Is the storming of the Capitol the Beginning of the End for the American Republic?


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. It was on January 6, 2021 that the American republic perhaps entered its first death throes. If there are no consequences for the President of the United States, or his foot soldiers who sacked the national legislature at his direction in an attempt to install him in power for another term, it's safe to say this is the beginning of the end. They will do this again and it will be worse, even if and when Donald Trump flees to his gaudy members' club in Florida. If it is not Trump who sees this fascist project to the end and reaps the full bounty of its dark rewards, someone else will. The president brought his people to Washington and, speaking to them in front of the White House, the seat of executive power, he told them in his mafia-don way to march down Pennsylvania Avenue to the seat of the Legislative Branch and show the Enemies their "strength." His dipshit son and his deranged lawyer were even more explicit when they addressed the crowd. The message was not in doubt. Having failed to persuade a majority of Americans to keep him in power, the president sought to stay there by force.....

They won't be, though, just as it is so unbelievably unlikely that Donald Trump will be impeached for, again, sending a fascist mob to the Capitol to physically stop the federal legislature confirming he will leave power. You could almost forget there's a tape of him attempting to extort Georgia public officials into rigging the state's election in his favor. It's difficult to think of a situation that more obviously calls out for impeaching a president, but Democrats have already signaled that they do not grasp what's going on. The turn-the-page caucus is in control. The Democrats who are calling for Trump's removal are in many cases begging Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment, though some are doing their duty and calling for impeachment in the legislature. Meanwhile, just 13 people were arrested for their part in the riot yesterday. The alarming message so far is that there are no consequences, for political leaders or for the street mobs they incite, for engaging in an insurrection. They even marched the Confederate flag into the United States Capitol. If there are no consequences, this is the beginning of the end.


2. My idol Jack Holmes pointed out in the title of his article: "If There Are No Consequences, This Is the Beginning of the End for the American Republic. The insurrection at the United States Capitol on Wednesday will be the first act, not the last."

His view is quite similar to what I commented in my thread on January 07, 2021: "The storming of the Capitol building by Trump's loyalists...was JUST THE BEGINNING of the darkest hours of US history and democracy.....In today's information age, even if the outgoing "Me First" president is forced to seek asylum or self-exile abroad, he could still rally or incite his followers and supporters to violence and insurrection in his bid to regain his 'throne'."

3. It is naive to believe the "Me First" president would leave the White House quietly like an obedient schoolboy and live like a hermit for the rest of his life. As a self-proclaimed Messiah, in other words the "American son" of God and "American brother" of Jesus Christ, it is not surprising that he considers himself the rightful heir to the "American throne" in the mortal world as long as he is not summoned home to his heavenly kingdom by his beloved Father in Heaven. :)

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