Inferior Establishment


Active Member
Jan 12, 2014
The USA is number 57, on the list of countries with the highest alcohol abuse rates, 57 is pretty damn low.
So Why should the USA join Inferior Europe in making it legal to use at ages that range from no minimum age, to 14, 16, and 18 ?

Europe's technology is Inferior to that of the USA

Europe's outlook on life is Inferior to that of the USA, even Britain when you talk about death, or even life, they sound like Somali warlords, and that is supposed to be the USA of Europe ? lol

Europe has several times the alcoholism, and other drug addictions compared to the USA.

European alcohol is much stronger than American.

The food in Europe is inferior to the food of the USA, inferior quality, and inferior variety.
The Overall Standard of living in Europe, is 30 % less than in the USA.

Why the FUCK should we join an Inferior establishment ?

How about the Inferior establishment that is Europe join us, because usually the leader is the one to follow lol