Homeless in America

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
How many homeless are in the US 2022?
In the United States, there are over half a million people experiencing homelessness. These individuals live in a temporary shelter or transitional housing or sleep in a place not meant for habitation (like an abandoned building).

cost of illegals https://www.fairus.org/press-releases/new-fair-study-illegal-immigration-costs-116-billion-annually

Now how many homeless Americans are homeless by choice I have no clue many are hopeless alcoholics and dopers, but democrats don't care at all they prefer to spend their money on illegals and even give them preference.
We spend untold billions on illegals providing them with transportation medical care food and housing and even cell phones. Would that money not be better spent helping our own citizens? or it could be used to improve the health care and lives of our elderly who are poor and need help.

Boris is not homeless! He lives here.
Here is a thread from 2009 about how democrats lie about the homeless. If you are staying in the home of a family member they still consider you homeless. Huh?

Part of an ideology grounded in the idea of convincing every America they live in a horrible country.

You dislike excrement on the sidewalk? Racist!
How many homeless are in the US 2022?
In the United States, there are over half a million people experiencing homelessness. These individuals live in a temporary shelter or transitional housing or sleep in a place not meant for habitation (like an abandoned building).

cost of illegals https://www.fairus.org/press-releases/new-fair-study-illegal-immigration-costs-116-billion-annually

Now how many homeless Americans are homeless by choice I have no clue many are hopeless alcoholics and dopers, but democrats don't care at all they prefer to spend their money on illegals and even give them preference.
We spend untold billions on illegals providing them with transportation medical care food and housing and even cell phones. Would that money not be better spent helping our own citizens? or it could be used to improve the health care and lives of our elderly who are poor and need help.
Suddenly when Biden is elected these homeless become an issue. Not a mention when Trump was there. How coincidental.

Democrats can't improve healthcare because repubs keep blocking the legislation because they take bribes off big pharma.
In fact, being the fool you are would not qualify you to advise anyone how to spend money. When the cost of education is so high, I can see we're in for a refund on you.

Boris is not homeless! He lives here.
Youre becoming a little paranoid about me. I seem to have gotten over you lately and displacement doesn't sit easy with you.
Youve become a shrinking violet, petulant sensitive little thing. Not adjusted to the rigours of facts and truth. You'll never command respect with silly posts like that. Very childish indeed.