According to historical indentification, Until the age of light marked by Laplace and Descartes, God was the centre of the universe. Then scientific reasoning came to the fore and took over the scence from God. It has replaced man for God as the centre of the universe. For science with its exacting demands for proof and that truth is founded only on what we can give of evidence, without the least doubt, has ousted God from the mind of the rational, scientific person. Thus for example scienctists with their crooked system of scientitic reasoning and demand for empirical proof have rejected, with their wisdom, and of course, knowledge God for they claim they cannot proof the existence of God.
When Napoleon Bonaparte asked Laplace where is God in his theories, Laplace retorted: 'Sire I have no need for this hypothesis in my theory'. Thus if chemists, anatomists, physicists and astrophysicists ( like the crippled in mind Stephen Hawking) cannot see God, nor subject God to his labatory analyss and tets, these donkeys on two legs, cannot believe in God as Hawking concluded.
Perhass these geniuses, proud of their Nobel Prizes, may explain what is this universe? Where did it come from? How did it come about? Perhaps these eminent personalities could explain scientifically the coming about of the universe? Maybe they were before the big bang singularity preparing for it some twenty billions of years ago, and working out the succinct stages of principle elements coming to gether to produce this universe and the miserable human species within it? Who knows, but there should have been some hamburger corners and coca cola huts to provide them with nourishment. But man, being an ungrateful bastard to God, being created from a lousy sperm and coming out of his mother's **** hole remains a bastrad, throughout time. He makes himself a god while he is nothing but utter ****, from **** to ****, and has not one saying in his form or shape color of hair, even the finger nor the life cycle he is put through. Maybe the brilliant scientists neurologists for example can explain the origin or the coming about and structure of the brain formed of 120 billions of neurons. What these idiots, called scientists, with their superior scientific reasoning can bring about is not even one atom, let alone a coakraoch like themselves. But man is an arrogant bastard and he continues to be. No one idiot scientific can explain our presence, our origin and that of all species! No one astrophysicist can explain where about our solar system came from, nor why should we have a solar system and why shoulod the earth spin rottating around the earth? No one brilliant scientist can claim that he or she control the development of the human species when the sperm fecunds the ovule. All is doen before hand, all is planned beforehand and all is preprogrammed to the last detail before hand. If Laplace and Descartes, Einstein and Hawking did not create the universe, but are miserable creatures like their fellow academics, the rats and the cockroaches, then something, a powerful and All knowledgeable, All controlling Architect creator cause must have.
Idiots, the human species, and their distorted in the head biped scientists, descendants of ape, like your forefather Darwin, who missed out on explaining the presence of species and its motor of develpment, if you are blind enough not see God with your limited brains, then your eyes, already provided for you and your minds and your conditions of survival and reflection, and so are the hamburger sandwiches, believing yourselves to be gods or semi-ones, show the world what you have contributed to the universe. But, man with his arrogance remains only a discoverer and only an assembler of what already is. How self-boasting, conceited and arrogant, beyond all limits, is the human ****ty species is!! Particularly the short sighted scientists!!!
When Napoleon Bonaparte asked Laplace where is God in his theories, Laplace retorted: 'Sire I have no need for this hypothesis in my theory'. Thus if chemists, anatomists, physicists and astrophysicists ( like the crippled in mind Stephen Hawking) cannot see God, nor subject God to his labatory analyss and tets, these donkeys on two legs, cannot believe in God as Hawking concluded.
Perhass these geniuses, proud of their Nobel Prizes, may explain what is this universe? Where did it come from? How did it come about? Perhaps these eminent personalities could explain scientifically the coming about of the universe? Maybe they were before the big bang singularity preparing for it some twenty billions of years ago, and working out the succinct stages of principle elements coming to gether to produce this universe and the miserable human species within it? Who knows, but there should have been some hamburger corners and coca cola huts to provide them with nourishment. But man, being an ungrateful bastard to God, being created from a lousy sperm and coming out of his mother's **** hole remains a bastrad, throughout time. He makes himself a god while he is nothing but utter ****, from **** to ****, and has not one saying in his form or shape color of hair, even the finger nor the life cycle he is put through. Maybe the brilliant scientists neurologists for example can explain the origin or the coming about and structure of the brain formed of 120 billions of neurons. What these idiots, called scientists, with their superior scientific reasoning can bring about is not even one atom, let alone a coakraoch like themselves. But man is an arrogant bastard and he continues to be. No one idiot scientific can explain our presence, our origin and that of all species! No one astrophysicist can explain where about our solar system came from, nor why should we have a solar system and why shoulod the earth spin rottating around the earth? No one brilliant scientist can claim that he or she control the development of the human species when the sperm fecunds the ovule. All is doen before hand, all is planned beforehand and all is preprogrammed to the last detail before hand. If Laplace and Descartes, Einstein and Hawking did not create the universe, but are miserable creatures like their fellow academics, the rats and the cockroaches, then something, a powerful and All knowledgeable, All controlling Architect creator cause must have.
Idiots, the human species, and their distorted in the head biped scientists, descendants of ape, like your forefather Darwin, who missed out on explaining the presence of species and its motor of develpment, if you are blind enough not see God with your limited brains, then your eyes, already provided for you and your minds and your conditions of survival and reflection, and so are the hamburger sandwiches, believing yourselves to be gods or semi-ones, show the world what you have contributed to the universe. But, man with his arrogance remains only a discoverer and only an assembler of what already is. How self-boasting, conceited and arrogant, beyond all limits, is the human ****ty species is!! Particularly the short sighted scientists!!!