Invest07 - aka Gator Head


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
I guess this is like a first AA meeting when you introduce yourself and say something like "I am an addict".
On Science:
I believe in science but I don't trust most scientists.
I don't believe evolution is an adequate explanation for origins.
I have had a passionate interest in science since I was a wee tike, many moons ago.
I am greatly disappointed to see present day science taken over by agenda driven groups and ideologues.
I am constantly aware of the difference between science and pseudo science.
On politics:
At one time I was a liberal. Roe v Wade has an epiphany for me. I examined my belief system, inside and out, and decided to jump the fence. My belief system today is not too different from Ronald Reagan and not at all like the neo-cons. I am for less government, fiscal conservatism and lower taxes.
I am a supporter of the Fair Tax proposal.
On Religion:
I am a believer in God. I am also a defender of my faith using unconventional methods, such as Creation Science and demonstrating the veracity of the Bible.
I reject the false religion of Global Warming and its high priest/prophet, Al Gore.
I can quote the Bible as well as anyone but usually don't.
Your belief system is your business. If your belief system has logical flaws, I will not hesitate to point them out. This does not mean I am trying to convert you to my belief but only to think.
I am part rational thought and part passion. (I guess I'm more like Kirk than I am like Spock or Bones)
On Political Correctness:
PC is an insidious form of censorship. PC divides society into those who are protected by PC and everyone else for who has a bullseye on their back. I reject any and all aspects of PC and call on like minded people to say "Hell NO" to PC.
On Volunteerism:
I am a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, my church, Goodwill and AIDS patients. I believe every one has a purpose in life and one of my purposes in life is to give back to others. Volunteerism has given a new level of meaning to my life. (Sounds a little sappy, doesn't it?)
On Education:
College degree and have worked for 34 years in a profession related to my degree. I believe in a voucher system and choice for parents. I have no problems with tax money going to faith based schools, because the money does not beloing to the government but to the taxpayers.
I believe the problem with our public schools began with the social experiments of the "Great" Society. It was a serious mistake to turn our kids/students into lab rats for social tinkerers.
On Abortion:
It is murder.
It is a heinous and barbaric medical procedure which has no business being sancioned in a civilized society.
It is frighteningly similar to the "Final Solution" except that it has claimed far more lives.
On Race
I believe we are all members of the same race (Human). Everyone alive today is a descendant of Noah. Racial lines have been drawn based on social experimentation and not on the basis of any defensible genetic differences.
I don't see Black/White/Red/Yellow.
I believe that any group can be racist. That includes the notable racists J. Jackson and Bullhorn Al.
Sexual preference:
Straight and married for 30+ years to the same woman, who is possibly a saint.
I personally think homosexuality is immoral but your preference is your business and none of mine. I'll leave your belief system alone if you'll do the same for me.
Raised two kids who are almost to the point of being productive citizens.
On Gun Control:
Gun control is hitting what you are aiming at.
One of the early steps every totalitarian society has taken is to confiscate guns held by private citizens.
The best way to reduce crime is to make criminals afraid that you might, just might, shoot back.
On War
We will never eliminate war. No society in history ever has, and survived. It is a necessary evil and should be entered into only as a last resort and then defensively.
Every life is precious, even the lives of the enemy. Taking life is a serious matter and should never be done lightly.
War should be sanctioned by society. Then the war should be fought by the military, without interference from politicians. The war in Iraq was sanctioned by Congress and should be fought by the military, to its conclusion.
For all his shortcomings, I believe GWB understands the threat to us from radical Islam.
The Southern Border:
Every Prez since Reagan has seriously dropped the ball here. Our current employment laws should be strictly enforced. Dry up the jobs and you don't have to deport. Explain to the CEO's of ADM and Centex Homes that they will face personal prosecution for hiring illegals and then step back and watch the flood headed south.
I don't believe in the neo-con version of a European Union style North and South America.
On Foreign policy:
I am a borderline isolationist. Let the rest of the world police and feed itself. The UN should be relocated to Europe and our contribution to the UN should be reduced to a fair share. We should bring our troops home from Germany and Japan. And we should bring our troops home from the Middle East, as soon as feasible.
Our goal in the world should be solely to defend our national interests and not to bale out other countreis.
1. The blindest are not those who can't see but those who refuse to see.
2. Question everytning, particularly science. If it is based on reality, it will stand your scrutiny. If it is based on conjecture, assumptions or speculation it will soon look like swiss cheese.
3. It ain't easy bein' human.
Ha I dont like invest07 from first impressions (as far as politics go). Abortion, Noah, Creationism, Religion... we don't share anything.

Political Correctness though... you're a friend of mine.
If ArmChair General hates you, then you're alright in my book. Welcome to the board!
Welcome.... don't take these guys so seriously on this section of the forum... they will however provide for some good discussion on the other sections...
Never have I been more insulted in my life. In retaliation I plan to add you to a list of hate groups and sick the UN on you, then take a vote to ouster you from the forum and if the election doesn't go my way, well damnit I'll want a recount.

OR you could just sanction him (just consult the UN).