JANUARY 6th!!!!!!!

Don't forget the loopies on here who still think it was a peaceful protest, it was all orchestrated by Pelosi to make Trump look bad, the FBI were involved in agitating the republican idiots and all those hundreds who were charged etc, were scapegoats.

That is what represents the GOP now. Not a sceric of logic it thought. Blame some one else for their attempted destruction of a democracy yet still yearn for the return of Trump as if the problem will be cured by more of the problem itself. Get your head around that logic.

Their whole agenda is not about what's best for America, the economy doesn't come into it. Improving the lives of millions is not desired. They only want complete control and all opposition to be physically and politically destroyed. Trump's coup was proof of that.
Look at the corruption and dirty deals they did to get McCarthy over the line. The near violence in the house because of their squalid tactics. That is a precedent to what will come if they get control of the senate.

Am I the only one who noticed MTG taking a phone call from Trump amidst the voting? That's evidence of how corrupt they are by taking riding instructions from a failed coup leader.
They are a bunch of squalid opportunities with no plans for the country. It's just power they want.