If the Warsaw Uprising had been reported like Gaza


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
German leader Adolf Hitler stated yesterday that the German Army would put down the activities of the Armia Krajowa in Warsaw, part of the State of Greater Lebensraumia. The Armia has been using Katusha rockets smuggled in from the international pariah state of the Soviet Union, a well known supporter of terrorism and anti-religious intolerance. The rockets have been striking military bases and civilian residences of the German Defence Force outside of Warsaw.

Germany claims the territories of the former Poland, Czechoslovakia and other states citing historical claims going back to Barbarian times. The German Sage, Joseph Goebbels has written to call these territories the "Holy Land" sacred to German blood.

The President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, supported Herr Hitler stating that no state
would permit it's population to be attacked in this way.

Comrade Stalin
German leader Adolf Hitler stated yesterday that the German Army would put down the activities of the Armia Krajowa in Warsaw, part of the State of Greater Lebensraumia. The Armia has been using Katusha rockets smuggled in from the international pariah state of the Soviet Union, a well known supporter of terrorism and anti-religious intolerance. The rockets have been striking military bases and civilian residences of the German Defence Force outside of Warsaw.

Germany claims the territories of the former Poland, Czechoslovakia and other states citing historical claims going back to Barbarian times. The German Sage, Joseph Goebbels has written to call these territories the "Holy Land" sacred to German blood.

The President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, supported Herr Hitler stating that no state
would permit it's population to be attacked in this way.

Comrade Stalin

As usual you have things exactly backwards.

The modern day Nazis are the Muslims who desire to murder ALL the Jews....just as Uncle Joe's buddy Hitler desired.

How does it feel to align yourself with Nazis? It must bring back wonderful memories of those heady days after the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and the unwarranted invasion of Poland, Finland, and the Baltic States....then happily murdering or imprisoning all who resisted....and what great times it was when the Polish officers were all executed in cold blood at Katyn...then blaming the Nazis for your dirty work.
As usual you have things exactly backwards.

The modern day Nazis are the Muslims who desire to murder ALL the Jews....just as Uncle Joe's buddy Hitler desired.

How does it feel to align yourself with Nazis? It must bring back wonderful memories of those heady days after the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and the unwarranted invasion of Poland, Finland, and the Baltic States....then happily murdering or imprisoning all who resisted....and what great times it was when the Polish officers were all executed in cold blood at Katyn...then blaming the Nazis for your dirty work.
I agree that there are some similarities between the people of Gaza and the Warsaw uprising. The Palestinians have been persecuted like the Polish Jews. If Israel invades Gaza it will suffer the same fate. It might have an initial victory but will lose all respect of the rest of the world. Yes it might be even blamed for the death of Palestinians even if others were responsible as Gipper points out in respect of Polish officers. Many will commit suicide or be kill by their own side as reported recently in Gaza, But the Jews will be blamed for everything. It is interesting that after the war a large part of Germany was given to Poland. Does the present Israeli government want history to repeat itself.
I agree that there are some similarities between the people of Gaza and the Warsaw uprising. The Palestinians have been persecuted like the Polish Jews. If Israel invades Gaza it will suffer the same fate. It might have an initial victory but will lose all respect of the rest of the world. Yes it might be even blamed for the death of Palestinians even if others were responsible as Gipper points out in respect of Polish officers. Many will commit suicide or be kill by their own side as reported recently in Gaza, But the Jews will be blamed for everything. It is interesting that after the war a large part of Germany was given to Poland. Does the present Israeli government want history to repeat itself.

The Palestinians have had numerous opportunities to thrive in Israel. But due to their Nazi like antisemitism and other factors, they have refused and have chosen war.

The similarities between the Jew hating Muslims and the Nazis are broad and deep.

Comparing Gaza to the Warsaw ghetto is completely nonsensical. The Palis in Gaza chose their conditions. They were not forced into a ghetto as were the Polish Jews. As such, comparing the Jews of Warsaw to the Palis of Gaza is ignorant and diminishes the terrible suffering inflicted by the Nazis on Polish Jews.
The Palis in Gaza chose their conditions. They were not forced into a ghetto as were the Polish Jews. .

News to any family that has lived in Gaza for generations and now finds itself blockaded, bombed and abused.

Comrade Stalin.
The Palestinians have had numerous opportunities to thrive in Israel. But due to their Nazi like antisemitism and other factors, they have refused and have chosen war.

Are you aware that you, and all supporters of Zionism, are using a term coined by a german racist ?

" The term Semite means a member of any of various ancient and modern Semitic-speaking peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including; Akkadians (Assyrians and Babylonians), Eblaites, Ugarites, Canaanites, Phoenicians (including Carthaginians), Hebrews (Israelites, Judeans and Samaritans), Ahlamu, Arameans, Chaldeans, Amorites, Moabites, Edomites, Hyksos, Arabs, Nabateans, Maganites, Shebans, Sutu, Ubarites, Dilmunites, Bahranis, Maltese, Mandaeans, Sabians, Syriacs, Mhallami, Amalekites and Ethiopian Semites. It was proposed at first to refer to the languages related to Hebrew by Ludwig Schlözer, in Eichhorn's "Repertorium", vol. VIII (Leipzig, 1781), p. 161. Through Eichhorn the name then came into general usage (cf. his "Einleitung in das Alte Testament" (Leipzig, 1787), I, p. 45). In his "Geschichte der neuen Sprachenkunde", pt. I (Göttingen, 1807) it had already become a fixed technical term.[6] "


The term "anti-Semitic" (or "anti-Semite"), owing to the circumstances of its coining, and as established by longstanding usage, refers exclusively to hostility or discrimination directed at Jews.[7] (This remains true, even though the word "Semite" and most uses of the word "Semitic" do not make specific reference to Jews, but speak much more broadly to any people whose native tongue is, or was historically, a member of the associated language family.[8][9]) "Anti-Semitic" was coined in 1879 by German journalist Wilhelm Marr in a pamphlet called Der Weg zum Siege des Germanenthums über das Judenthum ("The Way to Victory of Germanicism over Judaism").[citation needed] Using ideas of race and nationalism, Marr argued that Jews had become the first major power in the West. He accused them of being liberals, a people without roots who had Judaized Germans beyond salvation. In 1879 Marr founded the "League for Anti-Semitism".[10]


Oh dear - Arabs are semites too !!!

Comrade Stalin
It's often forgotten that almost 6 million Poles lost their lives under the German occupation of Poland and those educated and middle-class Poles were especially targeted to turn Poland into a colony full of illeterate peasants and Eastern Europeans in general were considered 'Slavs' racially inferior to Germans. Nazi Germany's hunger for 'living space' had led to genocide but it was a misguided policy which only antagonised the subject peoples in the occupied territories, which precipitated the regime's demise and the British Empire lasted much longer because the British cooperated well with the local elites.
It's often forgotten that almost 6 million Poles lost their lives under the German occupation of Poland and those educated and middle-class Poles were especially targeted to turn Poland into a colony full of illeterate peasants and Eastern Europeans in general were considered 'Slavs' racially inferior to Germans. Nazi Germany's hunger for 'living space' had led to genocide but it was a misguided policy which only antagonised the subject peoples in the occupied territories, which precipitated the regime's demise and the British Empire lasted much longer because the British cooperated well with the local elites.
The Germans are still paying for their war time crimes. The Palestine Arabs did not commit any crime in WW2 but still lost their homes due to the establishment of Israel. They could have stay but were treated as second class citizens by Israel. were . The British Empire lost most of its territory after the war but do have a higher standing in most of their ex colonies because they behaved better. Palestine is an exception.

The present truce proves that Palestine gain more from its rockets than years of negotiation. If the blockade is lifted Palestine will gain much.
The present truce proves that Palestine gain more from its rockets than years of negotiation.
Australia was established as a British colony, your country was stolen from the aboriginal people who were there first. If those aboriginals decided to begin using terror strikes against Australian civilians, with the stated goal of killing all Aussies and retaking their homeland from you, who they see as the occupying colonial forces, how would you respond to their demands that you leave Australia or be killed?
Aboriginal nationalism is dangerous and some Aboriginal activists are leaning towards extremism and many government buildings in Australia fly the Aboriginal flag but it is encouraging a secessionist movement and Australia should integrate them as Australians rather than treating them as a different group of people who are entitled to have their own culture entirely different from the nation's British heritage and the current multicultural approach is likely to backfire in the near future.
Aboriginal nationalism is dangerous and some Aboriginal activists are leaning towards extremism and many government buildings in Australia fly the Aboriginal flag but it is encouraging a secessionist movement and Australia should integrate them as Australians rather than treating them as a different group of people who are entitled to have their own culture entirely different from the nation's British heritage and the current multicultural approach is likely to backfire in the near future.
There is no hope that Australian aboriginals will secede. All we are doing is acknowledge them as the original owners of the land. Their flag has as much right as the union Jack. We are no longer primary British as most migrants are now Asian.
The Question "Does Australia have a right to exist"could apply to any country that does not have control by its original inhabitants. There are few countries still inhabited by the same people.
The Aboriginals were a hunter gathering civilization Although they occupied Australia for 40,000 yeas their population on white settlement was very small less than 100.000. They could not compete against the Europeans who introduced farming and a far greater population. They were rob of their hunting lands and put on missions, In some cases they die from European introduce diseases including the whole population of Tasmania
By English law the whites had the rights by conquest. This applies the the Americas where Indians lost their land and even most of Europe where people drove out the original inhabitants.

Whether there is a moral right may be debated. But Australia is now given compensation to the Aboriginals. Some of their land has been handed back Aboriginals can vote. This is in constrast to the Jewish treatment of the Arab settlers of Palestine.
Australia is one of those former white colonies of the British Empire and it survived decolonisation because it is a white majority country just like Canada and the US but both Zimbabwe and South Africa had to make a transition to majority rule by enfranchising Africans and Israel was also a British colony under the British Mandate for Palestine and it's no different from Jordan or Lebanon which were artificially created in the mandate era and the Jewish state has every right to exist as long as it can maintain a Jewish majority.