Does FOX news need , Hume , Ellis , Nancy?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
Tonight 10-19-09 "The factor" had three liberal stooges on. Brit Hume is so afraid to express any position that may upset Obama that he is dull, uninformed, and useless to any audience.The same reasons FOX NEWS dumped his butt as an anchor, HE is AFRAID to REPORT NEWS!-- Then FOX highlighted CRAZY ELLIS, now this guy makes Bill Ayers look like a priest. ELLIS makes no rational sense at all.Sitting with CRAZY ELLIS was his female clone Nancy dimwit , Fox gives her time to also spread her radical liberal manure. It seems O'reilly has been affected by Obana''s war declaration and now showcases radical CRAZIES spewing fascist , socialist , extreme leftist views. Whatever happened to "BOLD and FRESH", I do not know . Maybe Obama frightened his butt! lol ,I suspect loss of ADVERTISING DOLLARS will dampen FOX'S - FAIR and BALANCED approach . O'reilly LOVES MONEY most of all, in his world its principal over PINCIPLE everytime .
p.s , did you see Bill bail himself out for sitting there the night before while Juan Williams was insulted by another Black . Bill , just sit there , MUTE and cute. Allowing Juan to hang in mid slur! Yea , " He is looking out for you " unless money is envolved! Oh , yea , he says he was thinking about something else! lol,lol Maybe Obama will win his fight afterall.
I just felt you should no, I did not bother to read what you wrote

Just to help you out . I think your choice of the word "NO" should be corrected to the word "KNOW" . lol -- otherwise you sound like an Acorn Union Goon serving on the Board at GOVERMENT MOTORS!! Or a Stuttering
Community Organizer posing as a "Commander -in - disbelief" !
Three liberals seems petty balanced to me.

Was it unfair? Certainly not as unfair as Bill Maher who always has three liberals against one pub.

Were they three lib wackos? Maybe fox has trouble finding libs who are not wackos? P obama seems to have the same trouble with his cabinet and czars.

Or more likely they often have a different set of libs on the show and this time the group did happen to have more wackos than not.
Just to help you out . I think your choice of the word "NO" should be corrected to the word "KNOW" . lol -- otherwise you sound like an Acorn Union Goon serving on the Board at GOVERMENT MOTORS!! Or a Stuttering
Community Organizer posing as a "Commander -in - disbelief" !

You correcting another author for his minor slip {who NO's maybe he was setting you up :confused:} would be the same as getting Jewish viewpoints from Herr Hitler! You the QUEEN of the incorrect ENGLISH/TYPING/POSTING/VERBIAGE...LMAO are just way the hell out there running around loose among society...and off of your leash!!! :eek: