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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
Somewhere Nice
Could yesteryear’s Great Society have promised nearly all Americans that they would soon have instant information at their fingertips on almost any topic imaginable, from treating migraines to wiring a house to understanding Dante’s Inferno? Surely the kings, corporate magnates, and Wall Street fat-cats of earlier times would have paid fortunes for the knowledge that is now accorded to almost anyone with a computer at home, work, school, or a library, without the need of expensive specialists, scholars, or books.

Today, Americans have cheap GPS navigation systems superior to what jet pilots used 30 years ago. James Bond’s gadgets seem passé compared to the accessories available on today’s iPhones — all made available to us without a government program.

The country tore itself apart over health care in 2010. What was rarely mentioned is that dozens of cancers that were not long ago tantamount to death sentences are now treatable. For all the talk of an epidemic of obesity and couch-potato sloth, today’s 80-year-olds – thanks to new life-saving drugs, and rapid advances in correcting chronic bone, joint, hearing, vision, and dental problems – often resemble yesterday’s 60-year-olds.

As gas exceeds $3 a gallon in many parts of the country this Christmas, we rail about the rising cost, forgetting that in inflation-adjusted dollars, gas prices are not much higher than what we paid three decades ago. Our far more cleanly burning cars get almost twice as many miles per gallon as their predecessors got in 1975 — cutting our real price of gas in half.

In 1970, I was once given a ride in a plush Cadillac Coupe de Ville. Now, a mid-level Malibu, Taurus, Accord, or Camry is safer, quieter, more comfortable, and replete with a host of standard features that were yesterday’s high-ticket luxury options. I would wager that a basic Kia would run more reliably than the vintage Bentleys and Rolls-Royces of Britain’s Royal Family.

I grew up listening to scratchy vinyl records on a huge, awkward needle player. Now, thumb-sized iPods at cheaper prices hold far more songs and play them with far better quality. Flying used to be an aristocratic privilege beyond the reach of most of the middle class. Today it is an American pastime. Cruises in the 1960s were synonymous with private yachts; now the middle class enjoys luxury liners.

Three-bedroom, two-bathroom suburban houses of the 21st century are warmer in winter, cooler in summer, and with far more appliances and comforts than the vast mansions of the old rich of the mid-20th century.

In sum, Americans are richer, healthier, and have more options than at any time in their history — and in ways that do not usually register in our outdated metrics of what constitutes being wealthy or poor.

Yes, there is poverty still, and tension over relative status and influence. In addition, the good life cannot be measured by material affluence alone, but by peace of mind, security, and opportunities as well.

Yet this Christmas we should all at least give ourselves some credit. In the last three decades, the United States — through technological breakthroughs, improved worker productivity, and the importation of globalized production from abroad — has achieved a level of material prosperity for its 300 million citizens unmatched at any time in the history of civilization.

Quite simply, yesterday’s royalty would not make it into today’s middle class.

We have much to be thankful for. But, no doubt we will disagree on who and what to thank.

I thank Capitalism, Liberty, and our Constitutional Republic for these many wonderful advancements. For if the United States were saddled with ANY of the left wing ideologies these past 100 years, we all would be serfs and all the technology we take for granted would have never been invented...and of course we must give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Who do you thank?

And...Merry Christmas To All!!!