how long can Russia stand such losses

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
  • Approximately 55,110 (+400) military personnel;
  • 2,236 (+9) tanks;
  • 4,776 (+28) armoured combat vehicles;
  • 1,341 (+1) artillery systems;
  • 318 (+0) multiple-launch rocket systems;
  • 169 (+1) air defence systems;
  • 253 (+0) fixed-wing aircraft;
  • 218 (+1) helicopters;
  • 941 (+9) operational-tactical UAVs;
  • 240 (+1) cruise missiles;
  • 15 (+0) ships/boats;
  • 3,630 (+20) vehicles and tankers;
  • 125 (+0) special vehicles and other equipment.

Its getting bad and the Russian body's are stacking up like firewood as their cowardly leaders run .
ah yes...newsweek..the mag that keep telling us that we were winning in Vietnam..

no authoritative source given for the data of course..probably made up by some chickenhawk on a nowhere web site.

there IS a source for these numbers..but guess what

Comrade Stalin
We lol . you don't count as we .
Yoi can pretend russia is wrong and putin has vastly underestimated the world's reaction in the Ukraine's ability to defend itself.
It's also very amusing that Putin overestimated his military's ability to fight and the technology they have available.
? Something I think most people forget is when you invade the country you have soldiers who don't have anything in the battle but when you invade a country and people are fighting for their home they fight like hell. Russians don't believe in this battle only the ones that kiss Putin's ass do the leaders in the military have been known to run like cowards and leave their troops behind to deal with the problem that's why they're shooting officers and running away and Russia is shooting those who desert just like the Nazis would have done. When you have to threaten your troops with being shot or fight you know they. Are either cowards or feel thier leaders are wrong