. It will not be a war involving a handful of countries. In short, it will be WORLD WAR 3, as feared most by the "gas-emitting" White House incumbent in his initial reaction for not intervening in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Additional Reference:

"He’s (Trump is) a living black hole!” -- Tony Schwartz, regretting ghostwriting "The Art of the Deal" for Donald Trump

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