Dem admits Obama and Pelosi focus on healthcare over economy cost Dems the House

More important is they GOT it. By being leftwing samurai, ready to sacrifice themselves, they made a giant stride in what ghetto politician obozo said he wanted to do - transform america into his statist extremist vision of rationing and death panels, where the most critical decisions of a person's life will be taken out of his hands and turned over to an arrogant, unelected elite.

Imagine a complacent ball-less RINO doing anything analogous to that. The house republicans have to present a well-worked out free-market-based health reform bill, let it get vetoed by obozo to show who really is the party of no, pursue the constitutional challenges, and ultimately defund obozocare in the house. And conservatives have to keep the weak sister RINOs on track by working on primary challenges against them for 2012 if they don't get their asses in gear.