Well-Known Member
Ever since the horrific shootings in Connecticut, we have heard the usual leftist fanatics demand gun bans, assault weapon bans, huge taxes on guns, on ammo, more background checks for purchasers, shutting down gun shows, all the usual schemes.
Not one of them, of course, would have stopped any of the recent mass shootings.
People with mass murder in mind, have no problem getting guns and ammo, planning out their crimes, and executing them. And they even (gasp) violate laws to do it. Only law-abiding citizens (the ones who never shoot people) obey those laws. The mass murderers are unaffected.
It is becoming increasingly clear, that stopping the mass shootings is NOT what the gun-control crowd wants.
You have to wonder what they DO want... and why.
Why do these people try so hard to restrict law-abiding people, when it's the lawbreakers who keep killing us? What is the gun-control crowd's real purpose?
Not one of them, of course, would have stopped any of the recent mass shootings.
People with mass murder in mind, have no problem getting guns and ammo, planning out their crimes, and executing them. And they even (gasp) violate laws to do it. Only law-abiding citizens (the ones who never shoot people) obey those laws. The mass murderers are unaffected.
It is becoming increasingly clear, that stopping the mass shootings is NOT what the gun-control crowd wants.
You have to wonder what they DO want... and why.
Why do these people try so hard to restrict law-abiding people, when it's the lawbreakers who keep killing us? What is the gun-control crowd's real purpose?