How To Beat Trump


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2014
Actually, it will be quite easy if the people ever grow a backbone, and some integrity (especially the so-called "Christian" community), and vote for honest people, and patriots. Oregon, one of the top States in the nation, and California, have done so. I found this article to be interesting for many reasons, however, two paragraphs stood out as I was reading it:

"And yet no place is a more hopeful model for the future than California. Despite recent tax increases and tough environmental laws, its economy has been outperforming the rest of the nation. Between 2012 and 2016, California accounted for over 17 percent of US job growth. In 2016 California’s GDP grew at nearly twice the rate of the national economy. California is the nation’s leader, and often the world’s, in progressive energy policy and in reducing the per capita consumption of water, fossil fuels, and other natural resources; in creating the technologies of the future; and in celebrating the rich cultural mix that ethnic diversity produces.

That’s part of California’s story. The other part is its own recent history. In 1994, voters passed Proposition 187, an initiative that would have denied undocumented immigrants all public services, including schooling. Just as Trump does today, California back then sought to drive out immigrants, but later came to understand there was no future in that. After all, immigrants provided much of the labor force for the state’s agriculture and service sectors. Now California protects immigrants, and its majority-minority population—white, black, Latino, Asian, and so forth—looks very much like America’s will in another 25 years."

More about Oregon here:
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California understood the hard way that expelling a large number of immigrants had unintended consequences. Trump doesn't understand that concept with practically anything he does.
California understood the hard way that expelling a large number of immigrants had unintended consequences. Trump doesn't understand that concept with practically anything he does.

You would have thought they learned a lesson when Obama did it in 2011. This happened in 2005, and then again in 2012:

Another example:

And another:
Shame on Obama. Trump had a big showing in rural states, and they're the ones that are going to be hurt the most by deportation. Hopefully they will turn on their congressmen and Trump. It is really sad to see deportations of dreamers leaving their families behind.