Gas prices falling


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Gas prices fall

Average retail gasoline prices in San Bernardino have fallen 3.9 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.00/g yesterday. This compares with the national average that has fallen 1.2 cents per gallon in the last week to $2.69/g, according to gasoline price website

Including the change in gas prices in San Bernardino during the past week, prices Sunday were 4.1 cents per gallon higher than the same day one year ago and are 3.7 cents per gallon lower than a month ago. The national average has decreased 5.8 cents per gallon during the last month and stands 9.4 cents per gallon higher than this day one year ago.

SEE I TOLD YA SO!! Its the WAR!!! Arabs are lowering the cost of oil because America is ending the war in IRAQ. I BLAME GEORGE W BUSH!! He wanted this war because Saddam tried to kill his daddy. Im begining to belive those 9/11 truthers. Bush had something to do with 9/11 attacks do it gives him a reason to invade IRAQ. Just like the JFK assassination conspircy it had something to do with the CIA took orders from LBJ to kill JFK So he could become the President. Take a close look at two conspircies

first 9/11

JFK assassination

You see America is a dirty country. Our government can fix prices and get into any war they choose. LBJ reasons to become President so he can end segratgation and get boys killed in the vietnam. Bush became president so he could go after saddam.So you dont think the world will end in 2012? Think again,, Obama is the 3rd antichrist.
Gas prices fall

Average retail gasoline prices in San Bernardino have fallen 3.9 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.00/g yesterday. This compares with the national average that has fallen 1.2 cents per gallon in the last week to $2.69/g, according to gasoline price website

Including the change in gas prices in San Bernardino during the past week, prices Sunday were 4.1 cents per gallon higher than the same day one year ago and are 3.7 cents per gallon lower than a month ago. The national average has decreased 5.8 cents per gallon during the last month and stands 9.4 cents per gallon higher than this day one year ago.

SEE I TOLD YA SO!! Its the WAR!!! Arabs are lowering the cost of oil because America is ending the war in IRAQ. I BLAME GEORGE W BUSH!! He wanted this war because Saddam tried to kill his daddy. Im begining to belive those 9/11 truthers. Bush had something to do with 9/11 attacks do it gives him a reason to invade IRAQ. Just like the JFK assassination conspircy it had something to do with the CIA took orders from LBJ to kill JFK So he could become the President. Take a close look at two conspircies

first 9/11

JFK assassination

You see America is a dirty country. Our government can fix prices and get into any war they choose. LBJ reasons to become President so he can end segratgation and get boys killed in the vietnam. Bush became president so he could go after saddam.So you dont think the world will end in 2012? Think again,, Obama is the 3rd antichrist.

Your tin foil hat is loose...